Company’s authorities and their competences
Company Governing Bodies comprise:
- the Management Board,
- the Supervisory Board,
- the General Meeting.
The powers of individual governing bodies are regulated in the Articles of Association of GAZ-SYSTEM.
The Management Board:
Company Management Board consists of 1 to 6 members, including the President. The members of the Management Board are appointed for a joint term of three years by the Supervisory Board or the General Meeting. The Management Board sets out the objectives and guidelines for the Company's operations, represents the Company in external relations and ensures governance efficiency and transparency. In the company there is also Managing Director who oversees the performance of individual operational units. The Management Board acts on the basis of the Management Board’s Rules of Procedure approved by the Supervisory Board which contains inter alia the provisions on managing conflict of interest that may arise in the course of performing the duties by Management Board members.
Slawomir Hinc - President of the Management Board

Mr. Hinc assumed his position on February 12, 2024.
Sławomir Hinc has long-standing experience in natural gas industry, having been directly involved in the development of the concept of national gas transmission system operator in Poland since 2003.From 2004 to 2008, he held the position of Financial Director at PGNiG Przesył (currently GAZ-SYSTEM), where he was responsible for cooperation with the Energy Regulatory Office, negotiations of the lease agreement for transmission assets that were transferred to GAZ-SYSTEM by PGNiG as a dividend in kind. He also supervised the process of obtaining a gas transmission license by GAZ-SYSTEM. From 2006 to 2008, he served as a commercial proxy in GAZ-SYSTEM. He is the author of its first transmission tariff. He was responsible on GAZ-SYSTEM's part for the transfer of Regional Transmission Branches from PGNiG S.A. structures to GAZ-SYSTEM in 2005.
From 2008 to 2013, he served as Vice-President for Financial Affairs at PGNiG, where he was responsible for the spin-off of the storage system operator (SSO) currently independently operating under the business name Gas Storage Poland and the launch of storage services on the market. From 2008 to 2014, he served as a member of the Supervisory Board of EuRoPol GAZ. In 2010, he was appointed to the Governing Board of the European Association of Gas and Oil Companies EUROGAS in Brussels where he served until 2015.
From 2013 to 2016, he served as President and CEO of PGNiG Upstream Norway, where he was responsible for the acquisition of PGNiG's interests in 4 gas fields, and for this business deal he received the Gullkronen Award for the best oil transaction in Norway. He also supervised the company’s expansion of exploration activities in the north of Norway, including the obtaining of exploration licences in the Barents Sea by PGNiG. From 2019 to 2024, he was involved in the renewable energy industry, first as an advisor to the Management Board and then as a member of the Supervisory Board of Helioexpert. In 2019, he was appointed as President and Managing Director at Green Genius - a Polish branch of a Lithuanian solar power plant operator.
He holds a degree in economics from the Institute of Foreign Trade at the University of Gdańsk and a Ph.D. in engineering and technology specialising in gas transmission tariff systems from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. He also studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. He completed postgraduate Business Management Programme organised by the Central Connecticut State University. Lecturer at postgraduate studies at the Warsaw University of Technology and the AGH University of Science and Technology in the field of transport, tariffs and regulatory affairs in the natural gas market. Author of numerous publications on natural gas tariffs and transportation.
Elżbieta Kramek - Vice-President of the Management Board

Ms. Kramek assumed her position on March 25, 2024.
Elżbieta Kramek has graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology with majors in Sanitary and Water Engineering. She completed Executive MBA program in marketing and management at the University of Warsaw & University of Illinois, postgraduate studies in management, finance and marketing at the Warsaw School of Economics and postgraduate studies in gaseous fuel storage and distribution at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Mrs. Kramek has extensive experience and technical expertise in natural gas industry development and investment projects. She has worked at GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. since its formation in 2004. Throughout her career in GAZ-SYSTEM she has been responsible for the company's development policy, including transmission system expansion planning and the development of the TYNDP (National Ten-Year Development Plan), forecasting future demand for gas and transmission services. She has supervised planning as well as implementation of strategic investment projects together with obtaining EU funding, and has overseen the area of international cooperation. For many years she has represented the company in industry organisations including but not limited to: GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe), GERG (European Gas Research Group), International Gas Union, MARCOGAZ and ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas), where she representing GAZ-SYSTEM on the Board since March.
Adam Bryszewski - Vice-President of the Management Board
Mr. Bryszewski assumed his position on March 25, 2024.
An experienced financier with proven track record in gas and energy industry. A specialist in corporate finance, EU funds, regulatory affairs, business strategy, financial analysis and internal planning and control. Mr. Bryszewski has also considerable expertise in auditing.
He started his professional career in auditing and consulting (PwC, Andersen Business Consulting).
Associated with GAZ-SYSTEM from 2004 to 2020, mainly in charge of supervision and organisation of finance, accounting, tax, regulatory and controlling operations. During that period, he secured financing for the construction of the first LNG Terminal in Poland (in Świnoujście) from commercial banks and EU funds (under EEPR and OPI&E). He was also responsible for the implementation of assessment processes of the new projects’ economic efficiency and prioritising the investment portfolio (within Initiatives and Investment Evaluation Committee - KOI). He also implemented an integrated ERP system - SAP - in the Company.
Later, Mr. Bryszewski worked for Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Polish Energy Group) PGE S.A. for three years as a Director of the Treasury Department and Head of the Offshore Project Finance Team. At PGE, he was responsible for securing financing for the offshore wind farms Baltica 2 and Baltica 3, being the largest offshore project in the Polish Baltic Sea.
Mr. Bryszewski graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdańsk. He also holds a diploma in financial and management accounting, finance, audit, and IT from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and a Certified Internal Auditor designation from the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
Company Supervisory Board consists of 3 to 9 members, appointed and dismissed by the Shareholder’s Meeting. The members of the Supervisory Board are appointed for a 3-year joint term of office. The Supervisory Board exercises ongoing supervision over all aspects of the company's operations.
Composition of the Supervisory Board:- Adam Piotrowski – chairman
- Aleksandra Świderska – vice-chairman
- Michał Homenda – secretary
Company General Meeting proceeds as an ordinary or extraordinary meeting. The Ordinary General Meeting is convened annually by the Management Board within 6 months of the end of each financial year (from 1 January to 31 December).
Extraordinary General Meeting is convened by the Company Management Board on its own initiative, upon a written request of the Supervisory Board, or upon a written request of a Shareholder, i.e. the State Treasury. General Meetings are held in Warsaw.
The powers of the General Meeting are defined in the Article of Association (V. COMPANY’S AUTHORITIES; C. GENERAL MEETING).