GAZ-SYSTEM is the operator of the national gas transmission system including Polish section of the Yamal gas pipeline and the LNG Terminal. For this reason, we have reporting and information obligations under the REMIT and REMIT II Regulation. On the Gas Inside Information Platform (GIIP), we publish information about scheduled and unplanned events that affect the transmission systems and the LNG Terminal. We also notify gas market participants of other situations relevant to them.
We publish information as Urgent Market Messages (UMM). These can be found on GIIP directly under the following link.
NOTE: If the Gas Inside Information Platform website fails to work properly, the Company publishes Urgent Market Messages on Transparency Platform.
We publish information as Urgent Market Messages (UMM). These can be found on GIIP directly under the following link.
NOTE: If the Gas Inside Information Platform website fails to work properly, the Company publishes Urgent Market Messages on Transparency Platform.
As a national gas transmission system operator, also operating the Polish section of the Yamal gas pipeline and the GSA Platform, GAZ-SYSTEM is obliged to monitor the commercial activity of market participants. Therefore, we supervise balancing and the conclusion of transmission capacity allocations on the GSA Platform.
When we detect potential violations of the prohibition on market manipulation, unlawful use of inside information or breach of the obligation to publish inside information, we report such incidents to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.
You are kindly invited to read the information on REMIT and REMIT II published on the Energy Regulatory Office website.
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Current list of decisions and sanctions for REMIT breaches.
When we detect potential violations of the prohibition on market manipulation, unlawful use of inside information or breach of the obligation to publish inside information, we report such incidents to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.
You are kindly invited to read the information on REMIT and REMIT II published on the Energy Regulatory Office website.
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Current list of decisions and sanctions for REMIT breaches.
GAZ-SYSTEM has Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM) status. It enables our company to report data in accordance with the requirements of the REMIT Regulation.
REMIT Regulation and its implementing regulation introduce a number of reporting requirements. Consequently, as a transmission system operator, we are obliged to report basic and commercial data on natural gas transmission contracts concluded under initial capacity allocation.
GAZ-SYSTEM, as a Transmission System Operator, reports basic and commercial data to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The basic data refer to the nomination and final renominations of the contracted capacity. They identify the system users and the allocated gas volumes. Commercial data include information on transmission contracts, transmission ability and capacity allocations acquired by our customers and natural gas purchased outside the trading platform for the purposes of own consumption.
We report to ACER the data required under the implementing regulations and the standards set by ACER for entities reporting to ARIS (ACER’s REMIT Information System). ARIS is a central IT system managed by ACER for processing and analysing the reported data.
REMIT Regulation and its implementing regulation introduce a number of reporting requirements. Consequently, as a transmission system operator, we are obliged to report basic and commercial data on natural gas transmission contracts concluded under initial capacity allocation.
GAZ-SYSTEM, as a Transmission System Operator, reports basic and commercial data to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The basic data refer to the nomination and final renominations of the contracted capacity. They identify the system users and the allocated gas volumes. Commercial data include information on transmission contracts, transmission ability and capacity allocations acquired by our customers and natural gas purchased outside the trading platform for the purposes of own consumption.
We report to ACER the data required under the implementing regulations and the standards set by ACER for entities reporting to ARIS (ACER’s REMIT Information System). ARIS is a central IT system managed by ACER for processing and analysing the reported data.
- Urgent Market Messages on Gas Inside Information Platform
- Information brochure on Market monitoring by GAZ-SYSTEM under REMIT obligations
- Unavailability of Polskie LNG Terminal
- Gas Inside Information Platform
- Transparency Platform
- Platforma GSA
- Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT)
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 of 17 December 2014 on data reporting implementing Article 8(2) and Article 8(6) of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (Text with EEA relevance).
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