Operation safety

The safety of transmission network operarion relies on the knowledge of technical condition of the individual system components, which is collected starting from the design stage, during the commissianing and then based on data from ongoing operation:
- inspections and checks, including aerial inspections of gas pipeline routes
- corrosion protection data
- diagnostic pipeline testing by the means of intelligent pigs
- checking pipeline condition by unearthing the pipeline and during other operations that require pipeline unearthing
- annual checks of technical condition
- the above process provides knowledge on the condition of the gas networks and potential external risks.
GAZ-SYSTEM as the gas transmission system operator designated by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office is obliged to ensure safe transmission of natural gas in Poland on the basis of the following legal acts:
- Building Law of 7 July 1994. (consolidated text Dz.U.2021.2351,as amended) (PL)
- Energy Law of 10 April 1994. (consolidated text Dz.U.2021.716, as amended) (PL)
- Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 28 December 2009 on safety and hygiene of work in the construction and operation of gas networks and commissioning of natural gas installations (Dz.U.2010.2.6) (PL)
- Regulation the Minister of Economy of 26 April 2013 concerning technical conditions to be met by gas networks and their location (Dz.U.2013.640) (PL)
- Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 2 July 2010 concerning detailed conditions of gas system operation (Dz.U.2018.1158.891, as amended) (PL)
The SESP is a collection of interlinked procedures and manuals describing in detail the methods for performing operation and maintenance activities relating to particular transmission network components, including the frequency of these activities.
Depending on the results, each pipeline is recommend for further use, or for renovation and/or modernisation.
The essential activities carried out as part gas pipeline operation in accordance with the SESP include:
- preventive measures, in the form of monitoring gas pipeline zones and routes from the ground and air using a helicopter,
- tests and measurements under active cathodic protection
- keeping the controlled zone over the gas pipelines in proper condition (clearing of shrubs and self-seeding pla
- tests and measurements of pipeline foundation in the ground with particular focus on points of intersection with terrain obstacles
- performance checks and maintenance of fittings and their actuators
- inspections and maintenance of transmission network components
- pipeline cleaning and testing with the use of intelligent pigs
The works are planned in annual schedules and carried out by the operator's own operation personnel. On the basis of information gathered from the reports on the completed maintenance activities and incidents during the year, an annual inspection of the technical c ondition is carried out for each gas pipeline. Depending on the results, each pipeline is recommend for further use, or for renovation and/or modernisation.
In addition to the operation and maintenance activities undertaken as part of the SESP, the performance parameters of the transmission network such as gas flows and pressure are monitored remotely on a continuous basis.
The core responsibilities of the GEU include: failure handling and recovery, elimination of other risks in the transmission system, implementation, as well as the performance and safety protection of maintenance, development and operation works within the transmission system.
For several years, GAZ-SYSTEM has consistently expanded efforts to improve its occupational health and safety standards. This is evidenced not only by the implementation of the mandatory obligations under labour law, as confirmed by the positive results of external audits on working conditions, but also through other activities that contribute to the improvement of health and safety of all employees.
GAZ-SYSTEM not only cares about the safety of its own personnel but also about the employees of the suppliers and subcontractors engaged in the projects implemented by the company. Among other things, the company organises dedicated seminars for them, concerning health, safety and environmental aspects pertinent to the performance of jobs involving a gas hazard.
In order to ensure compliance with the applicable occupational safety requirements, the works for GAZ-SYSTEM are carried out in accordance with internal standards collected in Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Contractors and Visitors (PL).
Within the controlled zones, GAZ-SYSTEM controls all activities that could cause damage to the pipeline or have other negative impact on its operation and surroundings. Strict control over the zone above a gas pipeline significantly improves its safety and the safety of local residents.
Specific restrictions apply within the controlled zone, and landowners on whose properties the gas pipeline is located as well as local residents are requested to act in a particularly responsible manner. No trees may grow in the control zones within a distance of less than 2.0 m from gas pipelines with a diameter of up to and including DN 300 and 3.0 m from gas pipelines with a diameter greater than DN 300, counting from the axis of the gas pipeline to the tree trunks. Taking into account safety aspects and the applicable regulations, any works within the controlled zones of transmission pipelines may be carried out only after prior agreement with GAZ-SYSTEM.
Branch Gas Disposal in Wrocław
e-mail: dyspozycja.wroclaw@gaz-system.pl
phone: (71) 335 33 02, (71) 335 33 03
mobile phone: 691 711 154
Branch Gas Disposal in Gdańsk
e-mail: dyspozycja.gdansk@gaz-system.pl
phone: (58) 744 55 62, (58) 744 55 63
mobile phone: 607 572 017
Branch Gas Disposal in Tarnów
e-mail: dyspozycja.tarnow@gaz-system.pl
phone: (14) 622 52 50, (14) 622 52 53,
mobile phone: 607 461 714, 734 214 574
Branch Gas Disposal in Świerklany
e-mail: dyspozycja.swierklany@gaz-system.pl
phone: (32) 439 26 00, (32) 439 26 06
mobile phone: 605 090 258, 734 214 571
Branch Gas Disposal in Rembelszczyzna
e-mail: dyspozycja.rembelszczyzna@gaz-system.pl
phone: (22) 767 08 77
mobile phone: 502 200 649
Branch Gas Disposal in w Poznań
e-mail: dyspozycja.poznan@gaz-system.pl
mobile phone: 600 030 620