Arrangements for the project
Data exchange between GAZ-SYSTEM and network users takes place via the Information Exchange System (IES).

Further information and documents that may be helpful in the data exchange are provided below.

AS4 protocol

OBA points

In accordance with point 16.5 of the TNC, we provide the list of OBA points in which the allocated quantities of gaseous fuel delivered by the Shipper for transmission at the entry points or off-taken by the Shipper at the exit points correspond to the quantity of gaseous fuel specified in the nominations.

List of OBA points

Billing report

Below is the template of the aggregated billing report:

HRP templates

Below are the templates of Commercial Transmission Reports (HRPs):

for a Shipper
for a DSO (Distribution System Operator)
for a ShipperBG (Shipper responsible for the commercial balancing of an entire balancing group)
for a ShipperUG (Shipper participating in a balancing group other than ShipperBG


In accordance with the provisions of the TNC, the electronic exchange of information related to the performance of transmission contracts is based on the electronic document interchange standard (EDI), in the version prepared for the gas industry, named EDIG@S described in the Edig@s Message Implementation Guidelines at

Edig@s 5.1
Supported messages of Edig@s version 5.1:
  • NOMINT (type 01G) – Nomination (nominations, transport forecasts)
  • NOMRES (type 08G) – Confirmation notice (information on accepted nomination, accepted transport forecast)
  • NOMRES (type AND) – Interruption notice (information on possible restriction of nominations for interruptible capacity)
  • DELORD (type ANC) – Forwarded single sided nomination (message forwarding a received single sided nomination to an interconnected operator)
  • DELORD (type 26G) – Callup notice (message initiating matching)
  • DELRES (type 27G) - Callup response message (notification of the result of the nomination matching)
  • ACKNOW (type 294) – Application error and acknowledgement (message used to acknowledge receipt of edig@s message and to report errors)
  • MARSIT (type ANW) - Non daily metered forecast (NDM forecasts – daily quantities of gaseous fuel off-taken by shippers, measured less frequently than daily)
  • MARSIT (type 95G) – Provisional allocation report (message used to forward the operational allocation value for 4h, 8h and the entire gas day)
  • MARSIT (type 96G) – Definitive allocation report (message used to forward the settlement allocation)
  • MARSIT (type 14G) – Imbalance notification (message with information about imbalance)
If you have any questions in respect of the MARSIT implementation process, contact us by email at:
Further information on each of the above messages can be found in the relevant documents:
Detailed description of the interpretation of the content of the messages is given in the attached documents:

Please note the versioning of edig@s files. Each message is uniquely identified by its Identification and Version attributes; each change of nomination (renomination) or operational/settlement allocation should have the same content in the Identification field and the next version in the Version field (the operator will not process a message with a lower version than the previously downloaded message for a given time interval).

The use of EIC codes for the identification of the sender and recipient of the message and the identification of the entry/exit point is required (these changes are due to, inter alia, the need to comply with the obligations arising from REMIT).

To meet the expectations of market participants, the principle adopted in version 5 of edig@s is that the nomination for each entry/exit point is submitted in a separate NOMINT file.
Likewise, the operative/settlement allocation for a given entry/exit point as well as the NDM forecast should be submitted in a separate MARSIT file.

For bi-directional points which are always identified by a single EIC, the Edig@s message should cover both directions: entry and exit (if the user uses both directions). This is applicable to, among others, the points of interconnection with other transmission systems (for example: Cieszyn, Cieszyn reverse-flow, GCList of system points P GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS, GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS reverse-flow, Mallnow, Mallnow reverse-flow), IP, IP reverse-flow, virtual points (e.g.: OTC, PZPT), points at interconnection with storage facilities.

EIC codes for the entry and exit points in the Polish transmission system are published on our website under List of system points and in the section on  EIC codes.

Edig@s 4
Supported messages edig@s version edig@s4 XML:
  • NOMINT, NOMRES (version 4) – in the process of submission and approval of nominations and submission of DSO transport forecasts,
  • DELORD, DELRES (version 4) – in the process of checking the compatibility of nominations in interconnected systems,
  • ACKNOW (version 5.0 release B) – to inform the sender of a message that the receiver has accepted the message.
Below are the MIG documents downloaded from for each message and a description of the content of these messages to facilitate their implementation

Please note that in edig@s version 4.0 we require all (nominated) points to be included in one edig@s file.