Business continuity management according to ISO 22301

The business continuity management system is in place to oversee the delivery of services to customers, including:
  • issuance of connection conditions,
  • execution of connection agreements and transmission contracts,
  • settlements in respect of provided services,
  • maintenance, utilisation, protection, monitoring and development of infrastructure,
  • maintenance, modification, development and provision of services on the GSA Auction Platform,
  • LNG unloading,
  • in-process LNG storage,
  • regasification of LNG,
  • loading LNG into tanker trucks.

Our objectives with regard to business continuity management are:
  • identifying threats to the continuity of natural gas transmission and the operation of the LNG Terminal, including specifically the following processes:  unloading of LNG, its storage and regasification, the loading of LNG into tanker trucks and the implementation of preventive measures,
  • developing contingency plans for critical processes related to the functioning of the transmission system and the processes carried out at the LNG Terminal,
  • periodic testing of contingency plans to ensure that they are as effective as possible in real-life emergency situations,
  • securing the transmission of natural gas and the operation of the LNG Terminal in emergency situations,
  • building the confidence of business partners in the provision of gas transmission and LNG Terminal services, as a result of the application of supervision and business risk mitigation methods in accordance with the latest standards,
  • ensuring operational safety of the transmission system as an element of the European gas transmission pipeline network, and of the LNG Terminal as an important link in the strategy for diversification of gas supply sources and directions to Poland

Certificate and Statement of Applicability

Certificate 22301 BCMS Policy Statement of Applicability (PL)