Gas Meter Calibration Laboratory

The Gas Meter Calibration Laboratory (LWG) in Hołowczyce is the first laboratory in Poland and in this part of Europe to calibrate gas meters with natural gas under operating pressure. The LWG reference meters refer to the European standard – the harmonized European gas cubic meter for natural gas. The laboratory was commissioned in 2017.
Our gas meter calibration station is an innovative solution on a world scale offering the possibility of operating in two modes: open loop (the gas flow for calibration is generated in cooperation with the gas compressor station) and closed loop (the flow is generated by a blower located in the laboratory).
The primary task of the Laboratory is to provide the calibration of gas meters for the needs of the GAZ-SYSTEM as well as for third party customers from the country and the region. The services are provided with the use of high-quality measuring and testing equipment, based on validated procedures. The Laboratory provides accurate, reliable and useful calibration results while ensuring that the confidentiality of information and proprietary rights of its clients are fully protected.
Our gas meter calibration station is an innovative solution on a world scale offering the possibility of operating in two modes: open loop (the gas flow for calibration is generated in cooperation with the gas compressor station) and closed loop (the flow is generated by a blower located in the laboratory).
The primary task of the Laboratory is to provide the calibration of gas meters for the needs of the GAZ-SYSTEM as well as for third party customers from the country and the region. The services are provided with the use of high-quality measuring and testing equipment, based on validated procedures. The Laboratory provides accurate, reliable and useful calibration results while ensuring that the confidentiality of information and proprietary rights of its clients are fully protected.
- The calibration of gas meters with natural gas under conditions that are as close as possible to those in the transmission system.
volumetric flow rate under measurement conditions | pressure range | gas meter diameters | |
Turbine gas meters | (8 ÷ 5500) m3/h | (8 ÷ 54) bar | DN50 – DN400 |
Ultrasonic gas meters | (13 ÷ 6000) m3/h | (8 ÷ 54) bar | |
Other types of gas meters | Individual client arrangements |
- The Laboratory cooperates in research and development activities carried out within the company as well as by external clients. It offers the capabilities to carry out research and development studies where the use of gas flow under high pressure conditions is required.
- Calibration of entire measurement lines, i.e. gas meters with inlet and outlet sections with a maximum length not exceeding 9.75 m.
- The possibility of adjusting gas meters, which consists in correcting the gas meter characteristics obtained as a result of calibration, in order to minimize errors.
The Accreditation is a formal recognition of the competence and therefore provides customers with a means of identifying and selecting reliable services that meet their needs.
Therefore, in our Laboratory we have implemented, maintain and improve a management system in accordance with PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 recognised by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. The Laboratory has been accredited by the PCA since December 2018.
The Gas Meter Calibration Laboratory performs calibrations using high quality equipment and measurement devices. To ensure measaurement traceability with the harmonized European gas cubic meter for natural gas, the transfer standards used by the Laboratory are periodically compared with those of a member laboratory of the EUREGA consortium (EUropean REference for GAs metering). The calibrations are performed at different pressures and with superior precision.
The following are used as working standards:
A Danalyzer Model 700 process chromatograph is also used during the gas meter calibration process to determine the composition of natural gas.
The process part of the measuring station has been optimised for pressure losses and stabilisation of the calibration conditions.
The following are used as working standards:
- 4 SM-RI-2 turbine gas meters (G1000);
- 1 CGT-02 ET turbine gas meter (G160);
A Danalyzer Model 700 process chromatograph is also used during the gas meter calibration process to determine the composition of natural gas.
The process part of the measuring station has been optimised for pressure losses and stabilisation of the calibration conditions.
The construction of the Gas Meter Calibration Laboratory was carried out under the co-financing agreements No. UDA-POIG.01.04.00-14-086/09-00 and UDA-POIG.04.01.00-14-086/09-00 for Measure 1.4 “Support for goal-oriented projects” of the Priority Axis 1 “Research and development of modern technologies” and Measure 4.1 “Support for implementation of results of R&D works” of the Priority Axis 4 “Investments in innovative undertakings” of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (OP IE) for the years 2007-2013.