The Poland-Lithuania gas interconnector (GIPL) will start commercial operation as of 1st May

The construction of the 508 km length pipeline which connects Polish and Lithuanian transmission systems is coming to an end. The Polish and Lithuanian Transmission System Operators (TSOs), i.e. respectively OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid decided that the partial capacity of GIPL pipeline will be available from 1 May 2022. The full-scale commissioning of the GIPL project will take place in October 2022.
Interruptible capacity for direction from Lithuania to Poland (entry) will amount to 217 000 m3/h or 2.4 GWh/h from 1st May 2022 to 30th September 2022 (that annually amounts up to 1.9 bcm/a or 21 TWh/a).
The initial capacities in both directions will be offered to be booked in April 2022 at the GSA capacity booking platform (GSA Platform). The GSA Platform provides a single IT tool to shippers for booking gas transmission capacities of Santaka IP ( Interconnection Point P between Poland and Lithuania).
The GIPL project primarily aims at establishment of bi-directional gas transmission pipeline linking natural gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania, allowing for eliminating so called energy islands, i.e. regions being so far not integrated with the EU energy market such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as Finland.
The construction of the gas pipeline was granted a status of "Project of Common Interest" (PCI), co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and the Trans European Networks - Energy - TEN-E instruments.