NTS balancing
System balancing is an economic activity performed by GAZ-SYSTEM as part of its transmission services consisting in balancing the demand for gaseous fuels and the supply of these fuels.
We distinguish between physical and commercial balancing:
We distinguish between physical and commercial balancing:
- Physical balancing is the activity of GAZ-SYSTEM aimed at the balancing the quantities of gaseous fuel delivered to and off-taken from the transmission system.
- The commercial balancing is the activity of GAZ-SYSTEM that consists in determining and settling the imbalance resulting from the difference between the quantities of gaseous fuel delivered and received in the balancing area. The commercial balancing does not include any necessary reconciliation between the allocation and the actual consumption which was subsequently determined on the basis of readings from the measuring instruments of final customers.
On 16 April 2014, Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 came into force (NC BAL - Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks) establishing the network code on gas balancing in transmission networks. The regulation provides guidance on transmission system balancing rules, including network rules for nomination procedures, imbalance charges, settlement procedures related to the daily imbalance charge, and operational balancing between TSOs’ networks. Transmission System Operators in the European Union, including Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., were obliged to apply balancing rules compliant with the Regulation as of 1 October 2015.
For more on balancing, see: