Wężerów – Przewóz

Key project parameters:
Investment status:
- high pressure gas pipeline;
- maxiumu operating pressure: 8.4 MPa;
- as part of the investment, the following will be built:
- DN 700, MOP 8.4 MPa gas pipeline with a length of about 44 km, along with DN 500 (1.0 km) and DN 300 (0.2 km) branches;
- o regulation and measurement station with a capacity of Q=180,000 Nm3/hour “Krakow-Przewóz”;
- o measurement station “Kraków-Przewóz” Q=150,000 Nm3/hr;
- DN 700 “Wężerów” transmitting and receiving sluice;
- three barrage and relief units: "Skrzeszowice", "Kraków - Jeziorko" and "Kraków - Na Niwach".
- gas pipeline under construction.
The project is located in Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The gas pipeline will be routed through the territories of the following municipalities: Słomniki, Radziemice, Kocmyrzów-Luborzyca, Koniusza i Kraków.
The Wężerów - Przewóz gas pipeline, directly connected to the North-South Gas Corridor, will allow a new route for supplying gas fuel to customers in the City of Kraków. It will contribute to improving energy security and ensuring continuity of supply with increased demand for gas. The implementation of the investment will also create opportunities to connect new industrial customers, especially in the electric power sector.
Local communities will gain an important benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at the rate of 2% of the value of the pipeline section located in the territory of a given commune.
Local communities will gain an important benefit of the revenue from the property tax to be paid annually by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at the rate of 2% of the value of the pipeline section located in the territory of a given commune.
The project is implemented on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 24 April 2009 on investments in regasification terminal for liquefied natural gas in Świnoujście (for consolidated text see Journal of Laws of 2024, item 551).
GAZ-SYSTEM is holding information and consultation meetings for property owners covered by the decision on the location of the investment, which was issued by the Małopolska Voivode:
The consultations will be conducted in the form of on-call and individual meetings with residents, with no need for prior registration.
During the talks, interested people will be able to learn about the scope and schedule of the project, the route of the gas pipeline, the procedure for compensation, among other things.
Date | Place of consultation | Commune | Precinct | Detailed information about the consultation |
20.11.2023 12:00 – 17:00 |
Remiza OSP w Rawałowicach, 32-010 Rawałowice 1a |
Czulice, Goszyce, Karniów, Pietrzejowice, Rawałowice, Skrzeszowice |
Invitation and regulations for consultations |
KONIUSZA | Wronin Zielona |
22.11.2023 12:00 – 17:00 |
Muzeum Archeologiczne Oddział Nowa Huta ul. Sasanek 2a 31 985 Kraków |
NH-19, NH-21, NH-22, NH-23, NH-24, NH-35, NH-36, NH-38, NH-39, NH-40, NH-42, NH-43, NH-46, NH-60, NH-61 |
Invitation and regulations for consultations |
P-108, P-109 |
27.11.2023 12:00 – 17:00 |
Urząd Miejski w Słomnikach ul. Kościuszki 64 32-090 Słomniki Sala obrad - pok. 19, II piętro |
SŁOMNIKI | Brończyce, Czechy, Kępa, Prandocin, Prandocin Iły, Prandocin Wysiołek, Trątnowice, Waganowice, Wężerów |
Invitation and regulations for consultations |
RADZIEMICE | Obrażejowice |
During the talks, interested people will be able to learn about the scope and schedule of the project, the route of the gas pipeline, the procedure for compensation, among other things.
Building permit decision
On May 16, 2024, the Małopolska Voivode issued Decision No. 6/BS/2024, marked: WI-II.7840.30.6.2024.EL, approving the land development project and the architectural and construction project, and granting a construction permit for the accompanying investment project for the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Swinoujscie titled: Construction of a high-pressure gas pipeline DN 700, MOP 8.4 MPa, Wężerów - Przewóz, together with accompanying infrastructure."
Decision on location
October 4, 2023. The Małopolska Voivode issued a decision under the sign: WI-IV.747.1.11.2023 on establishing the location of the accompanying investment project for the liquefied gas regasification terminal in Swinoujscie called: "Construction of high-pressure gas pipeline DN700 MOP 8.4MPa relation Wężerów - Przewóz with accompanying infrastructure".
Environmental decision
April 28, 2023. The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Cracow issued a decision under the sign: OO.420.13.2022.EB.15 on environmental conditions for the project entitled "Construction of high-pressure gas pipeline DN700 MOP 8.4MPa relation Wężerów - Przewóz with accompanying infrastructure."
On May 16, 2024, the Małopolska Voivode issued Decision No. 6/BS/2024, marked: WI-II.7840.30.6.2024.EL, approving the land development project and the architectural and construction project, and granting a construction permit for the accompanying investment project for the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Swinoujscie titled: Construction of a high-pressure gas pipeline DN 700, MOP 8.4 MPa, Wężerów - Przewóz, together with accompanying infrastructure."
Decision on location
October 4, 2023. The Małopolska Voivode issued a decision under the sign: WI-IV.747.1.11.2023 on establishing the location of the accompanying investment project for the liquefied gas regasification terminal in Swinoujscie called: "Construction of high-pressure gas pipeline DN700 MOP 8.4MPa relation Wężerów - Przewóz with accompanying infrastructure".
Environmental decision
April 28, 2023. The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Cracow issued a decision under the sign: OO.420.13.2022.EB.15 on environmental conditions for the project entitled "Construction of high-pressure gas pipeline DN700 MOP 8.4MPa relation Wężerów - Przewóz with accompanying infrastructure."
Under a special act regulating gas infrastructure projects, compensation payments are guaranteed to the owners of the land affected by the project development.
The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation. Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.
For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.
The compensation payment process is carried out in accordance with an administrative procedure, under the supervision of the competent Voivode. First, an independent expert is commissioned to carry out an assessment, which is the basis for determining the amount of compensation. Upon completion of the construction process, the Voivode issues an administrative decision specifying the amount of compensation due.
For more information about the compensation payments and construction process see the section For Landowners.
Construction Contractor:
Konsorcjum STF Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o. (Lider Konsorcjum) i STALPROFIL S.A.
Biuro Budowy Gazociągu DN 700 Wężerów – Przewóz
ul. Łowińskiego 9
31-752 Kraków
phone number. +48 728 304 554
e-mail: s.cetnarowicz@zrugzabrze.pl
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Tarnowie
Pogórska Wola 450
33-152 Pogórska Wola
phone number. +48 14 622 53 00
e-mail: komunikacja.tarnow@gaz-system.pl
Konsorcjum STF Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o. (Lider Konsorcjum) i STALPROFIL S.A.
Biuro Budowy Gazociągu DN 700 Wężerów – Przewóz
ul. Łowińskiego 9
31-752 Kraków
phone number. +48 728 304 554
e-mail: s.cetnarowicz@zrugzabrze.pl
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Oddział w Tarnowie
Pogórska Wola 450
33-152 Pogórska Wola
phone number. +48 14 622 53 00
e-mail: komunikacja.tarnow@gaz-system.pl