TAR NC (Network Code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas) is a code established by the European Union by means of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460.

The purpose of the TAR NC is to harmonise the transmission tariff structures of Member States’ operators and to provide a tool for comparing transmission tariffs applied across the EU, while maintaining flexibility in the selection of the components of the reference price methodology, as appropriate for the maturity of the specific market and the complexity of the transmission network.

TAR NC publications relating to auctions (Article 29 of the TAR NC)

In accordance with Article 29 of the NC Code, prior to the annual auction of yearly capacity products, GAZ-SYSTEM publishes information on reserve prices, multipliers and seasonal factors for short-term products, and on discounts for interruptible products.

Information to be published before the tariff period (Article 30 TAR NC)

Publication Before Tariff Period – Tariff for year 2024 change 1
Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460* requires transmission system operators to publish information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology and information on the operator's planned revenues and costs and their allocation no later than thirty days before the respective tariff period.

* Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonized transmission tariff structures for gas.
TAR NC Description


Further information

Article 30 (1)(a)
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system.

Article 30 (1)(a)



Article 30 (1)(b)(i)
Information on the allowed and/or target revenue.

Article 30 (1)(b)(i)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)
Information related to changes in the revenue.
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)
Information related the following parameters: types of assets, cost of capital, capital and operational expenditures, incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets, inflation indices.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)
Information on the transmission services revenue including capacity-commodity split, entry-exit split and intra-system/cross-system split.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)
Information related to the previous tariff period regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)
Information on the intended use of the auction premium.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)  
Article 30 (1)(c)
Information on transmission and non-transmission tariffs accompanied by the relevant information related to their derivation.
Article 30 (1)(c)  
Article 30 (2)(a)
Information on transmission tariff changes and trends.
Article 30 (2)(a)


Methodology consultation for the period 2025- 2026

In accordance with the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office DRG.DRG-2.7129.5.2018.JDo1 dated 16 July 2018, GAZ-SYSTEM has been appointed as the entity responsible for carrying out periodic consultations pursuant to Article 26 of the TAR NC, under which this document detailing the proposed reference price methodology is published.

The Consultation document and the attachments are available below:

Any comments to the reference prices methodology should be sent to the e-mail address: nctar_sgt@gaz-system.pl by 31 October 2023. In order to ensure transparency and efficiency of the consultation process, the company kindly ask for sending questions both in Polish and English.

As a part of periodic consultation on the proposed reference price methodology for the Transit Gas Pipeline System for years 2025-2026 conducted by GAZ-SYSTEM, in fulfilment of Article 26 of the TAR NC, none of entities sent comments.

Historical NC TAR publications related to auctions (Article 29 TAR NC)

Publication before the annual yearly the capacity auction for the gas year 2023/2024

Publication before the annual yearly the capacity auction for the gas year 2022/2023

Publication before the annual yearly the capacity auction for the gas year 2021/2022
The rates published in the document below will be effective after the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office approving the tariff for the year 2022 becomes final.

Publication before the annual yearly the capacity auction for the gas year 2020/2021
In accordance with Article 29 of the TAR NC, prior to the annual auction of yearly capacity, GAZ-SYSTEM publishes information on the reserve prices of all offered products, multipliers and seasonal factors for short-term products and the manner of settlement for interruptible products.

The rates presented in the above document are derived from the tariff for year 2021. Tariff for high-methane natural gas transmission services of the Transit Gas Pipeline System EuRoPol GAZ S.A. approved on 5 June 2020 shall apply of 23 April 2021., by virtue of the decision of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw of 23 April 2021 and in connection with the Information of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office of 26 April 2021 (Biuletyn Branżowy – Paliwa Gazowe No. 28 (2429) 26 April 2021).

Historical publications before the tariff period (Article 30 TAR NC)

Publication Before Tariff Period – Tariff for year 2024
Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460* requires transmission system operators to publish information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology and information on the operator's planned revenues and costs and their allocation no later than thirty days before the respective tariff period.

* Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonized transmission tariff structures for gas.
TAR NC Description


Further information

Article 30 (1)(a)
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system.

Article 30 (1)(a)



Article 30 (1)(b)(i)
Information on the allowed and/or target revenue.

Article 30 (1)(b)(i)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)
Information related to changes in the revenue.
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)
Information related the following parameters: types of assets, cost of capital, capital and operational expenditures, incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets, inflation indices.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)
Information on the transmission services revenue including capacity-commodity split, entry-exit split and intra-system/cross-system split.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)
Information related to the previous tariff period regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)
Information on the intended use of the auction premium.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)  
Article 30 (1)(c)
Information on transmission and non-transmission tariffs accompanied by the relevant information related to their derivation.
Article 30 (1)(c)  
Article 30 (2)(a)
Information on transmission tariff changes and trends.
Article 30 (2)(a)


Publication Before Tariff Period – Tariff for year 2023
Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460* requires transmission system operators to publish information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology and information on the operator's planned revenues and costs and their allocation no later than thirty days before the respective tariff period.

* Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonized transmission tariff structures for gas.
TAR NC Description


Further information

Article 30 (1)(a)
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system.

Article 30 (1)(a)



Article 30 (1)(b)(i)
Information on the allowed and/or target revenue.

Article 30 (1)(b)(i)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)
Information related to changes in the revenue.
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)
Information related the following parameters: types of assets, cost of capital, capital and operational expenditures, incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets, inflation indices.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)
Information on the transmission services revenue including capacity-commodity split, entry-exit split and intra-system/cross-system split.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)
Information related to the previous tariff period regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)
Information on the intended use of the auction premium.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)  
Article 30 (1)(c)
Information on transmission and non-transmission tariffs accompanied by the relevant information related to their derivation.
Article 30 (1)(c)  
Article 30 (2)(a)
Information on transmission tariff changes and trends.
Article 30 (2)(a)


Publication Before Tariff Period – Tariff for year 2022
Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460* requires transmission system operators to publish information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology and information on the operator's planned revenues and costs and their allocation no later than thirty days before the respective tariff period.

* Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonized transmission tariff structures for gas.
TAR NC Description


Further information

Article 30 (1)(a)
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system.

Article 30 (1)(a)



Article 30 (1)(b)(i)
Information on the allowed and/or target revenue.

Article 30 (1)(b)(i)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)
Information related to changes in the revenue.
Article 30 (1)(b)(ii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)
Information related the following parameters: types of assets, cost of capital, capital and operational expenditures, incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets, inflation indices.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iii)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)
Information on the transmission services revenue including capacity-commodity split, entry-exit split and intra-system/cross-system split.
Article 30 (1)(b)(iv,v)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)
Information related to the previous tariff period regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vi)  
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)
Information on the intended use of the auction premium.
Article 30 (1)(b)(vii)  
Article 30 (1)(c)
Information on transmission and non-transmission tariffs accompanied by the relevant information related to their derivation.
Article 30 (1)(c)  
Article 30 (2)(a)
Information on transmission tariff changes and trends.
Article 30 (2)(a)


Article 30 (2)(b)
Information about the used tariff model and an explanation how to calculate the transmission tariffs applicable for the prevailing tariff period.
Article 30 (2)(b) Simplified tariff model for high-methane gas E referring to the links.

Publication Before Tariff Period – Tariff for year 2021
Article 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 requires transmission system operators to publish information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology and information on the operator's planned revenues and costs and their allocation no later than thirty days before the respective tariff period.

Methodology consultation archive

Methodology consultation for the period 2023- 2024

In accordance with the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office DRG.DRG-2.7129.5.2018.JDo1 dated 16 July 2018, GAZ-SYSTEM has been appointed as the entity responsible for carrying out periodic consultations pursuant to Article 26 of the TAR NC, under which this document detailing the proposed reference price methodology is published.

The Consultation document and the attachments are available below:

Any comments to the reference price methodology should be sent on the e-mail address: nctar_sgt@gaz-system.pl by 31 October 2021. In order to ensure transparency and efficiency of the consultation process, the Company kindly requests to send comments also in English.

In response to the periodic consultation on the proposed reference price methodology for the Transit Gas Pipeline for years 2023-2024 conducted by GAZ-SYSTEM, in fulfilment of Article 26 of the TAR NC, the following entities replied:

  • European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET),
  • PGNiG SA.

The responses received referred to the following aspects of the proposed reference price methodology:

  • Discount for Mallnow Entry point,
  • The length of the regulatory period in refer to Entry Exit split and stability on tariff rates,
  • The level of forecasted capacities being base for the indicative tariff rates calculation,
  • The different RPM proposed and possibility of merging the TGPS and National Transmission System.

Please find below the responses received. In order to make the consultation process transparent and to render it more effective the responses are also published in English.

Methodology consultation for the period 2020- 2022

On 28 August 2018, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (hereinafter: GAZ-SYSTEM), performing the obligations of the operator of the transmission network owned by EUROPOL GAZ s.a., for the first time initiated the process of consultation and approval of the reference price methodology for gas transmission services. The obligation was imposed on GAZ-SYSTEM by the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office of 16 July 2018, issued in accordance with the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas.

In accordance with the schedule adopted by GAZ-SYSTEM, the consultation process was concluded on 31 October 2018. The content of the consultation document and its annexes is available below.

GAZ-SYSTEM did not receive any comments in the course of the consultation concerning the proposed reference price methodology for the transmission network owned by EUROPOL GAZ s.a.