Obligation to provide information about entities being owner of gaseous fuel NTS

In accordance with point number and of the NTS Transmission Network Code and to point of TGPS Trnasmission Network Code, Shippers are obligated to
  • provide to the TSO information about entities being the owners of gaseous fuel quantities introduced in a given gas month at the entry points to the transmission system and TGPS from abroad, including the assignment of the appropriate quantities – within 7 days from providing the Commercial Transmission Report or Commercial Report in Information Exchange System for a given gas month,
  • provide to the TSO information about the entities being the owners of gaseous fuel quantities off-taken in a given gas month at exit points from the transmission system and the TGPS outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, including the assignment of the appropriate quantities – within seven (7) days from providing the Commercial Transmission Report or Commercial Report in Information Exchange System for a given gas month.

Information should contain:
  1. ID of the entry/exit point,
  2. Name of the entry/exit point,
  3. Transmission contract number,
  4. Quantity of the introduced/off-taken gaseous fuel in a given month at a given point ,
  5. Owner of the introduced/off-taken gaseous fuel.

Commercial Transmission Report and Commercial Report for the previous months are available in Information Exchange System (IES) at the path: Contracts service/ Balancing/ Commercial Transmission Report -> in Actions section Preview the Commercial Transmission Report for the point buton.

Document, duly signed by an authorised representative, should be sent to the following address:
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
National Gas Dispatching Division
ul. Mszczonowska 4,
02-337 Warszawa

From June 1, 2021, the above information may be submitted in electronic form* via IES platform at the path: Contracts service/ Balancing / Data of the owner of the introduced or off-taken gaseous fuel.

If you do not have access to the tab "Data of the owner of the introduced or off-taken gaseous fuel", please contact your customer assistant or send a message to: klient@gaz-system.pl.

*) OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. reserves the right to ask the shipper to provide the above-mentioned data in paper form. Such document should be signed by an authorised representative and sent to the following address:
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
National Gas Dispatching Division
ul. Mszczonowska 4, 02-337 Warszawa