List of Reliable Supplies

At GAZ-SYSTEM, we value sound and reliable cooperation. We care about timeliness and high quality of ordered supplies, services and construction works, as well as efficient cooperation and good relations with suppliers.
To give credit to reliable contractors, we have created a List of Reliable Suppliers. The list is a GAZ-SYSTEM tool that takes into account the performance of supplies, services and construction works in the strategic purchasing categories for our company. Inclusion on the list is a certificate of quality and recognition that we give to our suppliers and contractors.
We include on the Reliable Suppliers List companies that, in the 12 months preceding the evaluation, have completed at least one contract awarded as a result of a non-public tender procedure and have passed the evaluation process of the completed contract.
Upon completion, the contract is submitted for evaluation in terms of timeliness, quality of execution and quality of cooperation. Contract evaluations are verified by the director of the unit with substantive responsibility for implementation, and are calculated through a dedicated IT system. Entry is conditional on receiving a minimum of 7 points out of a possible 10.
The LoRS consists of separate sections for each of the key purchasing categories. The companies on the list are listed alphabetically, updates to the list are made monthly, and an entry on the list is valid for twelve months from the date of publication.
By virtue of their presence on the LoRS, GAZ-SYSTEM suppliers are entitled to certain preferences, e.g. in the form of an additional score when evaluating bids submitted in subsequent non-public procurement proceedings, or a shortened invoice payment period.
The LoRS is one of the tools for building lasting, long-term relations between GAZ-SYSTEM and its suppliers.
For more information on the list and the evaluation system, see below.
To give credit to reliable contractors, we have created a List of Reliable Suppliers. The list is a GAZ-SYSTEM tool that takes into account the performance of supplies, services and construction works in the strategic purchasing categories for our company. Inclusion on the list is a certificate of quality and recognition that we give to our suppliers and contractors.
We include on the Reliable Suppliers List companies that, in the 12 months preceding the evaluation, have completed at least one contract awarded as a result of a non-public tender procedure and have passed the evaluation process of the completed contract.
Upon completion, the contract is submitted for evaluation in terms of timeliness, quality of execution and quality of cooperation. Contract evaluations are verified by the director of the unit with substantive responsibility for implementation, and are calculated through a dedicated IT system. Entry is conditional on receiving a minimum of 7 points out of a possible 10.
The LoRS consists of separate sections for each of the key purchasing categories. The companies on the list are listed alphabetically, updates to the list are made monthly, and an entry on the list is valid for twelve months from the date of publication.
By virtue of their presence on the LoRS, GAZ-SYSTEM suppliers are entitled to certain preferences, e.g. in the form of an additional score when evaluating bids submitted in subsequent non-public procurement proceedings, or a shortened invoice payment period.
The LoRS is one of the tools for building lasting, long-term relations between GAZ-SYSTEM and its suppliers.
For more information on the list and the evaluation system, see below.
- The LoRS is a monthly updated alphabetical list of suppliers who have duly performed at least one contract awarded through a non-public tender procedure for GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in the last 12 months preceding the assessment, and successfully passed the evaluation process in respect of at least one completed contract.
- For each of the procurement categories which are selected taking into account the strategic activity of GAZ-SYSTEM, we publish a separate alphabetical list of suppliers, which includes: description of the category, name of the supplier, address of its registered office, Tax Identification Number (NIP) and expiry date of the entry on the LoRS. The supplier assessment is performed based on evaluations of contracts completed by the supplier in the last 12 months. The assessments are carried out on a monthly basis using IT systems and based on a proprietary algorithm defined by GAZ-SYSTEM.
- The only way to be entered on the List of Reliable Suppliers is to obtain the appropriate score in the supplier’s period assessment, i.e. to receive at least 7 out of 10 points. When a supplier already entered on the LoRS undergoes the periodic assessment, it also has to obtain the score of at least 7 in the repeated assessment to remain on the list, otherwise the supplier is removed from the LoRS.
- The entry on the LoRS is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of publication of the list. When a supplier entered on the LoRS in a given category qualifies for a subsequent periodic assessment and the obtained score is sufficient for entry on the LoRS, the validity of the entry is automatically extended by additional 12 months.
- When, during a period of 12 months, a supplier from the LoRS obtains a score lower than 6 in the evaluation of completed contracts in a given category, such supplier is considered to have lost the necessary credibility and, despite the validity of the entry, is removed from the List of Reliable Suppliers.
- When the supplier causes the termination, cancellation or withdrawal from the contract due to circumstances for which it is responsible, it is considered to have lost the necessary credibility. In such situation, the score obtained by the supplier is 0 due to the termination, cancellation or withdrawal and, despite the validity of the entry, is removed from the next edition of the List of Reliable Suppliers in the respective category. Depending on the circumstances, the Contracting Entity may also decide to immediately remove the Supplier from the LoRS.
- Following a waiting period of at least 3 months, the supplier may be re-entered on the LoRS provided that all of the following conditions are met:
a) the supplier has completed a new contract in the relevant category, which obtained a score of at least 7 in the evaluation, and
b) the supplier has obtained the score of at least 7 in a periodic assessment taking into account contracts from the last 12 months.- In case of the entry on the List of Unreliable Suppliers, the supplier is automatically and simultaneously removed from the LoRS. The waiting period for suppliers removed from the List of Unreliable Suppliers is 12 months.
- The waiting period does not apply to suppliers previously removed from the LoRS due to low scores. The re-entry on the LoRS in this case depends only on the obtained score.
- The LoRS is an internal tool of GAZ-SYSTEM and therefore suppliers are not entitled to any claims related to the application of this tool in the course of and following the completion of the relevant procedure.
Following the completion, each contract from the categories selected by GAZ-SYSTEM is subject to a systemic evaluation on three dimensions, i.e. timeliness, quality and cooperation. Each evaluation takes into account the nature of the subject of the contract.
- Timeliness – the evaluation focuses on the timely completion of individual work stages and compliance with the time schedule.
- Quality – the evaluation covers in particular the organisation of works and supervision in respect of the performed construction works, correct interventions of the investor supervision inspectors, quality control in respect of detailed engineering design documentation, verification of the effectiveness of the author’s supervision, coordination of the implementation of the detailed project execution plan, monitoring of works' progress with regard to the planned execution time and the project budget, conducting coordination meetings, reporting on the implementation; technical reliability of the equipment used confirmed by current technical inspections, appropriate calibration of measuring instruments, suitable machinery, specialist software for technical analyses and engineering services; expertise and experience of the supplier’s team, aesthetics and functionality of the completed subject of the contract, completeness of deliveries, safety of materials.
- Cooperation – the evaluation concerns the form and quality of the supplier's interaction with the contracting entity, timely processing and responding to correspondence as well as quick and precise clarification of any contentious issues.