Articles of Association

Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is a company of strategic importance for the state economy and energy security.
The Company performs tasks aimed at ensuring energy security of the Republic of Poland including but not limited to:
- transporting gaseous fuels via transmission networks supplying the distribution network or final customers connected to the transmission network;
- storing gaseous fuels;
- ensuring proper functioning of the transmission system;
- unloading of liquefied natural gas;
- regasification of liquefied natural gas.
The Company's responsibilities include in particular:
- providing coordinated and effective network transmission while maintaining the required reliability of gaseous fuels supply and their quality;
- ensuring the provision of gaseous fuel transmission services through the transmission network to all customers and entrepreneurs selling gaseous fuels and participating in gaseous fuels’ market, on the principles of equal treatment;
- maintaining and developing the transmission network, gas storage facilities or gaseous fuel installations, including liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas plants, with due regard for the natural environment;
- providing system users with information necessary for efficient access to the transmission network;
- construction, reconstruction and operation of the liquefied natural gas terminal in Świnoujście and the floating storage and regasification unit in the Gulf of Gdańsk (hereinafter collectively referred to as: ,,liquefied natural gas terminals");
- performing other obligations arising from generally applicable laws, in particular the Act of 10 April 1997 - Energy Law (hereinafter referred to as 'the Energy Law'),
- implementation of investment projects in compliance with the directions for development of natural gas industry defined in the national strategic documents.