NTS allocations

- entry point at the connection to domestic gas fields, nitrogen removal plants and natural gas mixing plants,
- exit point to the system of the Interoperating System Operator (ISO) or directly to the Final Customer under more than one transmission contract.
Allocations for entry points
According to the NTS Transmission Network Code:
- the operator of the facility connected at the entry point to the transmission system, being respectively:
- a source (PWEŹDO – Entry Points to the transmission system at interconnections with domestic natural gas fields),
- a nitrogen removal plant (PWEOA – Entry Points to the transmission system at interconnections with nitrogen removal plants),
- a mixing facility (PWEM – Entry Points to the transmission system at interconnections with natural gas mixing facilities)
- and the distribution system operator that is the operator of the point of entry from the distribution system are required to allocate gaseous fuel on the basis of total metered quantities for the respective point.
Allocations for exit points
According to the TNC, in a situation where gas is delivered to an exit point to the system of a Interoperating System Operator (ISO) or directly to a Final Customer under more than one transmission contract, such Interoperating System Operator (ISO)/Final Customer is required to allocate the quantity of gaseous fuel transmitted at a given exit point to individual Shippers operating at that point.
Provisional quantities of gaseous fuel transmitted during each gas day at the entry point from an interconnected facility, at the entry point from the distribution system, at the exit point to the ISO system or directly to the Final Customer are made available to the operator of the interconnected facility/ISO/Customer through the Information Exchange System (IES).
Final quantities of gaseous fuel (billing measurements) transmitted in individual days of a gas month at the entry point from an connected facility, at the entry point from the distribution system, at the exit point to the ISO system or directly to the Final Customer are reconciled between the operator of the connected facility/ISO/ Customer and metering services of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. through billing reports and made available to the operator of the connected facility/ISO/ Customer via the Information Exchange System (IES).
- Allocation sender code:
- EIC type X code (code may be obtained by applying to the Local EIC Office operated by GAZ- SYSTEM)
- four-letter Shipper Code of the operator of the connected facility/ISO/Final Customer assigned by the TSO (e.g. WXYZ)
- Allocation receiver code (GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.): GSPL
- Reference numbers of transmission contracts of individual Shippers active at the entry/exit point in question (four-digit, e.g. 1234)
- Shipper codes of individual Shippers active at a given entry/exit point (4-letter codes, e.g. ABCD)
The ISO and the Customer are required to submit provisional allocations to the Transmission System Operator.
for the first 4 (four) hours of the gas day (from 6:00 till 10:00) – operators of connected facilities, ISOs and Customers send provisional allocations for the first 4h of the gas day to the Transmission System Operator by 12:00 on the current gas day (D);
- for the first 8 (eight) hours of the gas day (from 6:00 till 14:00) – operators of connected facilities, ISOs and Customers send provisional allocations for the first 8h of the gas day to the Transmission System Operator by 16:00 on the current gas day (D);
- for the entire gas day (24h) – operators of connected facilities, ISOs and Customers send provisional allocations for the entire gas day (D) to the Transmission System Operator by 10:00 on the following gas day (D+1).
The basis for making provisional allocations are daily provisional measurements published in the IES in the Measurements section and visible in the Provisional Allocation form.
Provisional allocations should be sent via the IES. This is done using the form provided in the section List of Provisional Allocations ( Contract management > Customer Allocations / ISO / DSO). After clicking the Add button, the Provisional Allocation form will appear. Select the ID of the point for which the allocation is to be made and the appropriate Type of publication:
First 4 hours of the day (6:00-10:00)
- First 8 hours of the day (6:00-14:00).
- for the entire gas day (24h).
The List of Provisional Allocations includes all executed provisional allocations with their current statuses. The Accepted status indicates that the allocation has been accepted.
Starting October 1, 2019, allocations can also be submitted in Edig@s format (MARSIT message) using the AS4 protocol.
The ISO and the Customer are required to submit provisional and final allocations to the Transmission System Operator.
The final allocations are made by 7 (seventh) business day following the month the allocation relates to.
Final allocations are made on the basis of the final measurement data reconciled between the operator of the connected installation/ISO/Customer and the metering services of GAZ-SYSTEM in the form of billing reports, and the settlement data published in the IES in the Measurements section and in the Final Allocation form.
Final allocations must be sent via IES. This is done using the form provided in the section List of Final Allocations ( Contract management > Customer Allocations / ISO / DSO). After clicking Add, the Final Allocation form will appear. Select the ID of the point for which the allocation is to be made.
The List of Final Allocations includes a list of all executed settlement allocations with their current statuses. The Accepted status indicates that the allocation has been accepted.
Starting October 1, 2019, allocations can also be submitted in Edig@s format (MARSIT message) using the AS4 protocol (for more information see section “Data exchange”).