Quality management

The Quality Management System applies to:
Our objectives with regard to quality management are:
- customer service, including in particular disclosure of public information, issuance of conditions for the connection to the transmission network, execution of connection agreements and gas transmission contracts and settlements in respect of the services,
- assembly and welding work related to the construction and maintenance of high-pressure gas pipelines.
Our objectives with regard to quality management are:
- establishing close contact and cooperation with the users of our services in order to clearly identify their needs,
- addressing the identified customer needs and requirements through the pursuit of consciously defined quality goals by company employees,
- ongoing cooperation with suppliers in order to be able to meet customer requirements at a satisfactory level,
- sustainable improvement of technical capabilities and skills with regard to the quality of assembly and welding works,
- ensuring that our services meet statutory safety requirements and quality standards,
- improving employee qualifications in quality management,