GAZ-SYSTEM and Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine sign a Memorandum of Cooperation

On 16 March, GAZ-SYSTEM and the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation establishing the principles and directions for building long-term energy security and developing the leading position of operators on the regional natural gas market in the energy transition process.
- Poland wants to build its energy security in the region conjointly with Ukraine. Today we have initiated coordinated cooperation between the major energy companies. We wish to work together on the development and rapprochement of our natural gas markets, as well as exchange experience in the application of biomethane and hydrogen, said Mateusz Berger, Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure.
- Only through collaboration and combining our efforts can we ensure independence from the supply of fuels from the aggressor country. I am deeply convinced that the signing of this Memorandum and its further implementation will be mutually beneficial for our countries, said Yulia Pidkomorna, Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine.
- This Memorandum of Cooperation will provide grounds for further formal actions towards integration of gas markets of Poland and Ukraine. It will define areas of collaboration between the two companies satisfying their respective needs and provide a roadmap for further efforts in both natural and renewable gas sectors. The interconnectors launched by GAZ-SYSTEM last year, such as the Baltic Pipe or the connection with Lithuania and Slovakia, provide new routes for gas supply to Ukraine. We recognise various opportunities to support the Ukrainian market also with LNG delivered through the Świnoujście Terminal and the planned FSRU Terminal in Gdańsk, said Marcin Chludziński, President of GAZ-SYSTEM.
- The signing of the Memorandum is a symbolic conclusion of our long-term cooperation and also provides another means for Poland to demonstrate its support for Ukraine. Last year was very difficult and challenging for Ukraine, but the Ukrainians have always felt the friendly backing from their Polish partners. GAZ- SYSTEM was one of the first companies to offer humanitarian aid and technological assistance to its Ukrainian colleagues. GAZ-SYSTEM is our friendly and reliable partner, together with whom we have decided to outline further actions towards strengthening energy security. Poland is an example the entire Europe should follow in terms of diversification of energy supply sources, as well as energy and gas independence from the Russian Federation. Combining the potential of gas infrastructure of Ukraine and Poland may become one of the key elements of Europe's independence from the Russian gas monopolist. We wish to collaborate on the development of gas infrastructure at the border to increase our capabilities, to expand renewable gas market, and to eliminate obstacles to cross-border gas trade. We would like to thank our Polish partners for their cooperation. Together we are stronger, said Pawel Stanczak, acting General Director of GTSOU.
The document provides for joint efforts to ensure firm technical capacity towards Ukraine and to obtain financial support from the European Union for this undertaking. The operators declared that they will promote natural gas which is a material component in the economies of both countries, and that they will collaborate to enable cross-border transmission of sustainable gases. The parties to the Memorandum will explore the use of existing LNG, transmission and storage infrastructure to enhance the energy security in the countries in the region.
As part of the signed Memorandum, working groups and a joint platform for the exchange of knowledge and scientific experience will be established in order to explore the possibilities for the transmission of biomethane and hydrogen, including the analysis of regulatory, technical and organisational aspects of both markets. The Memorandum also provides for future development of an analysis of both transmission systems to investigate sustainable gas transmission possibilities for Poland and Ukraine.
The Memorandum entered into force upon signing.