Gas pipeline construction

The contractor shall notify the landowner of the commencement of the works, either by post or in person, at least 28 days in advance.
- Due to the extensive scope of the project, the actual start of works on individual properties may occur later than at the date indicated in the notification.
- In case when the owner/usufructuary is not willing to make the property available after 28 days from the date of notification, GAZ-SYSTEM will address an application to the competent Voivode for the property to surrender the property by way of administrative proceedings.
- Prior to the commencement of construction works, the contractor acting on behalf of GAZ-SYSTEM is required to describe the condition of the property in the presence of the landowner, i.e. indicate the type of crops, greenery (trees and bushes) and other development elements.
- In the absence or impossibility of contact with the landowner or usufructuary of the property, the report will be drawn up unilaterally – only by the contractor.
- In order to limit the damage, it is recommended that any components or non-permanent structures that may be reused by the landowner/usufructuary are removed from the area to be used as the construction site.
- Due to the possibility of the impact of the investment project on the area of the plot eligible for subsidies under the direct support scheme, agri-environmental payments, or payments under RDP (Rural Development Programme), LFA (Less Favourable Areas) and other, the beneficiary should contact the ARMA District Office to obtain information as to the necessity to exclude the area of the plot on which construction works will be carried out from the subsidies, within a time limit appropriate to the occurrence of force majeure or other extraordinary circumstances. The notification may be made on the basis of the received notice of commencement of construction works.
- Lists of the areas to be designated for the construction site, with a breakdown by real estate property, are available at commune offices.
- The works contractor is obligated to carry out the works in a defined area that constitutes the assembly strip. The standard width of the assembly strip is 36 metres in areas consisting of arable land, meadows, pastures, wasteland and 28 metres in forested areas. In special cases, e.g. when crossing infrastructure using trenchless methods, this strip may be widened.
- The works contractor is obliged to provide access to and from the plots, buildings and associated facilities during the performance of works.
- When there are trees or shrubbery on the property that interfere with the project, they will be cut down beforehand.
- The timber acquired from the felling is handed over to the property owner which is confirmed with a delivery and acceptance report.
- If drainage courses are broken during the execution of the works, the works contractor is obliged to rebuild them.
- An acceptance report executed between the landowner and the works contractor must be drawn up in respect of the performed works.
Upon completion of the construction and assembly works, the works contractor is obliged to reclaim the land occupied for the purposes of the project and to draw up a property acceptance report, which should be signed by the property owner.
- The acceptance report should be drawn up in two counterparts, one for each party. The GAZ-SYSTEM’s copy of the report will be handed over to the Voivode and will be part of the documents used to assess the amount of compensation.
- The owner of the property may only resume use of the part of the property occupied for the purposes of the investment after the said report has been drawn up.