Questions & Answers

1. Key facts
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is an entity that provides the gas transmission service and is not involved in arranging gas deliveries. Gas is sold by gas supplier companies. Gas may also be purchased on the exchange.
The cost of connection depends on the scope of works. The estimated investment expenditure is indicated in the connection conditions and the connection agreement.
According to the Energy Law, the connection of customers to the gas transmission system and the construction of tie-ins are the responsibility of the gas TSO.
The physical connection can be made under the supervision of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and in accordance with the technical conditions specified by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
The execution of a connection project implementation may take around 36 months or longer. The project completion date depends on the scope of works that need to be carried out in order to connect the Customer.
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is the only investor that carries out connection projects.
Customers pay a connection fee equal to 100% of the estimated expenditures.
A framework transmission contract may be concluded by the entity to be connected at any time from the moment of conclusion of the connection agreement.
The execution of the transmission contract takes place online through the registration and submission of an application in the Information Exchange System.
The application for the Capacity Allocation is submitted by the connected Entity once it completes the investment project on its part and no later than 7 days prior to the completion of the performance of the connection agreement.
The entire process of concluding a transmission contract and submitting the application for the Capacity Allocation and the Allocation of Transmission Ability is described in the TNC in points 6, 7 and 8.
Depending on the scope of the connection investment and the Customer's investment, it is important for the Customer to apply for the definition of connection conditions well in advance, taking into account the maximum time for the definition of connection conditions and the maximum time for the negotiation and conclusion of the connection agreement.
Another very important fact is the investment completion date which the Customer already knows when they receive the connection conditions. The issues that determine the completion date of a connection project relate mainly to the obtaining of the various administrative decisions required by law.
The time required to acquire the land for the investment may also determine the investment completion date for both GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and the Entity being connected. The key issue then is the synchronization of investment schedules on both sides and systematic cooperation and information exchange.
2. Information on the possibility of connecting to the transmission network
How does the information on the possibility of connecting to the transmission network differ from the terms and conditions for connection to the transmission network?
Data included in the information about the possibility of connecting to the transmission network are valid as of the date of issue. The information on the possibility of connection contains sufficient data to provide an overview of the transmission system capabilities and the possibility of connecting to it. It does not include the investment completion date, estimated expenditures, requirements for measurement and monitoring of gas delivery and offtake, information on the ownership limit of the connection, and information on the legal interpretation that the implementation of the connection to the transmission network is subject to.
What is the validity period of the information about the possibility of connecting to the transmission network?
Information on the possibility of connection is valid as at the date of its issuance.
The information on the possibility of connection is specified:
- within 60 days in the case of a Final Customer (group A),
- within 90 days in case of a customer engaged in transmission, distribution of gas, connecting source or storage (Group C).
The information contained in the document concerns the place of gas delivery and offtake, the place of connection to the supplying pipeline, the minimum and maximum pressure at the point of delivery and offtake, as well as the expected scope of development of the transmission network.
The information on the possibility of connection contains data giving an overview of the possibilities of the transmission system and of connecting to it or of the lack of such possibilities. It is valid as at the date of its issuance.
Is a statement of the title to land use required when applying for information on the possibility of connection?
In the event of submitting an application for information on the possibility of connection, there is no requirement to present a statement on the title to use the land where the connected facilities and installations will be located.
What obligations does the information on the possibility of connection gives rise to for Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM?
The information about the possibility of connection does not obligate Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to commence engineering work or reserve capacity in the transmission system. It is only information for the Customer on whether or not there is a possibility of connection in a given place as at the date of issuing the information.
3. Conditions for connection to the transmission network
Connection conditions are defined within 60 days in the case of a Final Customer (Group A). In the case of a Customer engaged in the transmission or distribution of gaseous fuel or in the case of a Customer connecting a source or storage facility (Group C) - within 90 days.
A template of the application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network can be found on www.gaz- in the section "Connection application".
The application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network should be signed by authorised representatives the company in accordance with the current entry in the Commercial Register.
To indicate the entry point to the transmission system, you can use the transmission system map on the website of the Information Exchange System. If you have difficulty determining your entry point, our account managers are available to assist you.
This will be the nearest existing point to the location of the facility or network to be connected, or a new point close to the supplying pipeline. In order to maximise the use of the existing transmission infrastructure, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. connects Customers to the existing exit points from the transmission system or in the immediately adjacent area. New exit points are created next to supplying pipelines.
What additional documents do I need to attach to the application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network?
The application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network for a final consumer (Group A) should be accompanied by:
- master plan or site plan identifying the location of the facility where the connected equipment, installations or networks are to be used, shown in relation to the existing network, the location of neighbouring facilities and the proposed location of the exit point from the gas system;
- declaration concerning the legal title to use the facility or property in which the gas equipment and installations are to be used;
- power of attorney for the persons signing the application;
- a copy of the entry in the Commercial Register;
- privacy notice
The application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network for a customer engaged in gas transmission or distribution, connecting a source or storage facility (group C) should be accompanied by:
- land development plan for the plot of land or the site drawn up on a copy of a current master map or on a unit map accepted into the national geodetic and cartographic resource, with the devices, installations or networks to be connected marked; a forecast analysis of the gas offtake in the individual years, with particular attention paid to the kind and type of business and customers;
- copy of the entry in the Commercial Register;
- privacy notice.
If the application for definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network is submitted by the final customer, it is necessary to append a statement of title to land to the application.
Can I obtain information/connection conditions for different connection options? How to do it? - I am interested in finding an effective solution at the lowest cost.
You can obtain such information by submitting multiple alternative applications for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network, or an application for information on the possibility of connection. In the case of a final customer, a statement of the title to land use is necessary.
To facilitate the completion of the application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network, instructions on how to complete the application are provided for the consumers on the website, in the section "Connection application". You can also seek assistance from dedicated account managers who work in the Connection Agreements Unit at the company's head office and in its Branches.
A customer applying for connection to the transmission network is obliged to build the gas network on its side as required to establish the connection. It is also recommended that the connected Entity should use the gas pressure control/reduction system and overpressure protection devices.
Before submitting the completed application for definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network, the customer can consult the an account manager from the Connection Agreements Unit or at the local Branch.
Connection conditions are not subject to amendment; any changes to connection conditions can be made through the provisions of the connection agreement; in that case, in the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of the connection conditions and the provisions of the agreement, the provisions of the agreement prevail.
Based on the specified connection conditions, a connection agreement can be concluded within a period of up to two years (TNC).
The date of commencement of gas supply depends on:
- the conclusion of a connection agreement between the Customer and Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., the completion of its network in accordance with the provisions of the connection conditions,
- the conclusion of a transmission contract and submission of an application for capacity allocation after the completion of the connection agreement.
No fees are charged for submitting an application for the definition of the conditions for connection to the transmission network or for the issue of conditions for connection to the transmission network.
What are the obligations of Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. arising from the connection conditions issued?
The conditions do not constitute an obligation for Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to conclude a connection agreement in the event that Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. concludes another agreement preventing the implementation of the issued connection conditions.
However, the conclusion of a connection agreement constitutes the basis for Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to commence design and construction work.
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. bears no financial liability for actions related to the connection undertaken by the entity applying for connection before the conclusion of the agreement for connection to the transmission network.
4. Transmission network connection agreement
How long do the negotiations take and what is the procedure for concluding the connection agreement?
GAZ-SYSTEM sends a draft connection agreement within 27 days of issuing the connection conditions. Negotiations may take up to 24 months. After it has been unilaterally signed by the Customer, the agreement is signed by representatives of GAZ-SYSTEM.
Each connection agreement can be amended after its conclusion.
The validity of a connection agreement expires on the completion of the connection project, and its final settlement.
The connection agreement is terminated by mutual consent of the parties, in which case the Entity covers 100% of the expenses actually incurred by Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. for the connection project until the date of the Entity’s decision to terminate the connection agreement.