Contract signing

Sign a connection agreement

Once you have obtained the connection conditions, you have 2 years to sign the connection agreement, unless there is a change in the technical conditions of the transmission system.

When you have obtained the network connection conditions, you will receive a draft network connection agreement from GAZ-SYSTEM within 27 days of the date on which the conditions were issued. The agreement you sign with the Operator will specify, among other things, the following:

  • rights and obligations of the parties, including the expected execution date of the agreement to be the basis for the supply of gaseous fuel,
  • connection capacity and contracted capacity in each year until the year when the target capacity level is to be reached for the physical entry or exit point to be connected,
  • minimum and maximum hourly volumes and quantities of gaseous fuel and yearly quantities of gaseous fuel intended for delivery or off-take,
  • term and termination conditions of the agreement,
  • connection completion date,
  • amount of the connection fee and the payment dates,
  • point delimiting the ownership of the transmission network and the installations or networks of the entity to be connected,
  • scope of work required to establish the connection,
  • requirements as to the location of the measurement and billing system and its parameters.

Standard connection agreements

Standard security documents for connection agreements