Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) approving the incremental capacity project proposal for the border between Poland and Ukraine

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The decision constitutes the basis for an incremental capacity auction at the GAZ-SYSTEM/UA TSO GCP interconnection point. The auction will be held on 3 July 2023 on the GSA Platform.

On 28 April 2023, the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (President of ERO) issued decision DRR.WRG.745.6.2022.MJS thus concluding the administrative proceedings related to GAZ-SYSTEM’s application for the approval of the incremental capacity project for the border between Poland and Ukraine.

The project that had been submitted for approval was the response to the non-binding market demand indications for incremental capacity at the GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/UA TSO interconnection point received by GAZ-SYSTEM and LLC „Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine” (GTSOU)during the 2021 market demand assessment for incremental capacity between transmission systems of Poland and Ukraine conducted according to Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (CAM NC). 

Following the operators' technical and economic analyses as well as market consultations of the draft project proposal, on 14 November 2022, pursuant to Article 28(1) of CAM NC, GAZ-SYSTEM submitted to the President of ERO the application for the approval of the incremental capacity project proposal for the border between Poland and Ukraine. 

In order to obtain coordinated decisions from the national energy authorities approving the incremental capacity project proposal for the border between Poland and Ukraine, GTSOU submitted an equivalent application to the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC). 

The President of ERO decided that the project proposal submitted by GAZ-SYSTEM met all the substantive requirements under Article 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) for the approval of the incremental capacity project for the border between Poland and Ukraine.

The coordinated decisions obtained from the regulators constitute the basis for holding on the GSA Platform an incremental capacity auction on 3 July 2023. Registration with both network operators is required to participate in the auction on the GSA Platform.

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