Standards of agreements

The presented draft agreements are used by GAZ-SYSTEM in the procurement procedures organised. Model agreements in procurement procedures, depending on the specific subject matter of the contract in question, shall be used in content in accordance with the posted files, with modifications to the posted files, or, if a draft cannot be applied to the subject matter in question, the model agreements developed for the contract in question shall be used.

Due to the characteristics of the contract in question, as well as variable or specific circumstances relating to the award of the contract, the Company reserves the right to amend, deviate from, as well as rescind individual draft agreements.

The purpose of making these draft agreements available is solely to enable potential Contractors to familiarise themselves with the Company’s contractual standards, and these documents are therefore non-binding and do not constitute a source of any obligation on the part of the Company.

In any event, Contractors shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the contract in question, including the contractual provisions constituting an appendix to the contract documents. If doubts are raised or changes are desired, Contractors should submit requests for clarification of the content of the proposed contractual provision or for its amendment in accordance with the procedure set out in the relevant purchasing procedure.

Agreements to download

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