PLN 400 million for innovations in the gas industry

Photo of the article GAZ-SYSTEM, NCBR and PGNiG have jointly opened the INGA program – Innovative Gas Industry. The consortia of entrepreneurs and scientists will be given an opportunity to participate in the contests for development of innovative solutions addressed to the gas sector. The total budget of the program will amount to PLN 400 million.
- Due to the fact that the gas industry is considered crucial to the Polish economy, all the chances to enhance its efficient and increase its competitiveness are the subjects to be thoroughly discussed. Investments in top R&D projects are an opportunity to create the environment for the development of the entire industry – says Piotr Dardziński , Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education.
The INGA Program is going to be implemented the Common Venture. This is a unique mechanism based on financial support provided to industrial research and development works. It aims at improving of innovativeness and competitiveness of the Polish gas industry, as a player of the global market, in the perspective of dozen years to come. The Common Venture formula means that the National Center for Research and Development covers 50% of the implementation expenses relating to the Research Agenda, drawn up on a basis of the scope of issues, suggested by PGNiG and GAZ-SYSTEM, corresponding with the National Inteligent Specializations. 
According to Tomasz Stępień, CEO of GAZ-SYSTEM, the joint venture is an exceptional formula of cooperation and financing of the scientific research dedicated to the industry. – The beneficiaries of this program will be its partners, scientists, enterprises, yet, most of all, the entire gas industry in Poland –  he adds.
On the other hand, prof. Maciej Chorowski, PhD, Eng., Head of the National Center for Research and Development highlighted that the common venture formula provides huge opportunities for performance of the most interesting ideas. – Thanks to using the package approach to R&D area, the risk related to the scientific and research activities will be considerably diminished. Focusing on the project groups means that the obstacles in implementation of one of the ideas do not prevent from reaching the target – he emphasized.
Łukasz Kroplewski, Vice President of Development, PGNiG SA,  underlined that the industry cares for the rise in the amount of technological innovations as well as for stirring up the academic society in the area of R&D operations, the Polish gas industry may benefit from.   – We do hope that an output of this program will improve efficiency of the Polish gas sector. In particular, we expect that SME, associated in the Gas Economic Chamber will be interested in the INGA Program. – he supplemented.

Contests of the National Center for Research and Development within the INGA Program will be announced in eight theme categories:
  • exploration, extraction of hydrocarbons  and production of liquid fuels,
  • acquisition of methane from coal-seams,  materials provided for construction and operation of gas networks, gas networks,
  • use, trade and new  applications of LNG and CNG,
  • hydrogen technologies and gaseous fuels,
  • technologies applied in cooperation with the Customers,
  • environmental protection.

The National Center for Research and Development will announce its first contest in January 2018. The entities that may apply for include consortia, consisting of at last one scientific unit (university, institute, etc.) and the enterprise, or consortia, including solely scientific entities.  
The receipt of applications for INGA Program starts on February 19 and ends on April 20. Therefore, successful projects will be announced in the Q3, 2018.