Application for a transmission contract

In order to apply for the execution of a transmission contract in the Information Exchange System (IES), please prepare a complete set of the following documents [1]:
If your business activity requires the licence for trading in gaseous fuels and trading in natural gas with foreign countries according to the Energy Law – please contact the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). You will find a comprehensive set of information relating to this process on the ERO website.
For documents drawn up in any language other than Polish, a sworn/certified translation into Polish shall be provided [2]. When you register the company in the IES, we will need your EIC energy identification code as indicated in the Central European Register of Energy Market Participants (CEREMP) and your unique ACER code [3]. More information on how to obtain the EIC codes can be found on our website. See the ERO website for information on how to register in the CEREMP.
[1] point 6.3.2 of the TNC
- confirmation of the legal form of the conducted business activities (valid excerpt from business register),
- power of attorney confirming the right to represent the company,
- certificate of tax identification number for the tax on goods and services (VAT)
- certificate of company statistical number (REGON),
- licence promise, excerpt of the licence, decision on designation as an operator or a declaration that the activities do not require a licence under the Energy Law,
If your business activity requires the licence for trading in gaseous fuels and trading in natural gas with foreign countries according to the Energy Law – please contact the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). You will find a comprehensive set of information relating to this process on the ERO website.
For documents drawn up in any language other than Polish, a sworn/certified translation into Polish shall be provided [2]. When you register the company in the IES, we will need your EIC energy identification code as indicated in the Central European Register of Energy Market Participants (CEREMP) and your unique ACER code [3]. More information on how to obtain the EIC codes can be found on our website. See the ERO website for information on how to register in the CEREMP.
[1] point 6.3.2 of the TNC
[2] point of the TNC
[3] point 6.2 of the TNC

Process of concluding a transmission contract

Please contact us if you have any further questions regarding transmission contracts.
Transmission Contract Department:
Tel.: +48 22 220 15 92, +48 22 189 06 55, +48 22 220 15 03, +48 22 220 12 58, +48 22 220 13 87, +48 22 220 16 42, +48 22 220 14 89, +48 22 220 14 51, +48 22 220 16 50
Transmission Contract Department:
Tel.: +48 22 220 15 92, +48 22 189 06 55, +48 22 220 15 03, +48 22 220 12 58, +48 22 220 13 87, +48 22 220 16 42, +48 22 220 14 89, +48 22 220 14 51, +48 22 220 16 50