Element of the ground infrastructure in the gas compressor station
Pursuant to the provisions of the Transmission Network Code (NTS Network Code), in order to perform the transmission service, the Shipper (ZUP) submits daily nominations to GAZ-SYSTEM, in which it specifies the gaseous fuel quantities to be transmitted during individual hours of the gas day for the entry points and exit points for which it has been allocated transmission ability (PZ).

ZUP does not submit nominations for the following points:
  • PWEOSD - entry point from DSO’s distribution system, created based on interconnection physical entry points to or physical interconnection exit points from the distribution system of the given DSO, specified by the TSO.
  • PWYOSD  - exit point to a DSO distribution system, created based on interconnection physical exit points to the distribution system of the given DSO, specified by the TSO.
Nominations for Point of Interconnection (PWP)
A Shipper having the PZ at a Point of Interconnection (PWP) submits a single nomination for a Point of Interconnection in the Transit Gas Pipeline System. The nomination confirmed by GAZ-SYSTEM constitutes the basis for the provision of transmission service at the Point of Interconnection in the National Transmission System.

Nominations for points on the interconnection with other transmission systems
In the case of notification of transmission services at points on the interconnection with other transmission systems, the Shipper is obliged to inform the Transmission System Operator (i.e. GAZ-SYSTEM) of the name and code of the Shipper's contractor operating in the area of the neighbouring transmission system, together with an indication of a given interconnection point. 

The information should be sent to the following address: bilansowanie.kdg@gaz-system.pl at least two working days before the planned submission of the nomination for a given point at the connection with the neighbouring transmission system, indicating a given counterparty. 

The counterparty code will be added to the GAZ-SYSTEM database, which will allow the Shipper to select the correct counterparty when submitting the nomination via the IES, enable the processing of the nomination received by GAZ-SYSTEM and taking it into account in the process of checking the consistency of the nomination with the adjacent transmission system operator.

Methods of submitting nominations

In accordance with the provisions of the TNC, the following methods of information exchange with the Transmission System Operator are available in the nomination submission process:

  • using the edig@s standard (version 4.0 XML or edig@s 5.1.) and the AS4 protocol (more on this topic in the section "Data Exchange"),
  • through the Information Exchange System (IES):
    • by filling the appropriate online form,
    • uploading a message file in edig@s standard (or several messages packed into one *.zip file),
    • uploading a nomination from an Excel form.

Single sided nominations

Implementing the provisions of Article 19(7) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 of 14 October 2013 establishing a network code for capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 (NC CAM) , as of 1 November 2015. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., in consultation with the operators of the neighbouring transmission systems, offers the Transmission Customers the possibility to apply the Single Sided Nomination (SSN) mechanism for entry/exit points at the connection with the transmission systems of the following operators: Net4Gas, ONTRAS and GASCADE.

The Single Sided Nomination (SSN) mechanism is defined in the Business Requirements Specification for the Nomination and Matching Procedures In Gas Transmission Systems (NOM BRS) document developed by ENTSOG on the basis of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code for interoperability and data exchange rules.

List of points and the roles of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

The list of connection points, where SSN is offered, and the role of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at each point:
Point ID Point name Point direction EIC Code The role of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in the SSN process at the point:
21Z000000000456C GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS 172435 Entry point Passive
102435 Exit point Passive
21Z000000000239K Cieszyn 370001 Entry point Active
300001 Exit point Active
21Z000000000056S Mallnow 870002 Entry point Passive
800002 Exit point Passive
21Z000000000454G Terminal LNG 777001 Entry point Passive
21Z000000000508J GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/UA TSO 172437 Entry point Active
102437 Exit point Active
21Z180960164W65R Santaka 572301 Entry point Active
502301 Exit point Active

Authorization process
Possibility of using “single-sided nomination” (SSN) at entry/exit points where GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. plays the role of a passive operator is conditional on the Shipper's authorisation towards GAZ-SYSTEM, pursuant to which the Shipper informs GAZ-SYSTEM about the authorisation of its counterparty to submit, in its name and on its behalf, a single-sided nomination to the operator of the neighbouring transmission system acting as the active operator at a given point.

In order to carry out the authorisation process, an appropriate declaration, signed in accordance with the principles of Shipper's representation, should be submitted to GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. within 5 working days before the date on which the authorisation is to become effective. The declaration should be accompanied by documents confirming the authority of the person acting on behalf of the Shipper to represent the Shipper with respect to the statement.

In case of withdrawal of the authorisation granted by the Shipper to its contractor, the Shipper is obliged to inform GAZ-SYSTEM about this fact by sending an updated statement of authorisation.

Authorization is not required for point 777001 LNG Terminal.

Suspension of the authorisation process
In case when during the validity period of a ZUP authorization submitted to GAZ-SYSTEM, which entitles the ZUP contractor to submit "single-sided nominations (SSN) to the operator active at a given point, the ZUP submits for a given gas day a nomination to GAZ-SYSTEM as a passive operator (double-sided nomination), for this gas day the authorization is suspended and the nomination submitted by the ZUP to the passive operator is considered by the passive operator. A traditional (double-sided) nomination takes precedence over a “single-sided nomination”.

Format for exchanging information in the SSN process
Submitting a “single-sided nomination” to Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. playing the role of an active operator at a given point, is only possible with the use of the Edig@s 5.1 information exchange format. (message NOMINT 01G, nomination type A01).