Consultations archive

Procedures completed in year 2024:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. would like to invite all interested parties to participate in consultation on the changes to the Mechanism ensuring cost neutrality of balancing measures of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
The proposed amendment of the content of the Mechanism ensuring cost neutrality of balancing measures of Operator gazociągów przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is aimed at reducing the risks to GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and protecting the interests of gas market participants and customers from entities that do not guarantee adequate financial stability and reliability as well as protecting them from incurring costs on account of ensuring neutrality of balancing measures.
We invite all interested gas market participants to review the draft Mechanism ensuring cost neutrality of balancing measures of Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
The document and the forms for submitting your comments is available for download under the Current consultations tab.
Please submit your comments by 13 September 2024 by sending completed forms to
- Mechanism ensuring cost neutrality 2024 track changes.
- Form to submit specific comments to draft Mechanism ensuring cost neutrality.
- Form to submit general comments to draft Mechanism ensuring cost neutrality.
Results of consultations
All market participants concerned are invited to participate in a non-binding market screening procedure as part of the "Hydrogen Map of Poland" project. The survey results will be considered in hydrogen transmission infrastructure planning and enable the development of a preliminary map of hydrogen pipelines across the country.
The company intends to assess the interest in hydrogen transmission projects via the transmission network, both from the perspective of producers as well as consumers. The information collected in the market screening process will provide an overview of hydrogen demand and supply and enable the preliminary routing of hydrogen pipelines across Poland in terms of volume, timing, and coordinates. By means of the survey, the company intends to identify market needs which will allow market participants to grow their business in the years to come.
In addition, GAZ-SYSTEM will organise two webinars in May, during which the assumptions and objectives of the “Hydrogen Map of Poland” project and all issues related to the questionnaire will be explained.
All entities interested in contributing to the “Hydrogen Map of Poland” are requested to complete the survey questionnaire and send it in electronic format (Excel form along with the requisite GDPR clause) to: by 20.06.2024, 23:59 at the latest.
The results of the market screening will be announced in the 4th summary of 2024.
If any confidential information is to be communicated through the questionnaire, GAZ-SYSTEM declares its readiness to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
The demand reported in the Procedure shall not oblige GAZ-SYSTEM to make any commitments regarding investment decisions in that respect.
The Hydrogen Map of Poland project has received honorary patronage from Maciej Bando, Undersecretary of State and Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure.
All questions and electronic correspondence related with the Procedure should be addressed to the following e-mail:
- Rules of non-binding market screening procedure “Hydrogen Map of Poland”
- Appendix 1 - GDPR clause
- Appendix 2 – Non-Disclosure Agreement template(NDA)
- HMP 2024 Questionnaire (MS Excel file for download)
- Instructions for completing the Questionnaire
- 2024-05-webinarium-hydrogen-map-of-poland-gaz-system-eng-pdf
On May 7, 2024 and May 21, 2024, webinars on the Hydrogen Map of Poland were held
Procedures completed in year 2023:
Consultation on the draft request for exemption from the obligation to enable bi-directional capacity at the Cieszyn interconnection point on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland
Pursuant to the provision under paragraph 2 of Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 (the "SoS Regulation"), today, NET4GAS and GAZ-SYSTEM are launching consultations with transmission system operators potentially concerned.
Both companies referred to prepared a joint draft request for (granting) an exemption from the obligation to enable permanent physical bi-directional capacity at the Cieszyn interconnection point. This document is available here.
Transmission system operators potentially concerned by this request may submit their comments no later than 6 November 2023 to the following email address: The comments shall be duly justified and include contact details (name, address, e-mail, telephone number).
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (the “TNC”).
The proposed changes result from the need to clarify the TNC in selected areas as well as result from experiences of application of the current Network Code and suggestions received from network users.
The detailed list of changes can be found below in the published draft of the Transmission Network Code (version 29). We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the TNC draft.
Comments should be sent by 31st of October 2023 using the provided form at the following email address:
GAZ-SYSTEM launches phase for submission of the binding offers by Participants registered in the Open Season FSRU 2 procedure
On 29th of September, GAZ-SYSTEM completed the process of registration of entities interested in the participation in the binding Open Season procedure for FSRU 2.
The objective of the binding Open Season Procedure for FSRU 2 is the confirmation of the interest of market participants in increasing the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal; the long-term orders for the FSRU regasification services submitted in the procedure will justify the implementation of the aforementioned project by GAZ-SYSTEM.
Following the receipt of binding Offers from market participants, GAZ-SYSTEM will evaluate whether the total scope of Regasification Services applied for in the Offers is sufficient to proceed with the implementation of the FSRU 2 project.
The Participants registered in the Open Season FSRU 2 procedure are requested to submit binding Offers together with requisite Attachments by 27 October 2023, 17:00 (CEST) to the following address:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
ul. Mszczonowska 4, bldg. A, 02-337 Warszawa
along with the copies (scans) of the documents referred to above forwarded to the following e-mail address: within the time limit set above.
1. 1.09.2023 commencement of the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure - a single binding phase
2. 29/09/2023 Completion of the registration of participants
3. 27/10/2023 - Deadline for submission of Offers
4. Four (4) weeks after the Offer submission closing date
Announcement of the allocation process results
5. 10 business days of the receipt of the Agreements and Regasification Orders
Conclusion of the Agreements and Regasification Orders
6. Up to 12 months following the execution of the Agreements and Regasification Orders
Adoption of the Final Investment Decision
GAZ-SYSTEM launches registration of entities interested in participation in the binding phase of the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure
GAZ-SYSTEM decided to launch the Open Season procedure for FSRU 2 on the basis of the results of the non-binding demand survey procedure for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal in the Gulf of Gdańsk conducted in March 2023, indicating the interest of market participants in increasing the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal as well as gas exports in the region.
The FSRU 1 Terminal construction project planned by GAZ-SYSTEM originally assumed a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) located in Gdańsk area, designed to perform regasification process of up to 6.1 bcm of gaseous fuel per year. Phase 2 of the Open Season Procedure, completed in August, was concluded with the signing of an Agreement covering 100% of the Regasification Services available.
The project under the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure assumes locating in the vicinity of FSRU 1 in Gdańsk area of a second floating unit for offloading, in-process storage and regasification of LNG. The FSRU 2 Terminal is designed to regasify 4.5 bcm of gaseous fuel per year, and considering the combined capacity of the two planned FSRUs - the resulting total regasification capacity available shall amount to 10.6 bcm.
In order to ensure transparent and non-discriminatory conduct of the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure, in the period from 14 July to 4 August, GAZ-SYSTEM held market consultations concerning the documents regulating the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure: the General Implementation Conditions of the FSRU 2 Project along with appendices. A Summary of market consultations is presented in the attached background material.
The purpose of the Binding FSRU 2 Open Season Procedure is to confirm the interest of market participants in increasing the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal declared in the submitted long-term orders for the FSRU regasification services that would substantiate the implementation of the FSRU 2 project by GAZ-SYSTEM.
Following the receipt of binding Offers from market participants, GAZ-SYSTEM will evaluate whether the total quantity of Regasification Services requested in the Offers is sufficient to proceed with the implementation of the FSRU 2 project.
The entities interested in participating in the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure are requested to submit their registration documents by 29 September 2023, 17:00 (CEST), to:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
ul. Mszczonowska 4, bldg. A, 02-337 Warszawa
followed by a submission of the copies (scans) of the documents referred to above to the following e-mail address:
Submission of documents in electronic form only is admissible provided that all such electronic documents are signed with a qualified electronic signature.
1. 1.09.2023 commencement of the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure - a single binding phase
2. Four (4) weeks after the launch of the Procedure
3. Four (4) weeks following the end of the registration phase
Offer submission deadline
4. Four (4) weeks after the Offer submission deadline
Announcement of the allocation process results
5. 10 business days after the receipt of the Agreement and the Regasification Order
Conclusion of the Regasification Agreement and Regasification Order
6. Up to 12 months of the execution of the Regasification Agreements and Orders
Adoption of the Final Investment Decision
- General Implementation Conditions of the FSRU 2 Open Season Procedure
- FSRU 2 Registration Form (template)
- FSRU 2 Offer Form (template)
- FSRU 2 Draft Regasification Framework Agreement, Draft Regasification Agreement and Regasification Order
- FSRU 2 Bank Guarantee (template)
- FSRU 2 Terminal Code
- FSRU 2 Tariff Calculator
- FSRU 2 GDPR clause
- Summary of market consultations - background material
Should you have any questions concerning the FSRU 2 Open Season procedure, please contact us by email at:
The submission phase for binding offers in GAZ-SYSTEM’s FSRU 2 Open Season procedure has been closed
On 27 October, the submission phase for binding offers filed by Participants registered in the GAZ-SYSTEM's Open Season FSRU 2 procedure was closed.
The overall objective of the binding FSRU 2 Open Season procedure was to confirm the interest of market participants in increasing the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal by submitted long-term orders for the FSRU regasification services which would justify the implementation of the said project by GAZ-SYSTEM.
The procedure did not result in GAZ-SYSTEM obtaining binding orders at a sufficient level to proceed with the implementation of the FSRU 2 project. Nevertheless, the interest in the regasification services declared by the Participants imply that discussions may be continued in the future.
Currently, the Company continues its efforts aimed at building the FSRU 1 Terminal in the Gdańsk area and designed to provide annual regasification capacity of up to 6.1 bcm of gaseous fuel. Following the Phase 2 of the Open Season Procedure completed in August, an Agreement covering 100% of the Regasification Services was signed and thus provided the business case for further development of the project.
The planned FSRU 2 project intended to provide additional annual regasification capacity of 4.5 bcm of gaseous fuel will be the subject of further analysis.
The hydroengineering infrastructure that will be built as part of the FSRU 1 Terminal project will also provide for the possibility of a second storage and regasification unit development if market demand for the FSRU 2 is confirmed in the future.
Consultations concerning the draft amendment of the Essential Provisions of the Transmission Contract
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft the Essential Provisions of the Transmission Contract. It sets forth the essential provisions of the contract for the provision of gas transmission services pursuant to Article 9g item 5d of the Energy Law Act of April 10, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1385, as amended).
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the draft the Essential Provisions of the Transmission Contract.
Consultation has been completed on 20th of October 2023.
Consultations concerning the draft amendment of the Essential Provisions of the Transmission Contract of the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal - Europe
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft the Essential Provisions of the Transmission Contract TGPS. It sets forth the essential provisions of the contract for the provision of gas transmission services pursuant to Article 9g item 5d of the Energy Law Act of April 10, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1385, as amended).
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the draft the Essential Provisions of the Transmission Contract TGPS.
Consultation has been completed on 20th of October 2023.
GAZ-SYSTEM launches market consultations of the Open Season procedure for the FSRU 2 Terminal.
The results of the non-binding procedure to identify the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal in the Gulf of Gdańsk conducted by GAZ-SYSTEM in March 2023 showed significant interest of the market participants in increasing the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal and gas exports in the region, therefore a decision was made to launch a binding Open Season procedure for FSRU 2.
Until now, the project planned by GAZ-SYSTEM assumed construction of the Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) Terminal, ready for regasification of gaseous fuel at the level of 6.1 bcm/a, in Gdańsk area. As announced by GAZ-SYSTEM, Phase 2 of the Open Season Procedure for the aforementioned project resulted in receiving an Offer covering 100% of the Regasification Services. The Open Season procedure shall be completed in accordance with the General Implementation Conditions of the FSRU Open Season Procedure.
In view of the above, GAZ-SYSTEM has formally launched a new Open Season procedure aimed to increase the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal (FSRU 2). The FSRU 2 Terminal Project assumes locating a second FSRU in Gdańsk area, in the vicinity of the FSRU covered by FSRU Open Season procedure, that would be capable of LNG offloading, process storage and regasification at the level of 4.5 bcm/a of gaseous fuel per year.
The objective of FSRU 2 Open Season procedure is to confirm the demand for additional regasification capacity through the interested market participants’ submission of binding, long-term offers for FSRU 2 regasification services, thus justifying GAZ-SYSTEM's commencement of the implementation of the aforementioned project.
For this purpose, by publishing documents regulating FSRU 2 Open Season procedure, GAZ-SYSTEM intends to consult all interested market participants with regard to both the rules and the General Implementation Conditions of FSRU 2 Open Season procedure. All interested market participants are invited to provide their feedback and comments, related to both the assumptions for the implementation of the investment project and the documents governing FSRU 2 Open Season procedure, using the attached Remarks Questionnaire, no later than 04.08.2023, 16:00 (CET), to the following address:
- General Implementation Conditions of FSRU II Open Season Procedure
- FSRU II Registration Form (template)
- FSRU II Offer Form (template)
- Draft Regasification Framework Agreement, Draft Regasification Agreement and Regasification Order for FSRU II
- FSRU II Bank Guarantee (template)
- FSRU II Code
- FSRU II Tariff Calculator
The FSRU 2 Open Season procedure will be conducted in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner in accordance with the applicable law. Following the closure of the consultation phase, GAZ-SYSTEM will evaluate and summarise the collected comments and revise the General Implementation Conditions of FSRU II Open Season Procedure and the relevant appendices accordingly.
The General Implementation Conditions of FSRU 2 Open Season Procedure and the appendices are drafts only subject to further improvement. Changes to the attached documents will be made based on the information obtained during these consultations and further GAZ-SYSTEM's work on the project.
GAZ-SYSTEM undertakes to analyse all the information obtained during these consultations with due diligence but reserves the right to incorporate some and omit other of the received comments at its sole discretion.
The start of FSRU 2 Open Season Procedure consultation does not constitute a commitment by GAZ-SYSTEM to proceed with the investment project.
CONTACT INFORMATION: All questions related to the Procedure should be addressed to the following e-mail address:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. hereby informs about launching Phase 2 of the FSRU Open Season Procedure.
The Open Season procedure for the FSRU Terminal consists of two phases. Phase 1 of the Open Season Procedure was launched in Q4 2021. Its objective was to obtain binding orders from the participants and their binding commitment to book FSRU Regasification Services under Phase 2 of the Procedure at an appropriate level. Phase 1 ended with the signing of an Order to Proceed (OtP) and GAZ-SYSTEM’s proceeding with implementation of the first phase of the project, i.e. commencement of design engineering, as defined in the General Terms and Conditions (GTCs).
Pursuant to the General Implementation Conditions – in view of the fact that within Phase 1 of the Procedure an OtP Agreement was concluded with a Participant who submitted a binding Order covering 100% of the FSRU Regasification Services provided by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. under the Procedure - the commencement of the registration for Phase 2 of the Procedure shall depend on the submission of an Offer by that Participant covering an equivalent level of Regasification Services and the same period of provision of Regasification Services, i.e. the same Gas Years as in the Regasification Order, and on the conclusion with that Participant of a Regasification Agreement and a Regasification Order covering the specified level of Regasification Services.
First, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will call on that Participant to submit an appropriate Offer, to conclude a Regasification Agreement and a Regasification Order. The Participant should submit an Offer confirming the order proposed under the OtP Agreement no later than on 07.07.2023 by 5:00 PM hrs to the address:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
ul. Mszczonowska 4,
02-337 Warszawa
followed by a submission of the copies (scans) of the documents referred to above within the aforementioned deadline to the following e-mail address:
Submission of documents in electronic form is admissible only if all documents are signed with a qualified electronic signature.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will proceed with the subsequent stages of Open Season Phase 2 Procedure and will make available to the entities concerned the Regasification Services that were not yet booked, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 12 - 15 of General Implementation Conditions, only in the event that no Regasification Agreement and Regasification Order covering 100% of the Regasification Services made available by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. are concluded with the Participant referred to above in this Open Season Procedure.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will provide the details of the actions undertaken, in particular about the commencement of the registration stage for Open Season Phase 2 sufficiently in advance.
The purpose of the binding Open Season FSRU Procedure is to confirm the interest of market participants in the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal declared by submitting binding long-term orders for the FSRU regasification services that would justify the implementation of the FSRU development project by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
The details of the Open Season Procedure are set out in the General Implementation Conditions of the FSRU Open Season Procedure and the following appendices there to:
- General Implementation Conditions of the FSRU Open Season Procedure
- Appendix 1: Registration Form for Phase 2 of the Procedure (template)
- Appendix 2: Order Form in Phase 1 of the Procedure (Investment assurance Order (template) – applicable to Phase 1
- Appendix 3: Draft OtP Agreement – applicable to Phase 1
- Appendix 4: Bank guarantee for the Phase 1 of the Procedure (template) – applicable to Phase 1
- Appendix 5: Offer Form in Phase 2 of the Procedure (template)
- Appendix 6: General Terms and Conditions of FSRU Regasification Agreement, Draft FSRU Regasification Agreement and FSRU Regasification Order
- Appendix 7: Bank Guarantee for Phase 2 of the Procedure (template)
- Appendix 8: FSRU Terminal Code
- Appendix 9: Tariff Calculator
- Appendix 10: GDPR Clause
* The General Conditions and appendices hereto were prepared in Polish and English. English version of the documents is provided only for information. In case of discrepancies between documents in Polish or English, Polish version prevails.
In 2020, the FSRU LNG terminal in the area of Gdańsk has been granted the PCI status and included in the fourth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) in the energy sector in accordance with Regulation No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure. On 19 November 2021, the European Commission adopted a draft fifth PCI List which also included the FSRU LNG Terminal in the area of Gdańsk. Projects of Common Interest are key infrastructure projects aimed at increasing the security in the European energy market. Once implemented, they are intended to support EU energy policy and climate challenges. More information about the PCI projects implemented by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is available at the website.
All questions related to the Procedure should be addressed to the e-mail address:
Modification of the Questionnaire for non-binding Open Season Procedure to identify the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal
Due to an error in the questionnaire that limited the size of the data input in the "Demand for LNG" tab, we are publishing a modified Questionnaire. All entities interested in participating in the non-binding Open Season Procedure to identify the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal shall complete the modified Questionnaire and return it in electronic format via email to: by 20 March 2023.
Non-binding open season procedure to identify the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all market players to participate in a non-binding market screening procedure to assess the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU terminal.
The new FSRU Terminal project envisages the construction of a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) in the Gulf of Gdańsk area. Pursuant to the assumptions set out in the Open Season Procedure initiated in 2021, the FSRU Terminal is to be designed to deliver approximately 6.1 bcm of regasified natural gas per year.
The implementation of the new LNG Terminal project in the area of the Gulf of Gdańsk is inscribed in both Polish and European policies to ensure secure access to gaseous fuel. It constitutes an element of numerous strategies and policies ensuring security of gas supply as well as a response to the ever-growing demand for gaseous fuel in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. Therefore, the FSRU project belongs to programmes ensuring energy security and is inherent to the state's energy and economic transition towards less carbon-intensive energy sources. In 2021, the FSRU Terminal was entered by the European Commission into the Fifth List of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) of the European Union.
The current geopolitical situation, particularly Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and the subsequent suspension of natural gas supplies from Russia to the European Union countries has increased market participants' interest in gaining access to stable and secure natural gas supplies.
In addition, over the recent years the company has embarked on efforts to expand the transmission network, built more than 2,000 km of new transmission pipelines, and implemented strategic projects to diversify gas supply sources and improve energy security by launching three key interconnectors in 2022, i.e. with Lithuania, Slovakia and Denmark. The expansion of the domestic transmission network is ongoing, and negotiations aimed at establishing new cross-border interconnections with the Czech Republic and Ukraine are also underway.
Considering the observed increased market interest in LNG supplies, GAZ-SYSTEM is initiating a non-binding market screening procedure to estimate the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal in relation to the capacity booked under Phase 1 of the Open Season Procedure.
It is assumed that the additional regasification capacity provided by the FSRU Terminal will deliver annually approx. 4.5 bcm of natural gas. The decision on the final regasification capacity of the new FSRU Terminal will depend on the market demand reported under the pending Procedure. By this non-binding market screening procedure, GAZ-SYSTEM intends to assess both the demand for additional regasification capacity and the interest in export of regasified LNG towards Slovakia, Lithuania, Denmark, Germany as well as the Czech Republic and Ukraine.
Schedule of the procedure:
- 06/03/2023 – Launching the Procedure together with publication of the Rules of Procedure
- 20/03/2023 – Questionnaire submission deadline
- 24/03/2023 – Evaluation of the Questionnaires submitted in the Procedure
- 31/03/2023 - Completion of the Procedure
The results of the Procedure will be taken into account by GAZ-SYSTEM in its future proceedings related to planned investments in regasification infrastructure as well as the necessary development of the transmission network in Poland.
GAZ-SYSTEM is open to direct dialogue with market participants in the course of market screening and intends to organise bilateral meetings to discuss the subject matter of the Procedure. If any confidential information is to be communicated at such meetings, GAZ-SYSTEM declares its readiness to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), the template of which is attached as Appendix 3 to the Rules of Procedure.
All entities interested in participating in the non-binding Open Season Procedure to identify the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal shall complete the Questionnaire and return it in electronic format via email to: by 20 March 2023.
1. Questionnaire
2. Rules of Procedure
3. GDPR clause
4. Non-Disclosure Agreement Template (NDA)
All questions and electronic correspondence related with the Procedure should be addressed to the following e-mail:
Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all market players to participate in a non-binding market screening procedure for new hydrogen, ammonia and biomethane projects.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. as the gas transmission system operator in Poland and a strategic enterprise for the Polish economy, is actively participating in the process of dynamic changes associated with energy transition and decarbonisation of the European economy. Therefore, actions are being taken to prepare the Company to operate in view of the accelerating decarbonisation of the Polish economy and the transformation to renewable and low-carbon energy sources and carriers such as hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia. One of the elements preparing the Company for this process is the creation of the GAZ-SYSTEM Hydrogen Strategy establishing the main objectives for the development of hydrogen economy.
As part of its efforts to decarbonise the infrastructure, GAZ-SYSTEM has launched a dialogue with market players by means of a questionnaire concerning new hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia projects. It is assumed that the newly developed transmission grid will be open to all entities concerned, and will provide access to production, consumption and storage opportunities. By means of the market screening procedure, GAZ-SYSTEM intends to:
- estimate the level of interest in the development of new projects dedicated to the transmission of hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia, on the part of both producers and consumers,
- explore the potential in the area of biomethane production and identify areas where biomethane plants could be connected to the domestic natural gas transmission grid.
- 01 March 2023 Launching the Procedure together with publication of the Rules of Procedure
- 29 March 2023 Questionnaire submission deadline
- 12 April 2023 Evaluation of the Questionnaires submitted in the Procedure
- 28 April 2023 Announcement of the market screening results
All entities willing to contribute to the completion and detailing of the strategy aimed at decarbonisation of the Polish economy are invited to complete the Questionnaire in electronic format by 29.03.2023, 23:59 hrs.
The results of the market screening will be considered by GAZ-SYSTEM in its ongoing work and development plans to provide suitable infrastructure enabling the transport of hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia, both in terms of collection from production facilities and its delivery to the locations indicated by the respondents. The demand reported in the questionnaire shall not oblige GAZ-SYSTEM to make any commitments regarding investment decisions in that respect.
GAZ-SYSTEM is open to direct dialogue with market participants in the course of market screening and intends to organise bilateral meetings to discuss the subject matter of the Procedure. If any confidential information is to be communicated at such meetings, GAZ-SYSTEM declares its readiness to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), the template of which is attached as Appendix 2 to the Rules of Procedure.
- Non-binding Market Screening procedure for New Hydrogen, Ammonia and Biomethane Projects
- Appendix 1 - GDPR clause
- Appendix No. 2 – Non-Disclosure Agreement template
All questions and electronic correspondence related with the Procedure should be addressed to the following e-mail address:
The deadline for submitting the surveys has been extended to 11:59 pm on April 7, 2023.
Procedures completed in year 2022:
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code (the “TNC”).
The proposed changes result from the need to include in the TNC the compression service described in the approved Tarif no. 16.
A detailed list of changes is included in the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code.
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the Card of TNC change draft.
The form for reporting comments can be downloaded here.
Comments should be sent by 19th of January 2023 using at the following email address:
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code (the “TNC”).
The proposed changes result from the need to adapt the TNC to changing provisions of new tarif model and approved Tarif no, 16 in scope of introducing reduction service
A detailed list of changes is included in the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code.
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the Card of TNC change draft.
The draft of the Essential Terms and Conditions of the Transmission Contract sets forth the material provisions of the contract for the provision of gas transmission services pursuant to Article 9g item 5d of the Energy Law Act of April 10, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 716, as amended).
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the draft of the Essential Terms and Conditions of the Transmission Contract.
Comments should be sent by 26th of August 2022 using the provided form at the following email address:
Consultations concerning the draft amendment of the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe (the “TNC of TGPS”).
The proposed changes result from the need to adapt the TNC of TGPS to changing provisions of law. The draft of amendments comprises also the suggestions received from network users as well as experiences gained throughout application of the binding version TNC of TGPS.
A detailed list of changes is included in the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe.
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the TNC of TGPS draft.
Comments should be sent by 20th of June 2022 using the provided form at the following email address:
Consultations concerning the draft of the Essential Terms and Conditions of the Transmission Contract of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Yamal Europe
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of the Essential Terms and Conditions of the Transmission Contract pursuant to Article 5(2)(2) of the Energy Law Act.
The draft of the Essential Terms and Conditions of the Transmission Contract sets forth the material provisions of the contract for the provision of gas transmission services pursuant to Article 9g item 5d of the Energy Law Act of April 10, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 716, as amended).
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the draft of the Essential Terms and Conditions of the Transmission Contract.
Comments should be sent by 20th of June 2022 using the provided form at the following email address:
The Polish and Danish transmission system operators – Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Energinet SOV intend to conclude an interconnection agreement for the Faxe interconnection point, which will connect the gas transmission systems of Poland and Denmark after the construction of a new cross-border gas interconnection (the Baltic Pipe Project).
According to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, both TSO’s shall invite the network users to comment on the proposed text of the draft of the interconnection agreement, within the scope of:
1) rules for the matching process,
2) rules for the allocation of gas quantities,
3) communication procedures in case of exceptional events.
All market participants are invited to submit their comments and questions by sending them to both of the following e-mail addresses: and . This consultation will run from 1st March 2022 until 3rd May 2022.
Questionnaire for submitting remarks
After the consultation, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Energinet SOV will evaluate the responses received during the consultation and take the network users’ comments into account when concluding the abovementioned interconnection agreement.
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. informs that in connection with the decision to extend the deadline for placing orders by Participants of the Open Season Procedure and on the basis of article 20.5 of the General Implementation Conditions for the FSRU Open Season Procedure, the documents regulating the course of the FSRU Open Season Procedure have been modified by adjusting them to the extended deadline for placing orders. Changes are as follows:
- General Implementation Conditions for the FSRU Open Season Procedure, Art. 9.10 - the date of bounding the Participant with the Order was extended until GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. announces the completion of Phase 1 of the Procedure and the OtP is signed, however no longer than until 30 June 2022.
- App. 2 Order Form in Phase 1 of the Procedure (Investment Assurance Order) (template) - the date of bounding the Participant with the Order was extended until GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. announces the completion of Phase 1 of the Procedure and the OtP is signed, however no longer than until 30 June 2022.
With the publication of this information, the documents have been updated in the Customer Area tab.
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. – on the basis of article 7.3.1 General Implementation Conditions for the FSRU Open Season Procedure – has decided to change the date for placing orders in the Open Season Procedure (Phase1: Order-to-Proceed). New date is set to March, 31 2022. The other deadlines i.e. registration, announcement of the results of Phase 1 of the Procedure and concluding agreements stay the same.
- 29.11.2021
Start of the Open Season – phase 1 - Four (4) weeks after the start of the Procedure
Registration - 31.03.2022
Order placement - Max three (3) weeks after the end of the order placement stage
Announcement of the results of Phase 1 of the Procedure - 10 working days after receiving the contract from GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
OtP execution - Max 12 months after OtP execution
Preliminary Investment Decision (PID)
Due to questions that have arisen regarding the Registration Form submission process, the Operator informs that the following courses of action in the Registration Form submission process are allowed:
Option 1
The Registration Form and all documents accompanying it are signed by persons authorized to representation indicated in the National Court Register (in accordance with the rules of representation). In the case of documents not presented in the original version, they should be certified for conformity by persons authorized to representation indicated in the National Court Register (in accordance with the principles of representation).
Option 2
The Registration Form and all accompanying documents are signed by persons authorized to representation indicated in the National Court Register (in accordance with the principles of representation) or by an attorney who has an appropriate power of attorney signed by persons authorized to representation indicated in the National Court Register (in accordance with the principles of representation). In such case, if any documents are not submitted in original version, they should be certified for conformity by persons authorized to representation indicated in the National Court Register (in accordance with the principles of representation) or by this proxy. The Operator prefers a uniform approach to all documents.
At the same time, the Operator informs that in order to be consistent with the provisions of the General Implementation Conditions of FSRU Open Season Procedure, Appendix 1: Registration Form (template) has been modified.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the first phase of binding Open Season FSRU procedure.
The binding Open Season FSRU procedure is aimed at verifying the interest of market participants in the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal by submission of binding long-term orders for the use of FSRU regasification services, which will justify the implementation of the indicated project by GAZ-SYSTEM.
The project is aimed at the development of a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) in the Gdansk area, with the capabilities required for LNG unloading, in-process storage and regasification. The FSRU Terminal is to be design to carry out regasification processes at the level of 6.1 bcm of gaseous fuel per year. FSRU Regasification Services will be made available if GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. takes a positive Final Investment Decision and implement the Investment within the assumed time - January 1, 2028.
The procedure consists of two phases. The goal of Phase 1 is to obtain binding Orders from the market Participants in order to guarantee the reservation of regasification capacity at an appropriate level in Phase 2, planned in Q2 2023. Submitted Orders will allow GAZ-SYSTEM to commence the design phase of the LNG Terminal.
Upon completion of Phase 1, GAZ-SYSTEM will assess whether the total scope of Regasification Services proposed in the Orders is sufficient to start the project implementation.
The details of the procedure are set out in the General Terms and Conditions of the FSRU Open Season Procedure and its appendices.
- 29.11.2021
Start of the Open Season – phase 1 - Four (4) weeks after the start of the Procedure
Registration - Four (4) weeks after the end of the registration stage
Order placement - Max three (3) weeks after the end of the order placement stage
Announcement of the results of Phase 1 of the Procedure - 10 working days after receiving the contract from GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
OtP execution - Max 12 months after OtP execution
Preliminary Investment Decision (PID)
Market participants which are interested in participation in the Open Season FSRU procedure should submit the registration documents until 27th of December 2021, 17:00 in writing to the following address:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Mszczonowska 4, 02-337 Warsaw
together with a scan of these documents to the following e-mail address:
It is allowed to submit the documents only in electronic form only in the case of a signature all of the documents with a qualified electronic signature.
General Implementation Conditions for the FSRU Open Season Procedure
Appendix 1: Registration Form (template)
Appendix 2: Order Form in Phase 1 of the Procedure (Investment assurance Order (template)
Appendix 3: Draft OtP Agreement
Appendix 4: Bank guarantee for the Phase 1 of the Procedure (template)
Appendix 5: Offer Form in Phase 2 of the Procedure (template)
Appendix 6: Draft of Regasification Agreement FSRU and Regasification Order FSRU
Appendix 7: Bank guarantee for the Phase 2 of the Procedure (template)
Appendix 8: FSRU Service Delivery Model
* The General Conditions and appendices hereto were prepared in Polish and English. English version of the documents is provided only for information. In case of discrepancies between documents in Polish or English, Polish version prevails.
In 2020, the LNG Terminal in the Gdansk area was included in the list of projects that were granted the status of Project of Common Interest (PCI) in line with Regulation 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure. On 19 November 2021, the European Commission adopted the draft fifth list of PCI project that includes the LNG Terminal in the Gdansk area. The list of PCI projects includes crucial infrastructure projects designed to improve security in the European energy market. The projects must also contribute to the implementation of EU Climate and Environmental Policy. More information available on the GAZ-SYSTEM`s PCI website.
Mr Szymon Grunwald:
Mrs Marta Orczyk:
In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC) GAZ-SYSTEM in cooperation with LLC „Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine” launches public consultations for incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and Ukraine.
The incremental capacity project proposal was prepared by the TSOs during the design phase which has started on October 26, 2021 in response to non-binding demand indications received from the market during the process of Market Demand Assessment conducted from July 5 until August 30, 2021.
The document includes among others: a description of the incremental capacity project, including a proposed technical solution, estimated costs, timelines, offer level for bundled capacity product and terms and conditions of participation in and access to incremental capacity during the yearly capacity auction in July 2023.
Interested system users are asked to send comments to the draft project proposal of the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and Ukraine and the accompanying general terms and conditions for participating in the incremental capacity auction, to the e-mail address until 17 March 2022.
More information:
Public consultation on the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic
In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC) GAZ-SYSTEM in cooperation with NET4GAS launches public consultations for incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic.
The incremental capacity project proposal was prepared by the TSOs during the design phase which has started on October 26, 2021 in response to non-binding demand indications received from the market during the process of Market Demand Assessment conducted from July 5 until August 30, 2021.
The document includes among others: a description of the incremental capacity project, including a proposed technical solution, estimated costs, timelines, offer level for bundled capacity product and terms and conditions of participation in and access to incremental capacity during the yearly capacity auction in July 2023.
Interested system users are asked to send comments to the draft project proposal of the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic and the accompanying general terms and conditions for participating in the incremental capacity auction, to the e-mail address until 17 March 2022.
More information:
In the absence of the possibility to submit a joint application to the Energy Regulatory Offices of the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic, the President of the Polish Energy Regulatory Office had no grounds for issuing a coordinated decision on the approval of the incremental capacity project for the border between Poland and the Czech Republic in accordance with Chapter V of Regulation 2017/459 and thus the 2021-2023 incremental capacity process for the border between Poland and the Czech Republic should be considered finished.
Consultation on the draft request for exemption from the obligation to enable bi-directional capacity at the Cieszyn interconnection point on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland
Pursuant to the provision under paragraph 2 of Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 25 October 2017 (the "SoS Regulation"), NET4GAS and GAZ-SYSTEM are today launching a consultation with the potentially concerned transmission system operators.
Both above-mentioned companies have prepared a joint draft request for granting an exemption from the obligation to enable permanent physical bi-directional capacity at the Cieszyn interconnection point. This document is available here.
Transmission system operators potentially concerned by this request may submit their comments no later than 28 February 2022 to following email address: The comments must be duly justified and accompanied by contact details (name, address, e-mail, telephone number).
Procedures completed in year 2021:
The Polish and Slovak transmission system operators – Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and eustream, a.s. intend to conclude an interconnection agreement regarding the gas transmission through Výrava interconnection point, which will connect the gas transmission systems of Poland and Slovakia after the construction of a new cross-border gas pipeline.
According to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, both TSO’s shall invite the network users to comment on the proposed text of:
- rules for the matching process,
- rules for the allocation of gas quantities,
- communication procedures in case of exceptional events.
All market participants are invited to submit their comments and questions by sending them to the e-mail address: and This consultation will run from 30th July 2021 until 30th September 2021.
After the consultation, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and eustream, a.s. will evaluate the responses received during the consultation and take the network users’ comments into account when concluding abovementioned interconnection agreement.
The Polish and Lithuanian transmission system operators – Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid intend to conclude an interconnection agreement regarding the gas transmission through SANTAKA interconnection point, which will connect the gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania after the construction of a new cross-border gas pipeline.
According to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, both TSO’s shall invite the network users to comment on the proposed text of:
1) rules for the matching process,
2) rules for the allocation of gas quantities,
3) communication procedures in case of exceptional events.
All market participants are invited to submit their comments and questions by sending them to the e-mail address: and This consultation will run from 27th April 2021 until 30th June 2021.
After the consultation, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid will evaluate the responses received during the consultation and take the network users’ comments into account when concluding abovementioned interconnection agreement.
GAZ-SYSTEM has launched market consultations for the Open Season procedure of the FSRU Terminal. By publishing the information document “Model Paper” and the documents regulating the Open Season procedure, GAZ-SYSTEM intends to consult the assumptions for the implementation of the FSRU Terminal project as well as the rules for carrying out the Open Season procedure, with all market participants interested in the FSRU Terminal project.
The main objective of the Open Season procedure is to confirm the demand for new regasification capacities, and to collect clear signals from the market participants essential for the implementation of the investment. Commencement of the Phase 1 of the Open Season procedure of the FSRU Terminal is planned for October 2021, while the Phase 2 and in the effect the conclusion of the Regasification Agreements should take place in 2022.
All market participants, operators of adjacent transmission systems and respective regulatory authorities are invited to submit their comments and feedback on both the assumptions for the implementation of the investment, as well as documents regulating the course of the Open Season procedure via the Comments Questionnaire available in the Appendices, no later than September 13, 2021, 4:00 p.m. (CET) to the following address:
For the purpose of the market consultation only polish version of the documents are provided. In case of any questions regarding the investment or published documents from entities operating on foreign markets, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
The Open Season procedure of the FSRU Terminal will be carried out in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner, in accordance with applicable law.
An open meeting with market participants is planned in the first half of September in order to present information on the planned investment and the Open Season procedure of the FSRU Terminal.
Following the consultation phase, GAZ-SYSTEM will assess and summarise the comments collected during the consultation and revise the Terms&Conditions of the Open Season procedure of the FSRU Terminal and appendices accordingly.
The market demand assessment is carried out in the framework of the Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC).
For harmonizing the process for the development of incremental capacity in the European Union, provisions on the incremental capacity process have been introduced by the 2017 CAM NC amendment which is a standardised procedure for market participants to indicate in a non-binding way their demand for incremental capacity.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. starts with a third non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity between Polish and neighbouring transmission systems. The non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity will start on 5 July 2021 and will last for 8 weeks, i.e. until 30 August 2021. The procedure will be carried out through the GSA Platform, in accordance with the applicable GSA Platform Rules. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. charges no fees for submitting non-binding requirements.
Based on the non-binding demand indications received under this year’s procedure for assessing market demand for incremental capacity, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and adjacent transmission system operators will produce common market demand assessment reports,
each covering all interconnection points connecting given entry-exit system. The reports will estimate the potential demand for incremental capacity on each entry-exit system and state whether it is necessary to initiate an incremental capacity project.
In line with CAM NC he market demand assessment reports will be published no later than 16 weeks after the start of the procedure, by 25 October 2021 at the latest, at the websites of transmission system operators.
Interested network users are asked to indicate their non-binding demand indications for incremental capacity through the GSA Platform, until 30 August 2021.
All questions about the market demand assessment for incremental capacity shall be sent to the e-mail address:
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013
- Rules for participation in a non-binding procedure for assessing market demand for incremental capacity
- Manual for indication of non-binding market demand via the GSA Platform
- The entry-exit systems to indicate during the MDA
- GSA Platform Rules
President of the Energy Regulatory Office decision on approval of incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland (Polish section of the Yamal Transit Gas Pipeline System - Western Europe) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe) market areas.
On 29.04.2021 the President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision no. DRR.WRG.748.8.2020.ABu1 closing the administrative proceedings regarding the application of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. for the approval of the incremental capacity project proposal for the market border of Poland (Polish section of the Yamal Transit Gas Pipeline System - Western Europe) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe).
The project was a response to the non-binding market demand indications for incremental capacity at Mallnow interconnection point received by Gastransport GmbH (GASCADE) during 2019 marked demand assessment for incremental capacity on the Poland SGT – THE border conducted according to Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (CAM NC).
Since the non-binding demand for incremental capacity between GASCADE and GAZ-SYSTEM was requested only on the German side of the border and capacities to a sufficient extent are already available on the Polish side of the market area border, there was no need to conduct technical analysis on the Polish side for the Mallnow interconnection point and no project for development of incremental capacities was initiated by GAZ-SYSTEM. However, in line with CAM NC, the consultations of the project proposal were carried out jointly so that the offer level for incremental capacity to be created on the German side can be offered as a bundled capacity.
After carrying out market consultations on the initial project proposal, on 29 October 2020, pursuant to Art. 28(1) of CAM NC, GAZ-SYSTEM submitted to the President of ERO an application for approval of an incremental capacity project for the Poland (Polish section of the Yamal Transit Gas Pipeline System - Western Europe) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe) market areas.
In order to obtain coordinated decisions from the national energy authorities on approval of incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland (Polish section of the Yamal Transit Gas Pipeline System - Western Europe) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe) market areas, GASCADE submitted an equivalent application to Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA). The President of ERO and BNetzA had 6 months to issue coordinated decisions.
The President of ERO decided that the project proposal submitted by GAZ-SYSTEM met all requirements stemming from art. 28(1) of CAM NC allowing to approve the incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland SGT – THE market border.
Documents for download:
- Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office no DRR.WRG.748.8.2020.ABu1 dated 29.04.2021.
- Publication pursuant to Article 25 (2), Article 28 (3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) concerning the procedure initiated in 2019 for the Poland (Polish section of the Yamal Transit Gas Pipeline System - Western Europe) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe) border.
- Supplementary Terms and Conditions of GASCADE
- General terms and conditions of participation and access to capacity in the binding phase of capacity allocation corresponding to incremental capacity on the German side of the border between Poland TGPS (Transit Gas Pipeline System) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe)
- Offer Level Mallnow - GASCADE
President of the Energy Regulatory Office decision on approval of incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland - Czech Republic market areas.
On 29.04.2021 the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (President of ERO) issued a decision no. DRR.WRG.748.9.2020.ABu1 closing the administrative proceedings regarding to the submitted by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. application for the approval of the incremental capacity project proposal for the market border of Poland and Czech Republic.
The project was a response to the non-binding market demand indications for incremental capacity at Cieszyn/Český Těšín interconnection point received by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and NET4GAS during 2019 marked demand assessment for incremental capacity between transmission systems of Poland and Czech Republic conducted according to the Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (CAM NC).
After carrying out technical and economic analysis as well as market consultations on the initial project proposal, on 2 November 2020, pursuant to Art. 28(1) of CAM NC, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. submitted to the President of ERO an application for approval of an incremental capacity project for the market border Poland – Czech Republic.
In order to obtain coordinated decisions form the national energy authorities on approval of incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland - Czech Republic market areas N4G submitted an equivalent application to Energetický regulační úřad (ERÚ). The President of ERO and ERÚ had 6 months to issue coordinated decisions.
The President of ERO decided that the project proposal submitted by GAZ-SYSTEM met all requirements stemming from art. 28(1) of CAM NC allowing to approve the incremental capacity project proposal for the market border Poland – Czech Republic.
Documents for download:
- Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office no DRR.WRG.748.9.2020.ABu1 dated 29.04.2021
- Publication pursuant to Article 25 (2), Article 28 (3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) concerning the procedure initiated in 2019 for the Market Border Poland – Czech Republic
President of the Energy Regulatory Office decision on approval of incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland – Germany (Trading Hub Europe) market areas.
On 29.04.2021 the President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision no. DRR.WRG.748.10.2020.ABu1 closing the administrative proceedings regarding the application of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. for the approval of the incremental capacity project proposal for the market border of Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) – Germany (Trading Hub Europe).
The project was a response to the non-binding market demand indications for incremental capacity at GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS interconnection point received by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH (ONTRAS) during 2019 marked demand assessment for incremental capacity between transmission systems of Poland and Germany conducted according to Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (CAM NC).
After carrying out technical and economic analysis as well as market consultations on the initial project proposal, on 21 December 2020, pursuant to Art. 28(1) of CAM NC, GAZ-SYSTEM submitted to the President of ERO an application for approval of an incremental capacity project for the market border Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) – Germany (Trading Hub Europe).
In order to obtain coordinated decisions from the national energy authorities on approval of incremental capacity project proposal for the Poland – Germany (Trading Hub Europe) market areas ONTRAS submitted an aequivalent application to Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA). The President of ERO and BNetzA had 6 months to issue coordinated decisions.
The President of ERO decided that the project proposal submitted by GAZ-SYSTEM met all requirements stemming from art. 28(1) of CAM NC allowing to approve the incremental capacity project proposal for the market border Poland – Germany (Trading Hub Europe).
Documents for download:
- Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office no DRR.WRG.748.10.2020.ABu1 dated 29.04.2021.
- Publication pursuant to Article 25 (2), Article 28 (3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) concerning the procedure initiated in 2019 for the Market Border of Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe).
- Supplementary terms and conditions of ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH for the participation in the auction for incremental capacity
- General Terms and Conditions of participation in and access to capacity in the binding phase of incremental capacity auction on the border between Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe)” of GAZ-SYSTEM
Procedures completed in year 2020:
Non-binding market survey procedure for development of services for new transmission capacity in the gas interconnection Poland – Lithuania (GIPL)
Invitation to a webinar on Market Survey for the Poland-Lithuania interconnector
On November 25 from 9:00 - 10:15 CET there will be a webinar on GIPL Non-Binding Market Survey to provide details on the market survey and to clarify any questions that may arise during the procedure.
Agenda of the webinar
1. GIPL presentation
2. GIPL non-binding market survey questionnaire
3. Q&A session. Discussion
Please be informed that the webinar will be held in English.
During the webinar participants will be able to see the list of all participants, and the event will be recorded. The list of participants will be shared amongst TSOs.
The participants who intend to attend in Webinar should register to the e-mail addresses: or until 23rd of November eob.
The registered participants on 24th of November will receive a link for the webinar, which will be held via MS Teams platform.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the non-binding Market Survey for the development of the services for new transmission capacities, which will be made available as a result of implementation of the GIPL project and creating a physical interconnection point on the Polish/Lithuanian border (the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Lithuania of the GIPL in both directions of the gas flow).
Through this Procedure, GAZ-SYSTEM and Amber Grid would like to obtain a better understanding of the key drivers for designing the optimal conditions for the access to GIPL interconnection point in both directions of the flow and provide higher value for our customers. In particular, the TSOs wish to focus on the pricing of the GIPL interconnection point, as well as the methods of capacity allocation. The market survey will also allow to estimate the market demand for new capacity in the Polish and Lithuanian Transmission Systems, which will be available as a result of the construction of GIPL, i.e. 274 000 Nm3/h (2,4 bcm/y) from Poland to Lithuania and 217 000 Nm3/h of (1,9 bcm/y) from Lithuania to Poland, in various pricing scenarios.
04.11.2020 - Start of the Procedure along with the publication of the Terms and Conditions
25.11.2020 - Webinar on the non-binding market survey
07.12.2020 - Deadline for submission of the Questionnaire
21.12.2020 - Assessment of the Questionnaires submitted during the Procedure
23.12.2020 - Announcement of the Procedure results
The participants which are interested in participation in the Market Survey procedure should fill out and submit the Questionnaire in English language version until 7 December 2020 to each of the TSOs to the e-mail addresses: and
Ms Agnieszka Ozga,
Mr Paweł Sęk,
Extension the deadline to file documents under ongoing non-binding market survey of a new FSRU terminal
In line with Article 4 of Terms and Conditions for the non-binding market survey Procedure for new transmission capacity in the National Transmission System related to the construction of a new LNG Terminal, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., amended the Procedure schedule by exceeding the deadline for submitting the questionnaire (until September, 28). Consequently, the expected date of assessment of the questionnaires and announcement of the procedure results were changed (October, 2 and October, 7 respectively).
Concerning the revision of the schedule, relevant changes have been incorporated into the Terms and Conditions.
20.07.2020 - Start of the Procedure along with the publication of the Terms and Conditions
28.09.2020 - Deadline for submission of the Questionnaire
02.10.2020 - Assessment of the Questionnaires submitted during the Procedure
07.10.2020 - Announcement of the Procedure results
The participants which are interested in participation in Procedure should submit the completed Questionnaire and GDPR Disclaimer until 28 of September 2020 to e-mail address: Please also send us the xml format of Questionnaire.
Non-binding market survey procedure for new transmission capacity in the National Transmission System (NTS) related to the construction of a new LNG Terminal (FSRU) located in the Gdansk Area
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the Market Screening Procedure for new transmission capacities in the NTS as a result of making available the regasification capacities of planned LNG Terminal with its integration with the transmission system by creating a Physical Entry Point from the LNG Terminal to the NTS.
It is assumed that the new LNG Terminal will allow regasification of at least 4.5 billion m3 per year, but the final decision on the technical capacities of the LNG regasification terminal, and thus offered capacity, will depend largely on market interest submitted under this procedure and then confirmed in the binding phase of the market demand survey.
20.07.2020 - Start of the Procedure along with the publication of the Terms and Conditions
21.09.2020 - Deadline for submission of the Questionnaire
25.09.2020 - Assessment of the Questionnaires submitted during the Procedure
30.09.2020 - Announcement of the Procedure results
The participants which are interested in participation in Procedure should submit the registration documents until 21 of September 2020 by sending a completed Questionnaire and GDPR Disclaimer to e-mail address: Please also send us the xml format of Questionnaire.
In 2020, the LNG Terminal in the Gdansk area was entered by the European Commission on the fourth list of Projects of Common Interest to the European Union (PCI status). PCI Projects list includes crucial infrastructure projects designed to improve security in the European energy market. The projects must also contribute to the implementation of EU Climate and Environmental Policy. More information available on the GAZ-SYSTEM`s PCI website.
Ms Agnieszka Ozga,
Mr Łukasz Trzeszczkowski,
GAZ-SYSTEM and Energinet’s consultation on the future capacity booking platform for the IP between Poland and Denmark
In line with art. 37 NC CAM GAZ-SYSTEM and Energinet should agree on a single capacity booking platform at the new, common interconnection point (IP) between Poland and Denmark. Within the decision process GAZ-SYSTEM and Energinet organised on 2 December 2019 in Warsaw and on 5 December 2019 in Ballerup joint workshop sessions dedicated to the future capacity platform.
Please find below please the summary of both workshops on capacity booking platform as well as the presented slides:
Summary of Baltic Pipe workshop on Booking Platform in Warsaw
Summary of Baltic Pipe workshop on Booking Platform in Ballerup
Presentation ”Baltic Pipe workshop on Booking Platform
Next step will be for GAZ-SYSTEM and Energinet to evaluate the input from the meetings, and to decide on which platform should be chosen.
Consultation on the updated part B of the Ten-Year National Development Plan for 2021-2030
We would like to announce that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and Article 15 of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997 No. 54, item 348, as amended) GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in cooperation with EuRoPol GAZ S.A. has started work on update of the part B of the Ten-Year National Development Plan, including activities for 2020 (to the extent to which they modify the National Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan for 2020-2029).
We invite all interested current and potential transmission system users to read the draft of the updated part B of Ten-Year National Development Plan 2021-2030 (only Polish version is avaiable).
Any comments should be submitted within 21 days, i.e. until 9.03.2020 by sending a completed form to the e-mail address:
The next phase of preparing Part B of the Ten Year National Development Plan will be analyzing your comments, suggestions and expectations and presenting the draft Part B of the Ten Year National Development Plan to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for approval.
Consultations concerning the draft amendment of the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe
GAZ-SYSTEM conducted the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe (the “TNC of TGPS”).
The proposed changes resulted from the need to adapt the TNC of TGPS to changing legal requirements and to the entrustment agreement concluded by GAZ-SYSTEM and EuRoPol GAZ s.a., relating to operator’s duties applied to the Yamal Gas Pipeline stemming from the President of the Energy Regulatory Office Decision from 19 December 2019. The draft of amendments comprises also the suggestions received from network users as well as experiences gained throughout application of the bidding version of TNC of TGPS.
A detailed list of changes is included in the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe.
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the TNC of TGPS draft.
Market participants were asked to send comments from 4.03.2020 until 19.03.2020.
The draft of TNC was submitted to the President of Energy Regulatory Office
According to the provisions of the Energy Law act, Art. 9g point 7 the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. presents the draft of the updated Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe, which was submitted for approval by the President of Energy Regulatory Office together with received comments and remarks from system users.
Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe - the version submitted to the ERO (only Polish version)
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested shareholders to participate in the consultations on the changes in “The mechanism of ensuring the financial neutrality of the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. balancing actions”.
Proposed modification of “The Mechanism of ensuring the financial neutrality of the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. balancing actions " aims to reduce the risk of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A and to protect the gas market participants and customers against entities that do not guarantee adequate stability and financial credibility, as well as protection against their incurring costs due to financial neutrality of balancing.
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the draft of "The mechanism of ensuring the financial neutrality of the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. balancing actions".
Comments should be sent by April 10, 2020, by sending completed forms to the e-mail address:
The draft of "The mechanism of ensuring the financial neutrality of the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. balancing actions" (only Polish version is available)
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (the “TNC”).
The proposed changes result from the need to clarify the TNC in selected areas as well as result from experiences of application of the current Network Code and suggestions received from network users.
The key changes to the provisions of the Code refer to the activities and regulation of connecting new installations to the transmission network as well as the security of cooperation between the systems. New provisions relating the optimization of the transmission infrastructure in the field of gas stations operation and modification of the procedure of suspension of gaseous fuel transmission to final customers.
The detailed list of changes can be found below in the published draft of the Transmission Network Code (version 28).
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the TNC draft.
Potential comments should be sent by 30 June 2020 using the provided form to the following email address:
Market consultation results:
The document submitted to the ERO (only Polish version is avaiable)
Comments to the TNC version 28 (only Polish version is avaiable)
Consultation of Incremental Capacity project on the border between Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe)
In accordance with Chapter V, Article 27 Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms GAZ-SYSTEM and ONTRAS are running public consultations for incremental capacity project on the border between Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) and Germany (Trading Hub Europe).
The incremental capacity project proposal was prepared by the TSOs during the design phase started on 21 October 2019 in response to submitted non-binding demand indications for incremental capacity at the GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS exit point which exceeds the currently available capacity towards Germany.
The joint consultation document includes a description of the incremental capacity project at GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS, cost estimate, provisional timelines, planned bundled offer level together with general terms and condition of participation in and access to capacity during annual yearly auction in July 2021.
Interested system users are asked to send comments on the draft incremental capacity project proposal on the border between Poland and Germany (Trading Hub Europe) and the accompanying general terms and conditions for participating in the incremental capacity auction, to the e-mail address until 10 September 2020.
To download:
Supplementary business terms and conditions – document prepared by ONTRAS (non valid version)
Supplementary business terms and conditions - document prepared by ONTRAS (valid version)
More information:
Demand assessment report for the incremental capacity process between Poland and Trading Hub Europe
Procedures completed in year 2019:
Consultation on the updated part B of the 2020–2029 Ten-Year National Development Plan
We would like to announce that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and Article 15 of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997 No. 54, item 348, as amended) GAZ-SYSTEM cooperation with EuRoPol GAZ S.A. has started work on update of the part B of the Ten-Year National Development Plan with respect to meeting the current and future gas demand.
We invite all interested current and potential transmission system users to read the draft of the updated part B of Ten-Year National Development Plan (only Polish version is avaiable).
Any comments should be submitted until 17th June 2019 by sending a completed form to the e-mail address:
This market demand assessment is carried out in the framework of the Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC).
For harmonizing the process for the development of incremental capacity in the European Union, provisions on the incremental capacity process have been introduced by the 2017 CAM NC amendment which is a standardised procedure for market participants to indicate in a non-binding way their demand for incremental capacity.
The first market demand assessment for incremental capacity was conducted in 2017. This year, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will conduct a second non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity between Polish and neighbouring transmission systems. The non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity will start on 1 July 2019 and will last for 8 weeks, i.e. until 26 August 2019. For the first time, the procedure will be carried out through the new functionality of the GSA Platform. In accordance with the applicable GSA Platform Rules GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. charges no fees for submitting non-binding requirements.
Based on the non-binding demand indications received under this year’s procedure for assessing market demand for incremental capacity, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and adjacent transmission system operators will produce common market demand assessment reports, each covering all interconnection points connecting given entry-exit system. The reports will estimate the potential demand for incremental capacity on each entry-exit system and state whether it is necessary to initiate an incremental capacity project.
The market demand assessment reports will be published no later than 16 weeks after the start of the procedure, by 21 October 2019 at the latest, at the websites of transmission system operators.
Interested network users are asked to indicate their non-binding demand indications for incremental capacity through the GSA Platform until 26 August 2019 16.00 (CEST).
All questions about the market demand assessment for incremental capacity shall be sent to the e-mail address:
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (the “TNC”).
The proposed changes result from the need to adapt the TNC to changing legal requirements as well as result from experiences of application of the current Network Code and suggestions received from network users.
The key changes to the provisions of the Code result, among other things from the implementation of amendments to the Energy Law regarding the Reserve Sale, from the expiring period of the application of interim measures resulting from Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (NC BAL). The provisions concerning the settlement procedure of mandatory stocks of natural gas which are aligned with the current Act on Reserves, have been updated as well.
The detailed list of changes can be found below in the published draft of the Transmission Network Code (version 27).
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the TNC draft.
Potential comments should be sent by 25th January 2019 (Friday) using the provided forms (editable version), to the following email address:
Form for submitting general comments and remarks to draft of TNC
Form for submitting detailed comments and remarks to draft of TNC
Consultations concerning the draft amendment of the TNC of the polish section of the transit gas pipeline system Jamal – Europe
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invites all interested parties to take part in the consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe (the “TNC of TGPS”).
The proposed changes result from the need to adapt the TNC of TGPS to changing legal requirements as well as result from experiences of application of the current TNC of TGPS and suggestions received from network users.
The key changes to the provisions of the Code result, among other things from the expiring period of the application of interim measures resulting from Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (NC BAL) and implementation of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (NC CAM), which introduces procedures concerning incremental capacity at interconnection points.
The detailed changes can be found below in the published draft of the Transmission Network Code of the Polish Section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Jamal – Europe.
We invite all interested parties to become acquainted with the TNC of TGPS draft.
Potential comments should be sent by 8th March 2019 (Friday) using the provided forms (editable version), to the following email address:
Procedures completed in year 2018:
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. conducted market consultations of the draft of amendments to the Transmission Network Code of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (the “TNC”).
The proposed changes result from the need to adapt the TNC to changing legal requirements as well as result from experiences of application of current Network Code and suggestions received from network users.
The key changes to the provisions of the Code result, among other things, from the implementation of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (NC CAM), which introduces procedures concerning incremental capacity at interconnection points. Moreover, the provisions concerning the procedure for the mobilisation and settlement of mandatory stocks of natural gas have been updated and aligned with the current Stockpiling Act. In addition, the amendment introduces provisions on the within day obligations which are related to the expiring period of the application of interim measures according to NC BAL (Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks). In view of the amendment of the Act on Measurements, new principles related to the verification of gas meters have also been proposed.
The detailed list of changes can be found below in the published draft of the Transmission Network Code (version 26).
The following documents can be downloaded:
Draft of the Transmission Network Code (consolidated version)
Draft of the Transmission Network Code (markup version)
Form for reporting general comments to the TNC draft
Form for reporting detailed comments to the TNC draft
Additionally, in accordance with Article 26(4) NC BAL, GAZ-SYSTEM organised market consultation of the Methodology and assumptions used in arriving at the conclusion that the planned within day obligation meets criteria set out in Article 26(2) NC BAL.
The following documents can be downloaded:
For those customers of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. who are interested in obtaining additional information concerning the new draft of the TNC, the TSO organised a workshop which was held on Thursday 22 March 2018, between 10.00 – 15.00 hours in Adgar Ochota conference centre at al. Jerozolimskie 181 B in Warsaw.
We encourage you to go through presentations we discussed over the course of workshops:
- A procedure of releasing and settling stocks of natural gas
- Capacity forecasts
- Intraday duties relating to termination of the transition period for the balancing code
- Changes in the meteorological control over gas meters
The draft of TNC was submitted to the President of Energy Regulatory Office
According to the provisions of the Energy Law act, Art. 9g point 7 the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. presents the draft of the updated Transmission Network Code (TNC), which was submitted for approval by the President of Energy Regulatory Office together with received comments and remarks from system users.
Transmission Network Code (TNC) - the version submitted to the ERO
General comments and remarks to drafts of TNC
Detailed comments and remarks to drafts of TNC
Documents are available only in Polish.
Recommendation document on the implementation of within day obligation in
high-methane gas balancing area
Based on art. 26.6 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC) Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. submitted the recommendation document to the President of Energy Regulatory Office for approval. The document includes the finalized proposal of the within day obligation implementation and the analysis referred to in article 26.5 of BAL NC.
Recommendation document on the implementation of within day obligation based on BAL NC
We would like to announce that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and Article 15 of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997 No. 54, item 348, as amended) GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. has started work on update of the part B of the Ten-Year National Development Plan with respect to meeting the current and future gas demand.
We invite all interested current and potential transmission system users to read the draft of the updated part B of Ten-Year National Development Plan 2019-2028 (only Polish version is avaiable).
Any comments should be submitted until 12th March 2018 by sending a completed form, using the template provided below, to the e-mail address:
Consultation on the updated report on the interim measures implemented by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in accordance with BAL NC
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. conducted the market consultation on the updated report on the interim measures implemented in the balancing areas managed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in accordance with Article 45 of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC)
BAL NC contains guidelines on the principles of balancing the system and making settlements with shippers for individual imbalances. Transmission system operators in the European Union, including GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., are obliged to apply the principles of BAL NC since 1 October 2015.
The Regulation supports the development of the short-term wholesale gas fuel markets and to tighten the integration of the EU gas market by ensuring consistency of the principles of balancing the transmission systems within the EU Member States.
In the absence of sufficient liquidity on the short-term wholesale natural gas market and hence limited opportunities for balancing the transmission system in accordance with the BAL NC, the transmission system operator implements so-called interim measures, namely admissible and transitional derogations from the BAL NC principles, the list of which has been specified in Articles 47–50 of the Regulation.
The implementation of the interim measures requires the preparation of a document (report) confirming the justification for introducing the proposed interim measures.
On 10th June 2015. President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision (sign DRR-7129-2(13)/2014/2015/AN/MSi) approving the Report on the interim measures planned for the implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in connection with the entry into force of BAL NC. On 30th September 2016 and on 29th September 2017, the President of Energy Regulatory Office issued decisions (sign DRR.WIR.7129.4.1.2016.JF and sign DRR.WRG.7129.7.2017.ŁWę respectively) approving the subsequent report updates prepared by the TSO.
The approved reports define the application of the following interim measures:
1) tolerance - in relation to the high-methane gas balancing area,
2) interim imbalance charge - in relation to TGPS balancing area and low-methane gas balancing area,
3) balancing platform, for all balancing areas of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Interim measures approved by the President of ERO (decision of 29th September 2017) apply during the period from 6:00 am on 1 October 2017 to 6:00 a.m. on 1 October 2018.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. assessed the impact of the functioning of the interim measures and in accordance with Art. 46 point 3 BAL NC prepared the updated report. It provides for the continuation of the use of interim measures in the balancing areas where GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. acts as a transmission system operator.
After the consultation, the updated report will be forwarded to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for approval.
Approved interim measurs
On 24 September 2018, the President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision approving the “Report on the Interim Measures Planned for the Implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM. in connection with the entry into force of Commission Regulation- (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks.”
Full text of the decision of the President of ERO along with detailed description of the interim measures approved for application, as well as the Report concerning the interim measures planned for the implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM are available at the following links:
Decision of the President of ERO approving the Report on the Interim Measures Planned for the Implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM (only Polish version is available)
Report on the Interim Measures Planned for the Implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM (only Polish version is availabe)
Report on the Interim Measures Planned for the Implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM (searchable version)
PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., gas transmission system operators of Ukraine and Poland respectively, launch non-binding market screening procedure for the capacity at the Poland-Ukraine border.
By conducting this non-binding market screening procedure both TSO's aim to estimate the level of market participants’ demand for the capacity at the Poland-Ukraine border and to create basis for further enhancement of the integrity of the regional markets through expansion of the Polish and Ukrainian gas transmission networks.
Early estimations of the TSOs show that firm capacity could be available to the market from
1 January 2020, therefore a non-binding market screening procedure for the capacity at the Polish-Ukrainian border shall cover the period of 15 years starting from gas year 2019-2020, taking into account that the capacity in gas year 2019-2020 will be available from 1 January 2020 until 1 October 2020.
The results of the market screening procedure shall constitute the basis for the TSOs decision on the future binding allocation procedure (Open Season) for the firm capacities at the Poland-Ukraine border, in both directions of the flow. The demonstrated market interest, will be the basis for the decision on building of the new interconnection.
If the market interest during the binding phase is confirmed, the final decision on expansion of the bidirectional gas flows between Poland and Ukraine may be taken.
Enhancement of the bidirectional gas flows between Poland and Ukraine would significantly contribute to the implementation of the European Union’s strategic aims of improving energy security and market integration.
In order to participate in the assessment, market participants shall fill in Capacity request form in accordance with the Rules of market screening and send the filled-in form to PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in the period between 6 April and 8 June 2018 to the addresses specified in the Rules. All questions regarding the assessment or the capacity request form shall be sent to email addresses and
PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will assess the received capacity request forms and will publish the results of the assessment by the 13th of July 2018.
We look forward to your responses!
In accordance with the schedule adopted by GAZ-SYSTEM, the consultation process started at the end of August 2018 and will continue until 31st October 2018.
More information:Customer zone >> Tariff >> TAR NC Consultation
Procedures completed in year 2017:
The project promoters of the Baltic Pipe Project, the Polish and the Danish gas transmission system operators, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Energinet conduct the Open Season Procedure.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Energinet invite all potential shippers to take part in the Open Season Procedure that will allow shippers to bid for capacity in the potential new gas pipeline from Norway to Denmark and Poland. The purpose of the process is to collect long-term investment signals for the Baltic Pipe Project before final investment decision is taken by TSOs. The Open Season process will take place in a transparent and non-discriminatory way in accordance with current EU regulation.
Phase 1 of the Open Season procedure for the Baltic Pipe project, which was completed on 25 July 2017, confirmed the market interest in this project through the declaration of sufficient demand for the transmission of natural gas. The positive outcome of Phase 1 allowed both operators to launch on 5 September 2017 Phase 2 of the Open Season, which will be aimed at obtaining final commitments from market participants as to the volume of their capacity bookings and, subsequently, lead to the conclusion of transmission contracts for the term of up to 15 gas years.
The shippers which are interested in participation in Phase 2 Open Season Procedure should submit the registration documents until 3.10.2017 at 4 P.M. CET by sending a completed registration form to Energinet and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to the e-mail addresses:
Confirmation of the registration deadline is expired by 17.10.2017 at 4:00 P.M. (CET).
The deadline for the shippers to provide a binding commitment by submitting of the Phase 2 Final Bid Form (APPENDIX 2) in the Phase 2 is 31.10.2017 at 4.00 P.M. CET.
Download The Open Season time schedule for the Baltic Pipe Project
The Open Season 2017 Rules together with all appendices have been prepared by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. on the basis of the annex to the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office dated on 24 March 2017(Decision no.: DRR.WRG.7129.2.1.2017.ACI) approving the allocation methods as defined in the document “Baltic Pipe Project. The decision with an attachment is available at the following link:
APPENDIX 2 - Phase 2 Final Bid Form: North Sea Entry Point and Interconnection Point Baltic Pipe
Documents are available on the Energinet’s website:
Energinet and GAZ-SYSTEM organized two information meetings regarding the Open Season Procedure and Baltic Pipe project.
First meeting took place in Stavanger, Norway 20th of June 2017.
Second meeting took place in Energinet location in Ballerup, 21st June 2017.
Presentations from information meetings:
- Presentation from information meeting in Stavanger, Norway (20.06.2017)
- Presentation from information meeting in Ballerup, Denmark (21.06.2017)
Market participants who are interested in submitting their bids in Phase 2 and would like to obtain further information concerning the Open Season procedure are requested to contact the project promoters to set up information meetings:
• Contact GAZ-SYSTEM
Mr Adam Marzecki,, +48 22 220 17 07
Ms Agnieszka Ozga,, +48 22 220 17 50
• Contact Energinet
Mr Christian Rutherford,, +45 23 33 89 08
Ms Julie Frost Szpilman,, +45 23 33 86 52
GAZ-SYSTEM invites all market participants to take part in the consultation of an amendment to the Transmission Network Code (TNC) concerning a change of the imbalance tolerance level for the area of balancing the domestic transmission network of high-methane gas (KSPE), which is to take effect as of 1 April 2018.
The proposed modification of the TNC provisions results from the expectations of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office expressed during the process of approving another “Report on interim measures to be introduced by GAZ-SYSTEM in connection with the entry into force of the Commission Regulation No. 312/2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC)”. The update of the TNC provisions is an element of the process of gradual reduction of imbalance tolerance, which according to the BAL NC will amount to 0 percent as of 1 April 2019.
We kindly request all interested gas market participants to read the draft amendment list to the TNC. Any comments should be submitted by 21 September 2017 by sending a completed form to the e-mail address:
Form for submitting general comments and remarks to draft of TNC
Form for submitting detailed comments and remarks to draft of TNC
The outcome of the consultaton:
Summary of comments subbmited in the public consultation (only Polish version is available)
GAZ-SYSTEM and ontras are launching a public consultation on the incremental capacity project regarding Poland-Germany (GASPOOL) interconnection
Based on the outcome of the Market Demand Assessment Report assessing the non-binding demand indication received in the demand assessment phase from 6 April 2017 until 1 June 2017, GAZ-SYSTEM and ONTRAS have begun the design phase pursuant to art. 27 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013.
As a result of technical and economic analyses both TSOs prepared the draft project proposal on the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and GASPOOL, which is now subject to public consultations.
The document includes among others: a description of the incremental capacity project, including a cost estimate, the offer levels for bundled capacity products at the interconnection point and provisional timelines of the incremental capacity project.
Interested network users are asked to send comments on the Draft project proposal of the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and GASPOOL, to the e-mail address until 19 December 2017, 17.00 (CEST).
Draft project proposal of the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and GASPOOL.
More information:
Demand assessment report for the incremental capacity process between Poland and GASPOOL.
Rules for the non-bidding market demand assessment for incremental capacity
This market demand assessment is carried out in the framework of the Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC amendment) which applies as of 6 April 2017.
For harmonizing the process for the development of incremental capacity in the European Union, new provisions on the incremental capacity process have been introduced by the CAM NC amendment which is a standardised procedure for market participants to indicate in a non-binding way their demand for incremental capacity.
The first market demand assessment for incremental capacity shall be conducted in 2017 following the entry into force of the CAM NC amendment on 6 April 2017.
Based on questionnaires received under this procedure for assessing market demand for incremental capacity, GAZ-SYSTEM will evaluate the level of network users' demand for firm Incremental capacity between Polish entry-exit system and adjacent entry-exit systems.
The received non-binding indications will be used by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and transmission system operators of adjacent entry-exit systems to produce common market demand assessment reports, each covering all interconnection points of at least one entry-exit system border, evaluating the prospective demand for incremental capacity and stating whether an Incremental capacity project is initiated.
The market demand assessment reports will be published no later than 16 weeks after the start of the Procedure, by 27 July 2017 at the latest, at the websites of transmission system operators.
Interested network users are asked to send filled in questionnaire for non-binding demand indications for incremental capacity, available below, until 1 June 2017 16.00 (CEST).
The questionnaire together with required attachments shall be sent to the e-mail address and in a written form at the address indicated in the Rules provided below.
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013
- Rules for participation in a non-binding procedure for assessing market demand for incremental capacity
- Questionnaire for non-binding demand indications for incremental capacity
- Information brochure about changes in CAM NC amendment regarding incremental capacity proces
Consultation on the updated report on the interim measures implemented by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in accordance with BAL NC and survey concerning the scope of data provided to market participants in the balancing process
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. hereby invites all interested parties to participate in the consultations on the updated report on the interim measures implemented in the balancing areas managed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in accordance with Article 45 of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC).
BAL NC contains guidelines on the principles of balancing the system and making settlements with shippers for individual imbalances. Transmission system operators in the European Union, including GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., are obliged to apply the principles of BAL NC since 1 October 2015.
The Regulation supports the development of the short-term wholesale gas fuel markets and to tighten the integration of the EU gas market by ensuring consistency of the principles of balancing the transmission systems within the EU Member States.
In the absence of sufficient liquidity on the short-term wholesale natural gas market and hence limited opportunities for balancing the transmission system in accordance with the BAL NC, the transmission system operator implements so-called interim measures, namely admissible and transitional derogations from the BAL NC principles, the list of which has been specified in Articles 47–50 of the Regulation. The implementation of the interim measures requires the preparation of a document (report) confirming the justification for introducing the proposed interim measures.
On 10th June 2015. President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision (sign DRR-7129-2(13)/2014/2015/AN/MSi) approving the Report on the interim measures planned for the implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in connection with the entry into force of BAL NC. On 30th September 2016, the President of Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision (sign DRR.WIR.7129.4.1.2016.JF) approving the update of the report prepared by the TSO. The approved reports define the application of the following interim measures:
1) tolerance - in relation to the high-methane gas balancing area,
2) interim imbalance charge - in relation to TGPS balancing area and low-methane gas balancing area,
3) balancing platform, for all balancing areas of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Interim measures approved by the President of ERO (decision of 30th September 2016) apply during the period from 6:00 am on 1 October 2016 to 6:00 a.m. on 1 October 2017.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. assessed the impact of the functioning of the interim measures and in accordance with Art. 46 point 3 BAL NC prepared the updated report. It provides for the continuation of the use of interim measures in the balancing areas where GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. acts as a transmission system operator.
After the consultation, the updated report will be forwarded to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for approval.
We would like to invite all interested parties to review the draft report and send comments (if any) till 20th June 2017, by submitting a completed form to the following e-mail address:
At the same time, in accordance with the Report approved by the decision of the President of ERO of 30th September 2016, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in cooperation with the Energy Regulatory Office is carrying out a survey of market participants in order to assess whether the scope of the information provided to market participants in the balancing process is sufficient to reduce the tolerance level in the next gas year.
You are kindly requested to answer the questions and send the completed file (in .docx format) to: by 20th June 2017 r.
Market Consultations of the binding Open Season Procedure for the Baltic Pipe Project
The project promoters of the Baltic Pipe Project, the Polish and the Danish gas transmission system operators, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and have launched the market consultations of the Open Season procedure.
By publishing of the “Model Paper” together with the documents regarding the Open Season procedure both TSO's would like to consult with all relevant stakeholders of the Baltic Pipe Project the Open Season procedure, scheduled for 2017.
All market participants, respective adjacent system operators and respective regulators are welcomed to become dialogue partners and are invited to submit their comments and questions to the Rules as well as to planned process until 06.01.2017, 16:00 (CET) at the latest.
General appendices:
APPENDIX 1 - Phase 1 Order to Proceed Bid Form: North See Entry Point and Innterconnection Point Baltic Pipe
APPENDIX 2 - Phase 2 Final Bid Form: North See Entry Point and Innterconnection Point Baltic Pipe
Danish Appendices:
Polish Appendices:
Presentations from the Open Season Information meeting (8.12.2016)
The Q&A list regarding the Open Season Procedure for the Baltic Pipe Project
Information about the postponed startup date of Open Season Procedure for the Baltic Pipe Project
Please be informed that initially considered startup date of Open Season 2017 is postponed. and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. are still in the process of preparing the final rules for the Open Season 2017, based on comments received during the market consultation. Both TSOs will announce the new date in a separate publication and also by publication of the final Open Season 2017 documents.
NOTICE: The Polish version of the documents is available for information purposes only. In the event of any discrepancies arising between the documents in the English language and in the Polish language, the provisions of the English language version shall be legally binding.
After the consultation, and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will evaluate the responses received during the consultation, and will adjust the Open Season Rules. The final version of the Open Season Rules is subject to approval of relevant authorities in both countries.
The Open Season process is designed to enable shippers to provide relevant TSOs with positive investments signals that are required for realization of the Baltic Pipe Project. The process will run from December 2016, starting with a market consultation of the rules, until the second half of 2017 by signing the capacity agreements which will be subject to conditions precedent.
During the market consultation, participants may submit written questions to and/or GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. concerning the Open Season 2017.
All questions must be written in English and must be emailed to one or both of the below email addresses:
All questions and answers will be made public in the “Q&A section” on this site in an anonymous form. The Participants shall ensure that the wording of the questions does not make it possible to identify the Participant who has submitted the question.
All communication with and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. regarding Open Season 2017 shall be in English. In addition, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. shall also allow for communication regarding the OS 2017 in Polish.
More information on the project:
Adam Marzecki,, +48 22 220 17 07
Agnieszka Ozga,, +48 22 220 27 50
Christian Rutherford,, +45 2333 8908
Julie Frost Szpilman,, +45 2333 8652
The attached draft Open Season 2017 Rules with appendices and other documentation are in a draft form only and subject to consultation with and approval from authorities. Changes to the attached draft documents are expected; based on input received during this consultations, arising out of further work on the drafts within and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., consultation with authorities and otherwise. Whereas, and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will examine diligently all input received during the consultations, and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. reserve their right in their free discretion to incorporate some of the input received and to disregard other input.
As and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will be publishing the questions received and answers given during this consultations, we ask all parties providing input in this consultations to note if any part of the questions asked should be treated as confidential by and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and not be published as part of the consultations.
The Polish and Ukrainian transmission system operators – Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Public Joint-Stock Company "UKRTRANSGAZ" Ukrtransgaz intend to conclude an update of interconnection agreement regarding to the gas transmission through the Hermanowice/Drozdowicze point.
According to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, both TSO’s shall invite the network users to comment on the proposed text of:
1) rules for the matching process,
2) rules for the allocation of gas quantities,
3) communication procedures in case of exceptional events.
All market participants are invited to submit their comments and questions by sending a completed form, to the e-mail address:
This consultation will run from 1 January 2017 until 1 March 2017.
After the consultation, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Public Joint-Stock Company Ukrtransgaz will evaluate the responses received during the consultation and take the network users’ comments into account when concluding or amending their interconnection agreement.
We would like to announce that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and Article 15 of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997 No. 54, item 348, as amended) GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. has started work on update of the part B of the Ten-Year National Development Plan with respect to meeting the current and future gas demand.
We invite all interested current and potential transmission system users to read the draft of the updated part B of Ten-Year National Development Plan (only Polish version is avaiable).
Any comments should be submitted until 27th March 2017 by sending a completed form, using the template provided below, to the e-mail address:
Procedures completed in year 2016:
Consultation on the draft 2018–2027 Ten-Year National Development Plan for the gas transmission network
Consultation on the draft 2018–2027 Ten-Year National Development Plan for the Gas Transmission Network
We would like to announce that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997 No. 54, item 348, as amended) and in accordance with chapter 4 of the Transmission Network Code, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. has started work on the Ten-Year National Development Plan with respect to meeting the current and future gas demand. The draft Development Plan includes own networks of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
We invite all interested current and potential transmission system users to read the draft Ten-Year National Development Plan (only Polish version is avaiable). Any comments should be submitted within 21 days (until 29th December 2016) by sending a completed form, using the template provided below, to the e-mail address:
The next stage of preparing the Ten-Year National Development Plan will involve analysing your comments, suggestions and expectations, as well as presenting the draft Ten-Year National Development Plan to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for adjustments.
The Project Promoters of the Gas Interconnection Poland – Slovakia, the Polish and Slovak gas transmission system operators, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Eustream have launched the Binding Open Season Procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Slovakia.
The market participants are requested to submit their binding bids for the capacity at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Slovakia until 9 September 2016, 16:00 (CEST) at the latest.
Open Season Procedure is based on the Directive 2009/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC, the Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation No 1775/2005/EC, the applicable national legislation in Poland and Slovakia and ERGEG Guidelines for Good Practice on Open Season procedure of 21 May 2007, ref: C06-GWG-29-05c. On the Polish side, the Open Season Procedure is also based on the provisions of point 7.1.13 of the TNC of GAZ-SYSTEM.
The abovementioned regulations ensure transparency and equal treatment of all Participants of the Procedure.
Detailed description on the Gas Interconnection Poland – Slovakia project is available here.
List of documents:
Annex 1: Rules of Allocation
Annex 2: Binding bid
Annex 3: Operational Order of EUSTREAM (setting the business conditions)
Annex 4: TNC of GAZ-SYSTEM
Annex 5: Transmission Contract template of EUSTREAM
Annex 6: Transmission Contract template of GAZ-SYSTEM
Annex 7: Tariff of EUSTREAM
Annex 8: Tariff of GAZ-SYSTEM
Annex 9: Rules of the GSA Platform
Annex 10: Draft of the power of attorney for GSA Platform for EUSTREAM
Annex 11: Draft of the power of attorney for GSA Platform for GAZ-SYSTEM
Annex 12: Framework transmission agreement template of GAZ-SYSTEM
The Polish version of the documents is available for information purposes only. In the event of any discrepancies arising between the documents in the English language and in the Polish language, the provisions of the English language version shall be legally binding.
The Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange (“INT NC”) shall apply from 1st May 2016.
INT NC was developed in the years 2012 - 2015 under the Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 and in particular under Article 6(11) thereof.
In accordance with Article 9 of INT NC, the adjacent transmission system operators shall establish rules ensuring consistency between the allocated quantities at both sides of the interconnection point.
The basic allocation rule foreseen by Article 9 point 2 of INT NC shall be the operational balancing account (“OBA-rule”). The application of the OBA-rule means that the quantities allocated to the network users at the connection point with the adjacent TSO shall be equal to the confirmed quantities.
However, based on the Article 9 point 4 of INT NC, the adjacent transmission system operators may agree to maintain or implement an allocation rule other than the operational balancing account, provided that this rule is published and network users are invited to comment on the proposed allocation rule within at least two months after publication of the allocation rule.
Therefore, based on the provisions of Article 9 point 4 of INT NC, transmission system operators: Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.) and GASCADE Gastransport GmbH (GASCADE) consult with the market participant maintaining of the following currently applicable allocation rule at the interconnection point Mallnow the direction Poland towards Germany:
The current allocation rule applicable between the transmission system operators at the interconnection point Mallnow is based on the mechanism of a so-called balancing Shipper (“balancing Shipper”). This allocation rule means that the existing balancing Shipper-pair balances the deviation between the total nominated quantities and measured quantities on each given gas day. The quantities allocated to other shippers are equal to the confirmed nominations. The role of the balancing Shipper is currently being fulfilled by one of the shippers being active at the interconnection point Mallnow direction Poland towards Germany.
Furthermore the allocation rule balancing Shipper has been successfully applied since commissioning of the station and represents from the point of view of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and GASCADE a workable alternative to the OBA-rule. If the current balancing Shipper is not able to perform this function in the future any more or if any other Shipper is not able to execute the balancing shipper on a voluntary and convenient basis, the OBA-rule will be used at the interconnection point Mallnow.
In order to avoid misunderstanding it has to be clarified that the balancing shipper mechanism does not have any influence regarding the operational gas transport procedures of shippers not executing the role of the balancing shipper.
Moreover for the avoidance of doubt it is noted, that these balancing shipper rules shall be valid only at the interconnection point Mallnow direction Poland towards Germany. For the direction Germany towards Poland an OBA-rule shall be applied.
According to Article 9 point 4 of INT NC, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and GASCADE invite the interested market participants to comment on the proposed allocation rule.
Please send your comments until 29 April 2016 to the following email addresses: and
Market Consultation on the The Rules Of The Binding Open Season Procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Slovakia
During the Market Consultation, market participants are requested to submit their comments to the Rules of the Binding Open Season Procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Slovakia until 7.07.2016, 16:00 (CEST) at the latest to the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. address and the e-mail address:
In August 2016 both TSO’s are planning to launch the Binding Open Season Procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Slovakia.
The condition for participation in the procedure shall be the conclusion of a framework transmission agreement with GAZ-SYSTEM and registration on the platform GAZ-SYSTEM Aukcje.
After market consultations, the Rules of the Binding Open Season Procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Slovakia will be the subject of approval by the National Regulatory Authorities in Poland and in Slovakia.
Project description
The Polish gas transmission system operator, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (GAZ-SYSTEM) and the Slovak transmission system operator, eustream, a.s. (EUSTREAM) consider construction of a new, bidirectional gas pipeline connecting gas transmission systems of the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic.
The prospective bidirectional interconnection will connect gas transmission systems of the two countries through a gas pipeline from a compressor station in Veľké Kapušany in Slovakia to the compressor station in Strachocina, Poland.
Total length of the interconnection will be approximately 158 km, of which 58 km will fall within the territory of Poland and 100 km will fall within the territory of Slovakia.
Realization of the Gas Interconnection Poland – Slovakia also includes the necessary reinforcements of internal gas grid in South-Eastern Poland, i.e. the construction of a gas pipeline Pogórska Wola – Tworzeń, the construction of a gas pipeline Tworóg – Tworzeń and the construction of a gas pipeline Strachocina – Pogórska Wola.
List of the documents
Consultation on the updated report on the interim measures implemented by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in accordance with BAL NC
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. hereby invites all interested parties to participate in the consultations on the updated report on the interim measures implemented in the balancing areas managed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in accordance with Article 45 of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC).
BAL NC contains guidelines on the principles of balancing the system and making settlements with shippers for individual imbalances. Transmission system operators in the European Union, including GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., are obliged to apply the principles of BAL NC since 1 October 2015.
The Regulation supports the development of the short-term wholesale gas fuel markets and to tighten the integration of the EU gas market by ensuring consistency of the principles of balancing the transmission systems within the EU Member States.
In the absence of sufficient liquidity on the short-term wholesale natural gas market and hence limited opportunities for balancing the transmission system in accordance with the BAL NC, the transmission system operator implements so-called interim measures, namely admissible and transitional derogations from the BAL NC principles, the list of which has been specified in Articles 47–50 of the Regulation. The implementation of the interim measures requires the preparation of a document (report) confirming the justification for introducing the proposed interim measures.
On 10th June 2015. President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued a decision approving the Report on the interim measures planned for the implementation by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in connection with the entry into force of BAL NC. The approved report defines the application of the following interim measures:
1) tolerance - in relation to the high-methane gas balancing area,
2) interim imbalance charge - in relation to TGPS balancing area and low-methane gas balancing area,
3) balancing platform, for all balancing areas of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Interim measures approved by the President of ERO (decision of 10th June 2015) apply during the period from 6:00 am on 1 October 2015 to 6:00 a.m. on 1 October 2016. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. assessed the impact of the functioning of the interim measures and in accordance with Art. 46 point 3 BAL NC prepared the updated report. It provides for the continuation of the use of interim measures in the balancing areas where GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. acts as a transmission system operator.
After the consultation, the updated report will be forwarded to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for approval.
We would like to invite all interested parties to review the draft report and send comments (if any) till 12th July 2016, by submitting a completed form, the specimen of which is presented below, to the following e-mail address:
Updated Report on Interim Measures introduced under Commision Regulation No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing ten Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks
Consultation form
Procedures completed in year 2015:
Gaz-System S.A. Is launching market evaluation survey regarding the long-term demand for capacity between the Polish and German transmission systems
Following the signals from the natural gas market in Poland, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. has decided to conduct a survey addressed to the market participants, which is aimed to estimate interest in the potential expansion of the transmission system.
The basis for the market assessment regarding the development of the transmission system are provisions of the Transmission Network Code (section and 4.1.3), according to which the transmission system operator is obliged to plan the network development by consulting the direction of the development with market participants. The abovementioned analysis is for the TSO to become acquainted with the market expectations regarding the extension of the interconnection points connecting Polish and German transmission systems in both directions of the gas flow.
As a part of the survey, market participants are requested to submit non-binding questionnaires indicating the potential demand for gas transmission services for the period of 20 years starting from 2017 in both directions of the gas flow, i.e. from Poland to Germany and from Germany to Poland. Submitted questionnaires will form the basis for the analysis of possible directions of the development of the Polish transmission system on the border with Germany.
Based on the results of the analysis, a decision on a possible expansion of the system will be taken, and later, in the event of a decision that such expansion will take place, the relevant capacity allocation procedure will take place during the binding phase of the capacity allocation.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. expects the questionnaires to be submitted until 9 October 2015, 16.00 (CEST). Once the procedure is finished, the Company will publish a summary of the results.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. informs that this survey is conducted independently of the procedure organized by the German operators, whose aim is to estimate the demand for the use of cross-border connections in the area of GASPOOL. In order to obtain reliable results, market participants should take part in both procedures.
On 24-th of April 2015 the consultations regarding the mechanism planned for implementation for assuring cost neutrality of the balancing activities of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (in accordance with BAL NC) have been completed.
Further to the entry into force of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a network code on gas balancing of transmission networks (BAL NC), Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. invited all interested parties to participate in the consultations of document regarding the implementation of a mechanism for assuring cost neutrality of the balancing activities conducted by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
All reservations had to be reported by 24 April 2015, by submitting a completed form to the following e-mail address:
During the public consultation regarding the mechanism planned for implementation for assuring cost neutrality of the balancing activities of Operator 5 entites have submitted their comments.
Response to those comments are here.
Currently, document containing the assumptions of mechanism to ensure cost neutrality Operator balancing activities is in the process of final arrangements with the Energy Regulatory Office.
We would like to announce that in accordance with the provisions of Art. 16 of the Energy Law Act of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997, No 54; Item 348, as amended) and in accordance with Section 4 of the Transmission Network Code, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. has proceeded to prepare an update of a ten-year National Development Plan for years 2016-2025.
The implementation of the scope of activities included in the Development Plan aims at meeting the current and the future gas demand for years 2016-2025.
The draft of the Development Plan includes the transmission network of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and The Transit Gas Pipeline System
We invite all interested current and potential transmission system users to read the draft update of the draft a Ten-year National Development Plan (only Polish version is available).
Any comments should be submitted within 21 days by sending a completed form to the e-mail address:
The analysis of your comments, suggestions and expectations, as well as presenting for approval the draft ten-year National Development Plan to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office will be the next stage of preparing the Development Plan.
The Gas Interconnection Poland – Lithuania (GIPL) project promoters, the Polish and Lithuanian gas transmission system operators, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid, have agreed to conduct the Non-Binding phase of the Open Season Procedure.
During this phase, the Polish and Lithuanian gas transmission system operators seek to estimate the market participants’ demand for the firm capacity at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Lithuania of the GIPL in both directions of the gas flow.
The outcome of this phase of the Open Season Procedure will result in respective decisions on launching the Binding Open Season Procedure, where the binding orders on capacity booking will be collected.
The main aim of the Gas Interconnection Poland – Lithuania Open Season Procedure is to identify market interest which shall be confirmed by long-term pipeline capacity booking as well as to define the optimal way of financing of the project.
During the Non-Binding phase of the Open Season procedure, Market participants are requested to submit Capacity Request Form in line with the provisions of Rules of the Non-binding phase of the Open Season procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Lithuania until 31.08.2015, 16:00 (CET) at the latest.
A completed Capacity Request Form (template of which is given below) with relevant attachments should be sent to the e-mail address: and
Rules of Non-binding phase of the Open Season procedure at the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Lithuania
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. hereby informs that consultations concerning the new draft of the Transmission Network Code of Polish Transmission System (TNC) have been opened.
The proposed changes are due to the changes in the legislation (implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks and Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 of 14 October 2013 establishing a Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems and supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council) and result from experiences of application of current Network Code and from feedback received from Network Users.
After receiving comments and remarks from stakeholders, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will submit the new TNC draft for approval to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.
We invite all the interested parties to review the TNC draft. Please submit any comments and remarks by 10th August 2015 on the relevant forms enclosed below. Filled out forms should be sent to the e-mail address:
Draft of Transmissin Network Code GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. - consolidated version
Draft of Transmissin Network Code GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. - tracking change mode version
Form for submitting general comments and remarks to drafts of TNC
Form for submitting detailed comments and remarks to drafts of TNC
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. hereby informs that consultations concerning the new draft of the Transmission Network Code of Polish Section of the Jamal Pipeline (TNC TGPS) have been opened.
The proposed changes are due to the changes in the legislation (implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks and Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 of 14 October 2013 establishing a Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems and supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council).
After receiving comments and remarks from stakeholders, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will submit the new TNC TGPS draft for approval to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.
We invite all the interested parties to review the TNC TGPS draft.
Please submit any comments and remarks by 7th September 2015 on the relevant forms enclosed below. Filled out forms should be sent to the e-mail address:
Draft of TNC TGPS - consolidated version
Draft of TNC TGPS - tracking change mode version
Form for submitting general comments and remarks to draft of TNC TGPS
Form for submitting detailed comments and remarks to draft of TNC TGPS
Procedures completed in year 2014:
Between 10-24 January 2014 Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. conducted the market consultations regarding the Terms and Conditions of the auction of a Bundled Capacity Product to be offered at the Mallnow Interconnection Point.
It was associated with ongoing works for the extension of the Mallnow metering station which was agreed between GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and GASCADE Gastransport GmbH at the end of 2012. The planned completion of the expansion of the Mallnow station, and thus the ability to offer firm capacity is to take place from April 1, 2014.
The capacity will be offered as bundled and will be based on the provisions of the European Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code (NC CAM), in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 of 14 October 2013 supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ EU No L 273/5) (the "NC CAM").
During the pilot auctions the bundled capacity at the Mallnow interconnection point will be offered for the following periods:
- Quarter April 2014 – June 2014: 2 917 792 kWh/h (282 677 m3/h in accordance with the GOST standard),
- Quarter July 2014 – September 2014: 2 917 792 kWh/h (282 677 m3/h in accordance with the GOST standard).
Launching the pilot auctions is scheduled at the 24 February 2014. Auction will be entirely carried out at the European Capacity Platform PRISMA Primary.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. publishes for the consultation the GAZ-SYSTEM's rules of the auction of Bundled Product at IP Mallnow.
List of downloadable documents:
Comments were collected until 24 January 2014, 16.00 CET.
The final version of the "GAZ-SYSTEM's Rules of the Auction of Bundled Product at IP Mallnow” is available here.
Further to the entry into force of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC), in accordance with Article 46 of this regulation, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. hereby invites all interested parties to participate in the consultations on the draft report on the transitional measures proposed for implementation in the transmission system managed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
BAL NC contains guidelines on the principles of balancing the system and making settlements with shippers for individual imbalances. Transmission system operators in the European Union, including GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., are obliged to adjust the principles of balancing used in their transmission systems in accordance with the guidelines of the BAL NC by 1 October 2015.
The overriding objective of introducing the above Regulation is to accelerate the development of the short-term wholesale gas fuel markets and to tighten the integration of the EU gas market by ensuring consistency of the principles of balancing the transmission systems within the EU Member States.
In the absence of sufficient liquidity on the short-term wholesale natural gas market and hence limited opportunities for balancing the transmission system in accordance with the BAL NC, the transmission system operator is able to implement so-called interim measures, namely admissible and transitional derogations from the BAL NC principles, the list of which has been specified in Articles 47–50 of the Regulation. The implementation of the interim measures requires the preparation of a document (report) confirming the justification for introducing the proposed interim measures. Consultations should be held on the solutions proposed in the report, in which interested parties are able to participate.
After the consultations, the report will be forwarded to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office by 16 October 2014 for approval. The President of the ERO is obliged to make a decision on the proposed interim measures within six months of the receipt of the complete report and provide the decision to the Agency and the European Commission.
We would like to invite all interested parties to review the draft report. We would ask that all reservations are reported by 9 October 2014, by submitting a completed form, the specimen of which is presented below, to the following e-mail address:
Procedures completed in year 2013:
Bundled product at interconnection point Lasów
On the 3rd of June 2013, the Transmission System Operators (TSO) GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., Poland and ONTRAS - VNG Gastransport GmbH, Germany (ONTRAS) for the first time offered bundled capacity products at the interconnection point Lasòw. Capacity marketing was carried out as a pilot project on the first European platform for gas capacity allocation PRISMA. Both TSOs offered bundled capacity products for three quarters of the 2013/2014 gas year on the basis of the future European Network Code for Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (NC CAM).
Aim of the Lasòw pilot
A key objective of providing a bundled auction at IP Lasòw was to gain experience in establishing bundled products on the basis of European rules such as the NC CAM before its official entering into force and therefore to facilitate the political targets of an integrated European gas market.
During the pilot phase, the following products were offered:
- 1st quarter of 2013 [January 2014 – March 2014] auctioning 57,980 kWh/h (5,200 m3/h),
- 2nd quarter of 2014 [April 2014 – June 2014] auctioning 57,980 kWh/h (5,200 m3/h),
- 3rd quarter of 2014 [July 2014 – September 2014] auctioning 57,980 kWh/h (5,200 m3/h).
Network Users had the opportunity to register during April and May 2013. This registration process and the capacity auctions were carried out via PRISMA where also detailed rules regarding the auction were published.
Related documentation
- Joint Product Description Paper PL
- Joint Product Description Paper EN
- Shipper Manual PL
- Shipper Manual EN
Development perspectives:
ONTRAS and GAZ-SYSTEM intend to jointly offer further bundled products besides the bundling products of the pilot. The TSOs aim to also offer bundled yearly, monthly and daily products before the target set according to NC CAM. The feasibility to implement those products is depending on the technical constraints.
In 2011 the Transmission System Operators (TSO) GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., Poland and ONTRAS - VNG Gastransport GmbH, Germany (ONTRAS) started a common project for establishing bundled capacity products at the interconnection point Lasòw. In August 2012, both TSO agreed with the Polish Energy Regulatory Office and the German Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) to launch a respective pilot project in the mid of 2013. The aim was to early implement bundled capacity between Poland and Germany on the basis of the future European Network Code for Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (NC CAM).
The development of the pilot included a market consultation and a shipper workshop in November 2012 in order to ensure the best possible solution for the bundled product principles of the pilot.
With the input of the Network Users the contractual conditions were finalised and agreed with both National Regulatory Authorities in early 2013. At the same time work on the technical implementation of the bundled services was conducted and discussions on the future scope of the cooperation were discussed (see section above).
Consultations of the draft Development Plan for the years 2014-2023
Pursuant to Article 16 of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws of 1997 No. 54, item 348, as amended) and pursuant to chapter 4 of the Transmission Network Code, GAZ–SYSTEM S.A. has started works on the Development Plan for the years 2014-2023 in order to ensure satisfying current and future demand for gas fuels.
Works completed until now involved collecting preliminary information on development plans of interoperating systems, as well as the data on planned long-term demand for gas of key customers. Based on the data collected and analyses carried out, the preliminary draft Development Plan for the years 2014-2023 has been drawn up, the summary of which was made available for consultation purposes.
Until 2023, the Development Plan takes into account expectations of the gas market participants and users of the transmission system with respect to the quantity of gas transmitted and preferred directions of supplies to the transmission system.
Activities included in the Development Plan should ensure long-term ability of the gas system to satisfy reasonable needs pertaining to gas fuel transmission in domestic trade and trade across borders.
Consultations were opened until 22 July 2013.
The next stage of the preparation of the Development Plan for the years 2013-2013 will involve the presentation of the draft plan to the President of the Regulatory Energy Office for reconciliation.
Download (Polish version only):
Summary of the draft Development Plan
Procedures completed in year 2012:
From 16 August to 7 September 2012, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. held a market screening procedure in respect of capacity upgrade for selected interconnection points.
The procedure was aimed at assessing the market demand for increased capacity at the following points:
- Transit Gas Pipeline System Mallnow reverse flow (ID 87002) - expectations of the market regarding the availability of gas transmission from the direction of Germany (physical reverse transmission service). The reverse transmission service is currently provided on an interruptible basis, at 4th level of gas supply reliability according to point 9.2 of the TGPS Tariff. The technical reverse-flow capacity at the Mallnow point corresponds to the aggregate technical capacity of the exit points to the Polish system.
- Tietierowka (ID 572405), physical flow in BY–PL direction through the Tieterowka entry point (ID 572405) to the Grabówka exit point (ID 588010).
- Lasów reverse flow (ID 202411) - expectations of the market regarding the availability of gas transmission from the direction of Germany (physical reverse transmission service). The reverse-flow service is currently provided at 4th level of supply reliability according to the currently applicable Tariff for Gas Transmission Services of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
The results of the procedure are being analysed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and will lead to subsequent corporate decisions.
Documents concerning procedure are available for download at the link:
Regulations for the Market Screening Procedure related to the capacity increase.
Appendix 1. Questionnaire SGT Mallnow
Appendix 2. Questionnaire Tietierowka
Appendix 3. Questionnaire Lasów Reverse
Appendix 4. Transmission Network Code - Part I
Appendix 4. Transmission Network Code - Part II
Appendix 5. Transmission Network Code of the Polish section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Yamal - Europe - Part I
Appendix 5. Transmission Network Code of the Polish section of the Transit Gas Pipeline System Yamal - Europe - Part II
Appendix 6. Transmission Network Code (as of 1.12.2012)
Appendix 7. Tariff for Gas Transmission Services No. 5
Procedures completed in year 2011:
Between 15 June and 18 July 2011 GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. held a market screening procedure with respect to offering additional capacity at the Lasów entry point and the Market Screening Procedure for further capacity upgrade at the Lasów entry point. In the course of consultations with the Energy Regulatory Office the period covered by the “Procedure for offering additional capacity at the Lasów entry point” was shortened to 2014, and the capacity offered in 2014 was reduced by 10%, i.e. 46,800 m3/h. The remaining capacity for the years 2014 and 2015 will be offered at a later date. The above arrangements do not affect in any way the provisions of the Market Screening Procedure as regards further capacity upgrade at the Lasów entry point. The procedure concerns the period 2016-2025 (it being assumed that further capacity upgrade at the Lasów point could take place as of 2016 at the soonest, as it requires investment decisions both on the Polish and German side). The results of the procedure were reviewed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and lead to signing agreements for capacity to be made available at the Lasów entry point.
List of documents:
Additional capacity allocation procedure in Lasów entry point:
Rules for allocating of additional capacity at the Lasów entry point
Annex no 1 - Model Form of a binding bid (offer)
Annex no 1a - Model statements
Annex no 2 - Model of a Bank Guarantee (insurance)
Annex no 3 - Model Agreement for gas transmission services
Annex no 4a - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part I)
Annex no 4b - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part II)
Annex no 5 – GAZ-SYSTEM Tariff
Procedure of Market Screening on further increase of capacity at the Lasów entry point:
Rules for Procedure of Market Screening on further increase of capacity at the Lasów entry point
Annex no 1 - Market Screening (questionnaire)
Annex no 2a - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part I)
Annex no 2b - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part II)
Annex no 3 - GAZ-SYSTEM Tariff
A meeting with the market participants, which will complete the consultation process, is planned for 20 June 2011 in Warsaw. Interested entities are asked to register participation (by 17 June 2011) using the form below, and subsequently sent it to:
Seminar registration
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is launching the consultations of Additional capacity allocation procedure in Lasów entry point.
Any comments to the Procedure should be submitted by 15 June 2011 by using the applicable form to:
List of documents:
Additional capacity allocation procedure in Lasów entry point:
Rules for allocating of additional capacity at the Lasów entry point (Draft for consultation 06.06.2011)
Annex no 1 - Model Form of a binding bid (offer)
Annex no 1a - Model statements
Annex no 2 - Model of a Bank Guarantee (insurance)
Annex no 3 - Model Agreement for gas transmission services - version 1.1
Annex no 4a - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part I)
Annex no 4b - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part II)
Annex no 5 – GAZ-SYSTEM Tariff
Procedure of Market Screening on further increase of capacity at the Lasów entry point:
Rules for Procedure of Market Screening on further increase of capacity at the Lasów entry point (Draft for consultation 06.06.2011)
Annex no 1 - Market Screening (questionnaire)
Annex no 2a - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part I)
Annex no 2b - Transmission Network Code of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (part II)
Annex no 3 - GAZ-SYSTEM Tariff
The English version of the documents is available for information purposes only. In the event of any discrepancies arising between the documents in the Polish language and in the English language, the provisions of the Polish language version shall be legally binding.
Procedures completed in year 2009:
In June 2009 GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. held an Open Season Procedure with a view to assessing the interest of market participants in gas transmission through new planned interconnections (Poland - Denmark and Poland - Lithuania).
In phase 1 of the Open Season Procedure no non-binding orders for gas transmission through the planned bi-directional interconnectors between Poland and Denmark and between Poland and Lithuania were submitted.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. develops transmission infrastructure taking into account the demand of market participants, i.e. the companies interested in transporting the gas they purchase. In view of the fact that no orders for gas transmission through the planned interconnections were submitted within the required time limit, phase 2 of the Open Season Procedure was not started, and the Open Season Procedure itself was concluded after the first stage, without leading to any investment decisions.