Capacity allocation NTS

GAZ-SYSTEM allocates transmission capacity on transparent and non-discriminatory principles applicable to all transmission system users.
Product |
Period for which capacity is allocated |
Period for which capacity is allocated |
Yearly |
Gas year |
From 6 a.m. on 1 October of the preceding year to |
Quarterly |
Gas quarter |
The following quarters are distinguished in a given gas year: |
Monthly |
Gas month |
From 6 a.m. of the first day of a given month until 6 a.m. of the first day of the following month. |
Daily |
Gas day |
From 6 a.m. on a given day to 6 a.m. the following day. |
Within-day |
Part of the gas day |
From a given hour of a gas day until the end of that gas day |
firm capacity |
interruptible capacity |
virtual reverse-flow |
The only precondition to applying for capacity allocation is the signing of a framework transmission contract with GAZ-SYSTEM and participation in the Procedure of providing capacity:
- Conclusion of a framework agreement with GAZ-SYSTEM
- Submission of an application for capacity allocation PP (PP Application)
- Submission of a statement on the choice of financial security
Capacity allocation during the gas year |
Product |
Date of submission of the application |
Starting date for use of service |
Quarterly |
No earlier than 2 months before and no later than 2 weeks before the date of using the service |
From the next gas quarter |
Monthly |
From the next gas month |
Capacity allocation in the Capacity Allocation Procedureapplies to the gas year following the gas year in which the procedure is conducted
Product |
Date of submission of the application |
Starting date for use of service |
Yearly |
25 June - 15 July of each gas year |
From 1 October of the following gas year |
Quarterly |
Monthly |
As part of the capacity allocation procedure (June 25 - July 15 time window), applications for quarterly and monthly products for the next gas year may also be submitted
Each participant of the PP Procedure may submit 1 PP Application at a given physical entry or exit point, in which it specifies the order for annual, quarterly and monthly periods.
The date of submission of the application for the conclusion of a transmission contract, capacity allocation (PP) or amendment to these documents are deemed to be the date of submission of formally and legally correct documents to GAZ-SYSTEM Applications submitted in the PP Procedure are subject to formal, legal and technical assessment.
By 15 August, the participants of the procedure are informed about the need to allocate capacity between the existing and new system users by agreeing PP (if the sum of ordered capacities at the connection to domestic gas fields, natural gas mixing facilities and nitrogen removal plants as well as at the connection to customers's installations and distribution network of a distribution system operator with whom no inter-operator transmission contract has been concluded, exceeds the available capacity).
By 20 September, the participants of the procedure are provided with information on capacity allocation.
The capacity available under the overnomination procedure is offered on the basis of the transmission contract, the capacity allocation and allocation of transmission ability (PP/PZ) as well as a nomination approved by GAZ-SYSTEM.
Overnomination procedure |
Product |
Date of submission of the application |
Starting date for use of service |
Daily |
2 weeks prior to the date of service |
According to the approved nomination |
Within-day interruptible |
GAZ-SYSTEM determines the level of capacity available on an interruptible basis ensuring equal treatment of all entities.
GAZ-SYSTEM allocates capacity on an interruptible basis when there is no firm capacity available. The user may use both firm and interruptible capacity at the same point.