Auctions of annual products made available by GAZ-SYSTEM at interconnection points will be held on 3 July 2023.

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Auctions of annual products made available by GAZ-SYSTEM at interconnection points will be held on 3 July 2023.

Thanks to GAZ-SYSTEM's previous efforts to build energy independence through the diversification of gas supply sources, increased capacities can be made available at the interconnectors. Despite the absence of supplies from the east and closure of interconnection points with Belarus, the company has ensured continuity and security of gas transmission. 
Annual product auctions will start on 3 July 2023 at 09:00 CEST on two platforms allowing capacity booking at the interconnectors. Capacity allocation at the Polish-German border at the GCP GAZ SYSTEM/ONTRAS and Mallnow points as well as the Polish-Slovakian border at Vyrava will proceed via the RBP Platform. Capacity at the other GAZ-SYSTEM and GAZ-SYSTEM ISO interconnection points will be offered on the GSA Platform.
The auctions will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017, establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems (CAM NC). This document mandates that operators at interconnection points with other transmission systems offer standard products, i.e. capacity that is made available on an annual, quarterly , monthly, daily or within-day basis. The Network Code also requires operators to publish their product offer one month before the annual auction date.
The maps below show the capacity available at interconnection points for the next two gas years :
Annual products on offer: interconnectors – 2024/2025

Annual products on offer: interconnectors – 2023/2024

Detailed information on the capacity offered at each point and period is published on the GSA and RBP platforms: