More than PLN 1.3 billion of EU support for the integration of the gas transmission system

Photo of the article Four GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. projects received positive opinions for co-financing from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) on 29 October 2014. This means that the Poland – Lithuania, Poland – Czech Republic and Poland – Slovakia interconnections may receive co-financing at a total amount of PLN 1.3 billion (EUR 312 million) – to be split among GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and its partners.

The “Connecting Europe Facility” is dedicated to the support of projects of Community interest (PCI), which serve to improve the infrastructure connections, integrate the market and improve competition, as well as security of supply for the whole of the European Union.

After the vote of the CEF Coordinating Committee, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., together with its partners, may receive co-financing for the following measures:

Poland-Lithuania Gas Pipeline:
- design documentation at the amount of: EUR 10.6 million
- construction works at the amount of: EUR 295 million
More information on the project is available here

Poland-Czech Republic Gas Pipeline:
- design documentation at the amount of: EUR 1.5 million
More information on the project is available here

Poland-Slovakia Gas Pipeline:
- design documentation at the amount of: EUR 4.6 million
More information on the project is available here

The European Commission is currently preparing a formal decision on the approval of the list of projects selected for co-financing. The European Commission is also starting the process of drafting individual decisions, which will assume the form of agreements on the co-financing of projects announced on the list.


GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.’s investment projects have received the status of projects of Community interest by way of the decision of October 2013. The award of PCI status means that best practices are applied to the projects within the framework of the process of issuing permits to the extent specified in Regulation (EU) 347/2013. The projects have satisfied additional requirements in order for it to be possible to award co-financing from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which will support the construction of European energy networks within the framework of the budget perspective to 2020. The CEF instrument provides funding for those projects which integrate the transmission system and bring benefits in more than one Mamber State.

GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.’s Investment Programme 2009–2014
The company is finalizing the implementation of the investment programme planned for 2009–2014, in which more than 1200 km of new gas transmission pipelines are being built in north-western and central Poland. These investments are financed with the company’s own funds, non-refundable grants from EU funds and European financial institutions. The capital expenditure on the construction of new gas pipelines will amount to approximately PLN 4.5 billion in 2009–2014, of which PLN 1.3 billion is co-financing from EU funds. In addition, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is financing the construction of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście by the Polish subsidiary, LNG S.A. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will allocate approx. PLN 2 billion to this in 2009–2014.

Investment programme for 2014-2023
The next phase in the development of the Polish transmission system will be the construction of new gas pipelines under the EU-supported North-South Gas Corridor, which will allow to fully integrate the transmission infrastructure in this part of Europe. To this end, in the years 2014 - 2023 GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. plans to construct the total of around 2,000 km of new gas pipelines in West, South and East Poland. Accordingly, it is planned to build new gas connections with the EU countries (including but not limited to Poland – Czech Republic, Poland – Slovakia, Poland – Lithuania). The capital expenditure agreed with the President of the ERO up to 2018 was estimated at PLN 7.1 billion.