GAZ-SYSTEM is actively involved in shaping transmission network development plans on the European and regional level. This is includes the drafting of the following documents:
  • TYNDP - Ten Year Network Development Plan,
  • CEE GRIP – Central Eastern Europe Gas Regional Investment Plan,
  • BEMIP GRIP – BEMIP Gas Regional Investment Plan.

Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP)

Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) is concerned with the analyses of the prospects for gas demand growth in the EU countries, sources and directions of gas supply and the impact of infrastructure development on the functioning of the gas market. The specific objectives and assumptions for the TYNDP stem from the EU’s legislation, namely Regulation (EC) 715/2009 and Regulation (EU) 347/2013.

The main objective of the analyses carried out in the TYNDP is to assess the contribution of gas infrastructure to the achievement of European energy objectives, including:
  • security of supply
  • competition,
  • market integration,
  • sustainability.
TYNDP is prepared by ENTSOG - European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas. The organisation was established in 2009 following the adoption of the Third Energy Package. Its role and tasks are specifically defined in EU law. The key objectives are:
  • promoting the development of the EU internal market in natural gas,
  • promoting cross-border gas trade, specifically through the development of: European network codes, European and regional network development plans, gas supply outlooks, CBA methodologies, recommendations on the coordination of technical cooperation between operators and instruments supporting market transparency.

Regional Investment Plans (CEE GRIP and BEMIP GRIP)

The regional investment plans are prepared by the transmission operators as part of their cooperation within ENTSOG in order to promote regional cooperation in line with the provisions of Article 7 of Directive 2009/73/EC and Article 12 of Regulation 715/2009/EC. The regional plans complement the analyses carried out in the TYNDP with particular emphasis on the assessment of regional context

GAZ-SYSTEM is engaged in the preparation of the regional investment plans for