Skoczów – Komorowice – Oświęcim

Gas pipeline under construction
Basic parameters and description of the project:
  • high pressure gas pipeline,
  • diameter: 500 mm,
  • operating pressure: 8.4 MPa,
  • length: about 58 km.

The gas pipeline has been divided into five stages:
  • Stage I SSRP Oświęcim – node Oświęcim Zaborze. Length: about 0,55 km
  • Stage II ZZU Wilamowice – SSRP Oświęcim. Length: about 20,9 km
  • Stage III ZZU Komorowice - ZZU Wilamowice. Length: about 11,3 km
  • Stage IV (a & b) ZZU Komorowice - ZZU Wapienica. Length: 8,4 km
  • Stage V Pogórze - ZZU Wapienica. Length:  about 17,3 km

Project status:
  • Stage I - start of construction of the gas pipeline,
  • Stages II, III, IVa, IVb, V - under design. 

Project route and location:
The gas pipeline will be located in the Silesian Voivodeship, in the municipalities of: Skoczów, Jasienica, Bielsko-Biała, Bestwina and Wilamowice, and the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, in the municipalities of: Kęty and Oświęcim.
A map showing the route of the Skoczów-Komorowice-Oświęcim gas pipeline


The construction of the high-pressure gas pipeline Skoczów - Komorowice - Oświęcim is an important element in strengthening Poland's energy security.

The implementation of the project will bring about the following benefits:
  • increase of the transported gas volumes gas to meet the needs of customers located in Podbeskidzie region and the Upper Silesian agglomeration,
  • enhanced attractiveness of land for new investment,
  • strengthening of the security of gas transportation in the region.
Local communities will gain an important benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually at the rate of 2% of the value of the pipeline section located in the territory of a given municipality.

Public consultations

GAZ-SYSTEM invites public consultations on Phase V of the Skoczow - Komorowice - Oświęcim gas pipeline project.
Date Place of consultation Commune Precinct Detailed information about the consultation
godz. 10:00 – 16:00

Dom Kultury w Komorowicach
ul. Olimpijska 16
43-346 Bielsko-Biała 
sala widowiskowa

Bielsko-Biała Komorowice Śląskie, Komorowice Krakowskie, Stare Bielsko  Invitation and regulations of the consultation
Route of stage IV a and b
godz. 10:00 – 16:00

Budynek OSP Mazańcowice
ul. Strzelców Podhalańskich 350 
43-391 Mazańcowice

Jasienica Mazańcowice
The consultations will take the form of one-on-one meetings with residents, with no pre-registration required.

Administrative decisions

Environmental decision:
On 20 February 2015, the Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Katowice issued Decision No. WOOŚ.4210.16.2013.AM.48 on environmental conditions for the project named: “The planning study of the Skoczów - Komorowice - Oświęcim as pipeline”.

August 24, 2023. The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Cracow issued a decision under the sign OO.420.23.2022.EB.11 on environmental conditions for the undertaking called "Construction of DN500 MOP 8.4 MPa gas pipeline between Skoczów-Komorowice-Oświęcim - stage II from ZZU Wilamowice to ŚNO in Oświęcim."

October 27, 2023. The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Katowice issued the decision WOOŚ.420.24.2023.AM.9 on environmental conditions for the project named "Construction of DN500 MOP 8.4 MPa gas pipeline of Skoczów-Komorowice-Oświęcim relation - stage V from the existing Pogórze junction to ZZU Wapienica".

November 7, 2023. The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Katowice issued the decision WOOŚ.420.24.2023.AM.14 on environmental conditions for the undertaking named "Construction of DN500 MOP 8.4 MPa gas pipeline on the Skoczów-Komorowice-Oświęcim relation - stage III from ZZU Komorowice to ZZU Wilamowice".

Decision on location:
On 20 March 2017, the Lesser Poland Voivode issued a decision on the location of the investment project associated with the development of the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście, titled: “The construction of a gas pipeline DN 500 MOP 8.4 MPa Skoczów - Komorowice - Oświęcim” making part of the development of the Skoczów - Komorowice - Oświęcim - Tworzeń gas pipeline together with the infrastructure necessary for its operation, in the territory of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.

On 12 April 2017, the Silesian Voivode issued Decision No. 2/2017 on the location of the investment project associated with the development of the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście, titled: “The construction of a gas pipeline DN 500 MOP 8.4 MPa Skoczów - Komorowice - Oświęcim” making part of the development of the Skoczów - Komorowice - Oświęcim - Tworzeń gas pipeline together with the infrastructure necessary for its operation.

Building permit:
On 21 November 2022, Lesser Poland Voivode issued Decision No. 77/B/2022, Case No. WI-II.7840.17.7.2022.MB, in which he approved the land development project and the architectural-construction project, and granted a permit for the construction of the DN500, MOP 8.4 MPa high-pressure gas pipeline between Skoczów-Komorowice-Oświęcim stage I, along with the accompanying infrastructure. 

Compensation payments

Under a special act regulating gas infrastructure projects, compensation payments are guaranteed to the owners of the land affected by the project development.

The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation. Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.

For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.

Contacts to Contractors and Investor

Design engineer:
Stage I
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ‑SYSTEM S.A.
Biuro Projektowe
ul. Gazowa 3
50-513 Wrocław
phone number. +48 885 884 120, +48 669 095 477
Stage II
Ramboll Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 r. 7
02-366 Warszawa
Stage III
OTS-IP Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Krakowie,
ul. Kapelanka 26,
30-347 Kraków
Stage IVa
Górnicze Biuro Projektów PANGAZ Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bratysławska 2/7
31-201 Kraków

Stage IVb
Górnicze Biuro Projektów PANGAZ Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bratysławska 2/7
31-201 Kraków
Stage V
ul. Strzegomska 55A
53-611 Wrocław

Building Contractor:
Stage I
ul. Płochocińska 111
03-044 Warszawa

Construction Office:
ul. Karola Olszewskiego 22 (II piętro)
43-600 Jaworzno
phone number. +48 604 515 639

Investor’s Supervision Contractor:
Stage I
Ayesa Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Szyb Walentego 26a
41-700 Ruda Śląska

Contract Office:
ul. Obrzeżna Północna 17
41-400 Mysłowice

Gas Transmission Operator GAZ‑SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Świerklanach
ul. Wodzisławska 54
44‑266 Świerklany
phone number. 32 439 25 00