Zdzieszowice – Wrocław

Basic parameters and description of the project:
Project status:
Project route and location:
The gas pipeline has been divided into two sections:
The gas pipeline route will follow the existing high-pressure gas pipeline through:
- high pressure gas pipeline
- diameter: 1000 mm
- operating pressure: 8.4 MPa
- length: approx. 130 km
Project status:
- completed.
- engineering phase completed in December 2017 with obtaining all decisions required for the building permit.
- permit to operate and commissioning of the Section I gas pipeline (July 2020) and Section II (December 2020).
Project route and location:
The gas pipeline has been divided into two sections:
- Section I Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów (from Skarbimierz to Kiełczów), 49 km long , implemented by the GAZ-SYSTEM Branch in Wrocław.
- Section II Zdzieszowice - Brzeg (from Leśnica to Skarbimierz) 80 km long, implemented by GAZ-SYSTEM Branch in Świerklany.
The gas pipeline route will follow the existing high-pressure gas pipeline through:
- the Lower Silesia Voivodeship – the municipalities of: Długołęka, Czernica, Oława, the town of Oława.
- the Opole Voivodeship – the municipalities of: Skarbimierz, Olszanka, Lewin Brzeski, Dąbrowa, Opole, Prószków, Tarnów Opolski, Gogolin, Zdzieszowice and Leśnica.

The investment will result in improved security of gas transmission in the Lower Silesia and Opole regions, and, on a national scale, provide increased capacity and better diversification of gas supply sources.
In addition, the Zdzieszowice - Wrocław gas pipeline will be an important link of the North-South Gas Corridor.
Local communities will gain an important benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually by GAZ-SYSTEM at the rate of 2% of the value of the transmission infrastructure to be located in the territory of each municipality. This amount will be a regular contribution to the local budget which may be spent on community needs.
In addition, the Zdzieszowice - Wrocław gas pipeline will be an important link of the North-South Gas Corridor.
Local communities will gain an important benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually by GAZ-SYSTEM at the rate of 2% of the value of the transmission infrastructure to be located in the territory of each municipality. This amount will be a regular contribution to the local budget which may be spent on community needs.
- Design Engineer for both sections was: PGNIG "GAZOPROJEKT" S.A. from Wrocław.
- Section I - Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów:
- Building Contractor was: STALPROFIL S.A.,
- Investor's Supervision Contractor were: the Consortium of SGS Polska Sp. z o.o. and BBF Poznań Sp. z o.o.
- Section II – Zdzieszowice - Brzeg
- Building Contractor was: IDS-BUD S.A.
- Investor's Supervision Contractor were: the Consortium of MGGP S.A. (leader) and J.S. Hamilton S.A.
The project was implemented on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 24 April 2009 on investments in regasification terminal for liquefied natural gas in Świnoujście (for consolidated text see Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1836).
The project has been granted funding from the European Union under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014-2020.
The maximum amount of co-financing under the contract exceeds 340 million PLN.
The maximum amount of co-financing under the contract exceeds 340 million PLN.
The European Commission has granted the PCI (Project of Common Interest) status to the project. More information on the significance of the PCI status for the development of gas transmission infrastructure can be found in the dedicated section on PCI projects.
While implementing its investment projects GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. respects the rights of all interested stakeholders. We encourage you to send comments and questions concerning the project which has been granted the PCI using the Form for questions and comments concerning the implementation of projects with PCI status by GAZ- SYSTEM.
While implementing its investment projects GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. respects the rights of all interested stakeholders. We encourage you to send comments and questions concerning the project which has been granted the PCI using the Form for questions and comments concerning the implementation of projects with PCI status by GAZ- SYSTEM.
Environmental decision
On 1 July 2015, the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Opole issued Decision No. WOOŚ.4210.16.2014.MH.114 on the environmental conditions for the project consisting in the construction of the Zdzieszowice - Wrocław gas pipeline DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa, approx. 130 km long, with associated facilities and infrastructure necessary for its operation, including: Section I - Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów with a length of approx. 49 km, Section II - Zdzieszowice - Brzeg with a length of approx. 84 km”
On 11 August 2016, the General Director for Environmental Protection (GDEP) issued Decision No. DOOŚoaII.4203.4.2015, in which the objections of the party to the proceedings which appealed against the decision of the Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Opole were dismissed, and, at the same time, the decision was revoked in part and new provisions were introduced to the decision on environmental conditions, which imposed additional restrictions on the Investor.
On 23 September 2016, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. filed a complaint with the Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw against the decision of the GDEP. The court hearing took place on 27 February 2017, during which the RAC revoked the GDEP’s decision in respect of the part which revoked some provisions and introduced new provisions to the environmental decision issued by RDEP in Opole.
On 3 August 2017, the General Director for Environmental Protection issued Decision No. DOOŚoaII.4203.4.2015/2016, in which the determination made in the decision of 11 August 2016 was upheld and the reasons for the decision were supplemented.
Decision on location
On 26 July 2016, the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction issued decision no. DLI.I.6620.46.2015.AN.11 NK: 110441/16 partially revoking decision no. I-Pg-40/2015 of the Lower Silesian Voivode in the part concerning plots nos. 4 and 5 AM-57, precinct 0003 Oława, and in this respect referred the case for re-examination to the first instance authority; the Minister’s decision also revoked the provisions concerning the time limit for releasing the property or vacating the premises, as well as the provision identifying the properties in relation to which the Investor is entitled to free-of-charge occupation for the duration of project execution and ruled in this respect.
On 30 January 2017, the Lower Silesian Voivode issued Decision No. I-Pg- -1/17 establishing the location of the investment project associated with the development of the LNG regasification terminal in Świnoujście, consisting in the construction of the high-pressure gas pipeline Zdzieszowice - Wrocław DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa together with the associated facilities and infrastructure necessary for its operation, including: Section I Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów and Section II Zdzieszowice- Brzeg on the territory of Lower Silesia Province in respect of plots No. 4 and 5 AM-57, precinct 0003 Oława.
On 30 November 2016, the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction issued decision ref. DLI.I.6620.38.2015.AN.16 on declaring the decision establishing the location issued by the Opole Voivode on 22.10.2015 as final and binding.
Building permit decisions
On 24 May 2017, the Lower Silesian Voivode issued Decision No. 9/17 on the building permit for the development of a project within the scope of the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście titled: “The construction of gas pipeline Zdzieszowice - Wrocław DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa, length approx. 130 km, together with accompanying facilities and infrastructure necessary for its operation, including: Section I – Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów, length approx. 46 km, Section II - Zdzieszowice - Brzeg, length of approx. 84 km”, for the part concerning the section Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów”.
On 1 July 2015, the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Opole issued Decision No. WOOŚ.4210.16.2014.MH.114 on the environmental conditions for the project consisting in the construction of the Zdzieszowice - Wrocław gas pipeline DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa, approx. 130 km long, with associated facilities and infrastructure necessary for its operation, including: Section I - Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów with a length of approx. 49 km, Section II - Zdzieszowice - Brzeg with a length of approx. 84 km”
On 11 August 2016, the General Director for Environmental Protection (GDEP) issued Decision No. DOOŚoaII.4203.4.2015, in which the objections of the party to the proceedings which appealed against the decision of the Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Opole were dismissed, and, at the same time, the decision was revoked in part and new provisions were introduced to the decision on environmental conditions, which imposed additional restrictions on the Investor.
On 23 September 2016, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. filed a complaint with the Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw against the decision of the GDEP. The court hearing took place on 27 February 2017, during which the RAC revoked the GDEP’s decision in respect of the part which revoked some provisions and introduced new provisions to the environmental decision issued by RDEP in Opole.
On 3 August 2017, the General Director for Environmental Protection issued Decision No. DOOŚoaII.4203.4.2015/2016, in which the determination made in the decision of 11 August 2016 was upheld and the reasons for the decision were supplemented.
Decision on location
- Section I - Brzeg – Zębice – Kiełczów
On 26 July 2016, the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction issued decision no. DLI.I.6620.46.2015.AN.11 NK: 110441/16 partially revoking decision no. I-Pg-40/2015 of the Lower Silesian Voivode in the part concerning plots nos. 4 and 5 AM-57, precinct 0003 Oława, and in this respect referred the case for re-examination to the first instance authority; the Minister’s decision also revoked the provisions concerning the time limit for releasing the property or vacating the premises, as well as the provision identifying the properties in relation to which the Investor is entitled to free-of-charge occupation for the duration of project execution and ruled in this respect.
On 30 January 2017, the Lower Silesian Voivode issued Decision No. I-Pg- -1/17 establishing the location of the investment project associated with the development of the LNG regasification terminal in Świnoujście, consisting in the construction of the high-pressure gas pipeline Zdzieszowice - Wrocław DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa together with the associated facilities and infrastructure necessary for its operation, including: Section I Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów and Section II Zdzieszowice- Brzeg on the territory of Lower Silesia Province in respect of plots No. 4 and 5 AM-57, precinct 0003 Oława.
- Section II – Zdzieszowice - Brzeg
On 30 November 2016, the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction issued decision ref. DLI.I.6620.38.2015.AN.16 on declaring the decision establishing the location issued by the Opole Voivode on 22.10.2015 as final and binding.
Building permit decisions
- Section I - Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów
On 24 May 2017, the Lower Silesian Voivode issued Decision No. 9/17 on the building permit for the development of a project within the scope of the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście titled: “The construction of gas pipeline Zdzieszowice - Wrocław DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa, length approx. 130 km, together with accompanying facilities and infrastructure necessary for its operation, including: Section I – Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów, length approx. 46 km, Section II - Zdzieszowice - Brzeg, length of approx. 84 km”, for the part concerning the section Brzeg - Zębice - Kiełczów”.
- Section II – Zdzieszowice - Brzeg
Under a special act regulating gas infrastructure projects, compensation payments are guaranteed to the owners of the land affected by the project development.
The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation.
Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.
For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.
The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation.
Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.
For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.