Poland – Lithuania

Basic parameters and description of the project:
The aim of the project was the construction of a new cross-border gas pipeline, which will connect the natural gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania. The project will have a positive impact on the development of the gas market in the region and price competitiveness, which will strengthen the role of gas as an important element of the energy transformation.
The parties to the project were GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., the operator of the Polish transmission system and AB Amber Grid the operator of the Lithuanian transmission system.
The project scope includes the Gustorzyn Gas Compressor Station. This compressor station is also an important component of the Baltic Pipe project. The facility’s role will be to enable the flow of gas volumes from, among other countries, Norway (Baltic Pipe) to the compressor station and then directing this stream towards, among others, Lithuania (GIPL).
The scope of the interconnection project also includes the adaptation of the gas compressor station in Hołowczyce for the expansion of the transmission system.
Status of the investment on the Polish side:
Route and location of the project on the Polish side:
Gas pipeline on the Polish side was divided into the northern and southern sections:
The aim of the project was the construction of a new cross-border gas pipeline, which will connect the natural gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania. The project will have a positive impact on the development of the gas market in the region and price competitiveness, which will strengthen the role of gas as an important element of the energy transformation.
The parties to the project were GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., the operator of the Polish transmission system and AB Amber Grid the operator of the Lithuanian transmission system.
The project scope includes the Gustorzyn Gas Compressor Station. This compressor station is also an important component of the Baltic Pipe project. The facility’s role will be to enable the flow of gas volumes from, among other countries, Norway (Baltic Pipe) to the compressor station and then directing this stream towards, among others, Lithuania (GIPL).
The scope of the interconnection project also includes the adaptation of the gas compressor station in Hołowczyce for the expansion of the transmission system.
- high pressure gas pipeline,
- diameter: 700 mm,
- operating pressure: 8.4 MPa,
- length – on the Polish side approx. 343 km, on the Lithuanian side approx. 165 km.
Status of the investment on the Polish side:
- gas pipeline construction completed,
- the engineering design phase was completed in June 2019 in respect of the gas pipeline and in February 2020 for the project as a whole, with obtaining all the decisions required for a building permit,
- gas pipeline was commissioned on 22.09.2022.
Route and location of the project on the Polish side:
Gas pipeline on the Polish side was divided into the northern and southern sections:
- Northern section the Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station — PL-LT border:
- Podlasie and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships.
- Length: approx. 185 km.
- Location: 5 districts and 16 municipalities.
- The expected project completion date: July 2022.
- The northern section is divided into 3 tasks:
- Task no. 1 Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station – Konopki Block Valve Station
- Task 2 – Konopki Block Valve Station – Kuków Block Valve Station
- Task No. 3 Kuków Block Valve Station – PL-LT border
- Southern section Hołowczyce Compressor Station – Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station:
- Voivodeships: Mazovian and Podlasie.
- Length: approx. 158 km.
- Location: 7 districts and 17 municipalities (Sarnaki , Boguty-Pianki, Andrzejewo, Siemiatycze, Town of Siemiatycze, Grodzisk, Drohiczyn, Perlejewo, Ciechanowiec, Klukowo, Czyżew, Zambrów Szumowo, Łomża, Śniadowo, Nowogród, Mały Płock).
- The expected project completion date: July 2022.
- The southern section is divided into 2 tasks:
- Task 1: Hołowczyce Compressor Station to the border of Podlasie Voivodeship (Gnaty- Soczewka).
- Task 2: Podlasie Voviodeship border (Gnaty-Soczewka) – Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station.

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The Gas Interconnection Poland - Lithuania (GIPL) is considered by the European Commission as infrastructure contributing to the integration of the European gas system and the creation of a liberalised gas market in the north-eastern part of Europe. The purpose of the project is to build a new cross-border gas pipeline to connect the natural gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania and enable the diversification of gas supply directions to Baltic countries.
The pipeline will contribute to the elimination of the so-called energy islands, i.e. regions dependent on gas supplies from one direction only, and also to the integration of the Baltic States into the European Union’s gas market while providing access to the global LNG market, e.g. through the receiving terminal in Świnoujście.
The development will contribute to the improvement of environmental conditions and standards of living thanks to the possibility of replacing solid fuels with natural gas, especially in cogeneration systems supplying both heat and power. The investment will enhance the competitiveness of the north-eastern regions of Poland. The new transmission infrastructure will enable the supply of gas through the distribution network, but also the direct connection of large industrial customers to the high-pressure gas pipeline system. Opportunity will also emerge to bring natural gas to areas which, until now, have had no access to this fuel.
The implementation of the investment project will make it possible to:
Local communities will gain a significant benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at the rate of up to 2% of the value of the pipeline section located in the territory of each municipality.
This amount will be a regular contribution to the local budget which may be spent on community needs.
The pipeline will contribute to the elimination of the so-called energy islands, i.e. regions dependent on gas supplies from one direction only, and also to the integration of the Baltic States into the European Union’s gas market while providing access to the global LNG market, e.g. through the receiving terminal in Świnoujście.
The development will contribute to the improvement of environmental conditions and standards of living thanks to the possibility of replacing solid fuels with natural gas, especially in cogeneration systems supplying both heat and power. The investment will enhance the competitiveness of the north-eastern regions of Poland. The new transmission infrastructure will enable the supply of gas through the distribution network, but also the direct connection of large industrial customers to the high-pressure gas pipeline system. Opportunity will also emerge to bring natural gas to areas which, until now, have had no access to this fuel.
The implementation of the investment project will make it possible to:
- develop the transmission system in new areas and improve the technical parameters of the network throughout the country;
- increase the investment attractiveness of the north-eastern regions of Poland;
- promote the use of natural gas as a low-carbon fuel with a view to the European Union’s environmental and climate objectives.
Local communities will gain a significant benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at the rate of up to 2% of the value of the pipeline section located in the territory of each municipality.
This amount will be a regular contribution to the local budget which may be spent on community needs.
Legal basis
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The project was implemented on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 24 April 2009 on investments in regasification terminal for liquefied natural gas in Świnoujście (for consolidated text see Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1836).
Co-financing by the European Union
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The investment has received funding from the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme.
The maximum amount of co-financing under the agreement exceeded 176.5 million Euro.
The maximum amount of co-financing under the agreement exceeded 176.5 million Euro.
Project of Common Interest (PCI)
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The European Commission has granted the PCI (Project of Common Interest) status to the project. More information on the significance of the PCI status for the development of gas transmission infrastructure can be found in the dedicated section on PCI projects.
While implementing its investment projects GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. respects the rights of all interested stakeholders. We encourage you to send comments and questions concerning the project which has been granted the PCI using the Form for questions and comments concerning the implementation of projects with PCI status by GAZ- SYSTEM.
While implementing its investment projects GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. respects the rights of all interested stakeholders. We encourage you to send comments and questions concerning the project which has been granted the PCI using the Form for questions and comments concerning the implementation of projects with PCI status by GAZ- SYSTEM.
Compensation payments
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Under a special act regulating gas infrastructure projects, compensation payments are guaranteed to the owners of the land affected by the project development.
The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation. Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.
For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.
The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation. Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.
For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.
Public consultations
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Between 2016 and 2020, during the design of the project, GAZ-SYSTEM held several rounds of consultation meetings in all municipalities where the Poland-Lithuania gas pipeline was to be built. The meetings were open to all interested parties. The purpose of the consultations was to provide information on the project and to collect feedback.
Contacts to Contractors and Investor
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Northern section
Building Contractor:
18-500 Kolno
phone number. +48 782 888 051
e-mail: biuro@romgos.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
MGGP S.A. z siedzibą w Tarnowie
Biuro WNI w Łomży
ul. Wojska Polskiego 159
18-402 Łomża
phone number. 662 186 271
e-mail: biuro.wni.1.pl@mggp.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
NDI Energy Sp. z o.o. – Lider Konsorcjum, NDI Sopot S.A. oraz NDI Sp. z o.o.
Biuro Budowy w Ełku
ul. Suwalska 84A
19-300 Ełk
phone number. +48 782 888 051
e-mail: ndienergy@ndi.com.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
MGGP S.A. z siedzibą w Tarnowie
Biuro WNI w Ełku
ul. Suwalska 84A
19-300 Ełk
phone number. +48 513624531
e-mail: biuro.gipl2@mggp.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
JT S.A. – Lider Konsorcjum, IMP PROMONT d.o.o.
Biuro Budowy w Suwałkach
Biała Woda 46 16-402 Suwałki
phone number. + 48 606 124 656
e-mail: pstafiej@jtsa.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
MGGP S.A. z siedzibą w Tarnowie
Biuro WNI w Suwałkach
ul. Bakałarzewska 21 16-400 Suwałki
phone number. +48 512 849 514
e-mail: biuro.wni.3.pl@mggp.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
Odcinek południowy
PANGAZ Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
Romgos Gwiazdowski Sp. z o.o. – Lider Konsorcjum, Tolos Sp.k.
Biuro budowy w Siemiatyczach
ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 88
17-300 Siemiatycze
phone number. +48 782 888 320
e-mail: s.bogacz@romgos.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
PANGAZ Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
Biuro budowy w Szumowie
ul. Szkolna 2
18-305 Szumowo
phone number. 500 053 057
e-mail: angelika.karolak@porr.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
ECM Group Polska S.A.
Biuro WNI w Łomży
ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 1A
18-400 Łomża
e-mail: biuro.gazociag.or2@jsh.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
- Task no. 1 Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station – Konopki Block Valve Station
Design engineer was:
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o.
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
Biuro Budowy w Kolnie
ul. Towarowa 618-500 Kolno
phone number. +48 782 888 051
e-mail: biuro@romgos.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
MGGP S.A. z siedzibą w Tarnowie
Biuro WNI w Łomży
ul. Wojska Polskiego 159
18-402 Łomża
phone number. 662 186 271
e-mail: biuro.wni.1.pl@mggp.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
- Task no. 2 Konopki Block Valve Station – Kuków Block Valve Station
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
NDI Energy Sp. z o.o. – Lider Konsorcjum, NDI Sopot S.A. oraz NDI Sp. z o.o.
Biuro Budowy w Ełku
ul. Suwalska 84A
19-300 Ełk
phone number. +48 782 888 051
e-mail: ndienergy@ndi.com.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
MGGP S.A. z siedzibą w Tarnowie
Biuro WNI w Ełku
ul. Suwalska 84A
19-300 Ełk
phone number. +48 513624531
e-mail: biuro.gipl2@mggp.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
- Task no. 3 Kuków Block Valve Station – PL-LT Border
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
JT S.A. – Lider Konsorcjum, IMP PROMONT d.o.o.
Biuro Budowy w Suwałkach
Biała Woda 46 16-402 Suwałki
phone number. + 48 606 124 656
e-mail: pstafiej@jtsa.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
MGGP S.A. z siedzibą w Tarnowie
Biuro WNI w Suwałkach
ul. Bakałarzewska 21 16-400 Suwałki
phone number. +48 512 849 514
e-mail: biuro.wni.3.pl@mggp.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
Odcinek południowy
- Task 1: Hołowczyce Compressor Station to the border of Podlasie Voivodeship (Gnaty- Soczewka)
PANGAZ Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
Romgos Gwiazdowski Sp. z o.o. – Lider Konsorcjum, Tolos Sp.k.
Biuro budowy w Siemiatyczach
ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 88
17-300 Siemiatycze
phone number. +48 782 888 320
e-mail: s.bogacz@romgos.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
- Task 2: Podlasie Voviodeship border (Gnaty-Soczewka) – Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station
PANGAZ Sp. z o.o.
Building Contractor:
Biuro budowy w Szumowie
ul. Szkolna 2
18-305 Szumowo
phone number. 500 053 057
e-mail: angelika.karolak@porr.pl
Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
ECM Group Polska S.A.
Biuro WNI w Łomży
ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 1A
18-400 Łomża
e-mail: biuro.gazociag.or2@jsh.com.pl
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Rembelszczyźnie
ul. Jana Kazimierza 578
05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna
phone number. +48 22 220 11 37
e-mail: komunikacja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
- Brochure on the Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (PL)
- Brochure on the Poland – Lithuania northern section Task 1 Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station – Konopki Block Valve Station (PL)
- Brochure on the Poland – Lithuania northern section Task 2 Konopki Block Valve Station – Kuków Block Valve Station (PL)
- Brochure on the Poland – Lithuania northern section Task 3 Kuków Block Valve Station – PL-LT Border (PL)
- Brochure on the Poland – Lithuania southern section -Stage 1 - Hołowczyce Compressor Station to the border of Podlasie Voivodeship (PL)
- Brochure on the Poland – Lithuania southern section -Stage 1 - The border of Podlasie Voivodeship - Rudka-Skroda Block Valve Station (PL)
- EU support