Tenders procedures

As company of strategic importance to national energy security, GAZ-SYSTEM performs carries out its tasks through suppliers of goods and services selected in procurement procedures. The company is subject to the Public Procurement Law.
The procurement platform through which public and non-public proceedings is conducted by the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Company is located at the address:
We encourage you to register with OnePlace MarketPlanet. Without an account on the above-mentioned platform you will not be able to participate in any procurement procedures carried out by the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Below we provide details on how to join the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Procurement portal:
- Clients with a OnePlace account:
In the "Services" section, search for "GAZ-SYSTEM Procurement System", use the "Connect" button, and accept the required GDPR consents. Once this is done, the system will automatically change the form of the button from "Connect” to "Enter". You can also use this dedicated link:
https://oneplace.marketplanet.pl/web/panel/uslugi/dodaj/-/platform/GAZSYSTEM which will take you directly to the "GAZ-SYSTEM" tile in the "Services" section where you must accept the required GDPR consents.
- Customers without a OnePlace account:
The account verification process may take up to 2 working days so we encourage you to create your account on the OnePlace platform in advance.
For information about the qualification process in the Dynamic Non-Public Procurement System qualification, Procurement Platform (in the search engine, select the Type of Procedure - Dynamic Non-Public Procurement System)".
For information about the Preliminary Market Consultation, see Procurement Platform (in the search engine, select the Type of Procedure - RFI).
For information about ongoing RFIs see Procurement Platform (in the search engine, select the Type of Procedure - RFI).